Nerf Discord Orb

Don’t waste your time on him, he will forever try to turn it his way, he will never acknowledge Discord is a problem for tanks.

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If they appear more than 50% of the time… yes…? They are clearly strong picks in GM.

Show me where Blizzard said this.

They were not buffed because of discord. They were buffed because they lost a second tank and would be tanking ALL the damage alone.

Like you telling yourself tanks were buffed because discord was so strong despite Blizzard never saying this.

What argument? Your entire point is based on delusion. Nothing you have said is actually true.

Says the one crying about discord orb because your life is hard on tank.

Ok, have a good day :slight_smile:

So you can’t refer me to when Blizzard said they buffed tanks because of discord?

Or you’re still trying to tell me Tracer doesn’t appear more than 5 times in top 10 for every season?

Just like Deatheye, you can never answer my simple questions.

And you cry flankers need nerfed for the sake of support kind of hypocritical

Said it once and I’ll say it again. If my horrible Zen gameplay can make it to GM, the character is busted.

Genji*. Never have I said all flankers need nerfs. And I know the forums have told you this 5 million times, but no one agrees with you when you say season 1 Genji was fine. Literally no one besides Genji mains.

It wasn’t even an opinion, it was a fact and Blizzard saw that fact and nerfed him.

Never said season one genji was 100% fine i said the problem was the passive not genji and if tracer was not so weak she would have been seen more so ya. And you have talked about flankers because support cnat defend them selfs which is the biggest cope i have heard every support has a way to deal eith flankers supports just dont want to have to think most of the time.

Blizzard is one if not the worst at balance game ever lielke no they dont know what they are talking about most of the time look at rat random nerf to trap no reason just a nerf for the sake of a nerf

I have actually defended not nerfing Tracer. I have never suggested a nerf to Sombra post season 1, or any other flanker besides Genji.

And yet they at least have the correct stats to base a balance decision on. Not only was it the general consensus that Genji was broken, it was also supported by his stats.

I have never suggested nerfing Genji anymore, I have only responded to Genji mains whining for a buff.

So leave her in the exact spot genji was in so cool hero favoritism.

Do yiu think the sombra needs a buff even tho shes doing good in the meta?

Ya and see how they treat mercy and i think they need to learn match because ana is in need of changes for then mercy ever was so is zen. Mercy season 1 was fine.

And the general consensus is that syms broken should they be nerfed. Because i dont think so. Also alot of people said genji was only a problem because of the passive and said it was way to much of a nerf because it was.

And why cant the second worse flanker get a small bufc to be on par with tracer all he needs in 29 damage 27 and 28 is to low always has been and 30 is to high 29 is his perfect spot leave the ammo nerf and remove nano boost from his ult

I don’t see her as a problem. It’s much easier to fight a Tracer than a Genji on Zen.

No, I don’t.

Except it’s not…

Thats why in every single Genji thread 90% of the comments disagree with OP and the only people defending them are other Genji mains.

I’m not even exaggerating. You know how Genji threads go down.

Because he’s only the second worse flanker in your eyes.

No realy takes more shots to kill tracer then genji on top tracer can kill him from further ways.

And i think hse does she trash.

All the posts on sym being broken would disagree and thats what genji gets but because it doesn’t effect the protected support class it doesnt matter apparently.

Ya because the form a bunch of support mains every red post discord thread and youtube comment out side the reason to nerf genji post thinks genjis trash and needs a buff.

In most peoples eye who actually play flanker and understand more then just one role

Depends if you kill her before she uses E. It’s not easy and you’re still at a disadvantage on Zen, BUT it’s at least a fun challenge and not some miserable game fighting some double jumping dashing deflecting Genji.

She’s on the weaker side of DPS but she isn’t trash. Top 500 clearly shows that.

Yeah this just isn’t true. All because 2-3 people complained about Symm does not mean everyone believes she is broken.

It is nothing like the amount of times Genji was complained about.

Again, that’s just not true.

Its really not. When you put discord on the tank they literally just can’t play the game. That isn’t good gameplay design.

Is zen vulnerable? Yes. Is it easy to kill him? Yes. Does that make the ability for him to completely shut down the teams tank on no cooldown good gameplay design? No.

The simple fact is that discord worked because of 2 tanks, as they were able to effectively split the damage of the orb; that doesn’t exist anymore.

Also keep in mind, we wouldn’t just be giving zen a fat nerf with no compensation. We would just be giving a more sensible cooldown to discord so that it can’t be spammed on the teams tank. Hell, maybe they could even give tanks specifically a buff where they can’t be discorded for 5-8 seconds after discord is cleared; that way, zen can still freely discord damage characters who threaten him.

Ya i think you just cant aim i have little no not trouble in masters with genjis as zen i kick and shoot him.

Aww yes the people who can make literally any hero work because they are just that good can make a bad hero work wow.

So same as genji it looks like cool so we agree the forms having a majority agreement on things means jack squat.

Ow it is very equal i see them at least once or upt it 3 times a day were as i only see genj op posts 3 times a week usaly all at the same time by the same people.

Yet turrets ones are different peoplevmost of the time.

Yes it is why is tracer an s teir hero because she has no competition in the flanker role

Playing a couple of hours on Zen does not make you a Zen main. Your most played hero is Genji, you’re a biased Genji main nothing more nothing less.

It is a fact that it is easier to hit a hero moving left or right as opposed to left, right, up or down. Tracer’s flashes are easy to predict, and don’t deal damage. A good Genji has enough tools to avoid getting hit at all before he one shot combos you.

Thought Genji was trash and unplayable in GM?

Bro you’re so delusional. If you seriously think 2-3 people complained about Genji then I’m not gonna bother going any further.

If you’re really gonna sit here and say Symm is complained about just as much as Genji was then you are trolling. And you know you’re trolling, which is why I’m not feeding into it. I suggest you learn how to argue without resorting to lying and gaslighting.

Never said i mained him i main lucio brig and ana for support this season but i do have a couple hundred hours on zen hes number 5 after bap for support and number 6 overall because i main support as my go to role.

Yes the hero who can brake your ankles constently and has effective 300 hp you got to burn through if they are a good tracer. Tracers also not that hard to deal with as zen either. If we are talking ana then yes because tracer can cleanse but zen can just re apply discord and if you play him right you usaly with another pakyer like a ash hanzo ana or brig to help protect you.

Hes bad in gm and if you look at over buff a trash pick till plat because his win rate i bellow 45% down their according to overbuff but i dont like using that because it dont have new players data. Plus the devs said hes fine because of ana so hes good as long as ana who will aslways be meta no mater what. Genji going to have a place being a dirty little ult bot like sombra is in higher ranks as well.

Thats what it seems like on the forms the same people make the same post about him being bloated which hes not or hes to hard to hit which is a accualy skill issue. Or he does to much when he doesn’t. Like its always the same people saying the same crap over ajd over and over again.

Well she is i see turret posted alsmot every day about how broken they are and how they need reworked out of her kit.

Im not you just dont want to see the truth that people on the forms complain about everything and bring up bad argument all the time for every single hero or just want heros dumpstered constently because they lost to the hero

It’s not like it’s just me who’s had enough with discord orb.
Maybe if people in your ranks had the coordination to shoot tanks/peel for the Zenyatta then you might understand as well.

Discord really needs 1 or 1.5 sec line out of sight or function like Moira’s healing bar. 3 secs is too much