Nerf Discord Orb

My answer to this is simply

Kick and volley. It kills a lot of singular dive. Tbh I think Discord orb might need a tweak for tanks, but that’s really about it. Zen’s very counterable. It’s usually a real skill issue when you can’t deal with the zen and also a skill issue if you don’t know when to swap out of zen.

some room temperature iq takes here, just run kiriko and have her cleanse it off you

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Dude he can put it on the tank and still fight who ever is diving him.

And i think your iq is equal to you posts. cool its cleansed then its put intently back on

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Stop playing the victim card dude. Every time I read your name it’s some crap like “You deserve Discord Orb hahaha but don’t look at me, I the Zen player am fine, no nerf please just use cover lul”.

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i guess we found someone else thats tired of taking zens balls to the face lol jk

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Discord can literally not be applied without direct sight and through enemy shields. You can’t believe how hard I got destroyed as Zen by a Winston or even a Sigma that was smart enough to push up to me with his shield.

Zen might be strong anti-tank support, much like Ana’s nano that stops tanks from healing. But if the enemy pushes up to us, with our low mobility, we are as good as dead.

It’s a balanced Risk-Reward.


Ya thats not nano recommend looking at the wiki again.

Might be he is the strongest and why are you close to the tank you have 40 meters of range thats insane range. Plus the have to get to you this sounds liek a low rank take sorry not sorry.

Aww yes the risk pushing a button from 40 meters awway reward tank cant do their job. Super fair and balanced

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Lol, dude there is ZERO


Risk and


Cooldown on Discord.

And at the same time GAME WINNING REWARD.


Just go kill the zen playing a 20 mile long sightline with a brig perma pocketing him silly! Just dive him and get blown up by discord + their team peeling.

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It’d be fine with discord if there were more ways to remove it or if it only stayed on you for x period of time or only zen got the full benefit from discord and everyone else had reduced benefit.

But right now if you’re playing a non-shield tank, you can keep 100% uptime on discord and just get shredded if you’re not hugging corners.

Tanks deserve what they get. Meanwhile good Zen players learn quickly there are better targets for discord than tanks.

Unless Ball is on the battlefield.

Speaking of which, how many of you want another indirect buff to Wrecking Ball? Nerfing discord is just that.

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Yeah because tanks don’t counter Zen, Zen counters tanks. Get your team to actually do something and switch to literally any flanker or any sniper, and if they refuse then play a dive tank to pressure him.

Like I said, Zen is one of the few supports you counter by forcing him to switch. How many times have you forced a Bap, Ana or Mercy to switch?

Literally never happens.

Zen and Brig is not enough healing, and Brig babysitting Zen all game just means she can’t do her job.

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Lol wow someone vindictive.
Salty support main i see.

Lol this actually made me laugh who is a better target then the tank like for real are you insane.


Zen is my support main and I think discord should be nerfed… at least on tanks. It basically turns every tank into OW1 tank survivability.


LMAO only if there was a comp specifically played using dive heroes that can sustain themselves while brig protects zen

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Discord Orb and Mercy Blue Beam should be removed from the game, just because damage boosts are going to break it at some point.

Just wait until a new dps hero comes out, game balance will be all over the place again.

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And who’s protecting Brig from a dive? Neither of them can out heal damage from a 2-3 man enemy dive. Which is why you don’t play Zen against a dive comp.

why do you think tracer and sombra are meta right now huh? Because Zen needs to get focused because he deaktivates the enemy tank. Dude you will get value form orb even if you dont hit your shots that not realy balanced.