Nerf D.Va, she's extremely overtuned

So make her F-tier? What rank are you and who do you main??

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i think small changes at a time are good. i’d like to see her have to reload next.

Well for now. She is getting a nerf on her rockets. So let’s see how it goes in PTR before judging more on her. She got many ways of damage like Rushing in, Fire and missiles so one thing is getting nerfed that is explosive damage

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Swap for Winston and you got it.


The PTR nerf will be enough. Her burst potential is drastically reduced by it.


And the D.Va hater is back at it again. Just gonna start flagging your posts for spam. Make one post and discuss your opinions there
instead of making 30 posts a day complaining about how much you hate D.Va!

Secondly, OWL has not been updated to the latest patch yet
which means that all the heroes who have gotten buffs to their kits recently, 90% of them D.Va counters, have not been changed. Sombra, Reaper, and Mei all recently got buffs or are awaiting buffs in PTR, but no one uses them in OWL because they aren’t buffed in the previous patch.


This counts as spam right? Constantly making threads with no real discussion point just eating up bandwidth and trolling people.


Give us a new tank with high mobility and DVA pickrates will dwindle.


That’s a bad way to play dva anyway. You’re supposed to rush in flying with pellets and rockets, then after you get your target you use DM while you back up

Uhm yes we do. She’s been the most picked tank for pretty much a whole year now. Everyone not biased know she is overpowered. Can argue she might be weaker after the upcoming changes but she has been OP for an entire year already.

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But, my dude, she’s already being nerfed. Be patient, it will leave the PTR soon enough. Probably Tuesday with the event.

No cause Dva has a huge critbox. Anyone who can aim can easily burn through her. Thing is DM completely blocks it leaving no chance for survival. Dva already has the highest single mobility ability with winston in second that’s on a 5 second CD she can easily escape a bad situation.

This is an extremely lazy post. Why not make some kind of actual explanation instead of irrelevant stats that only apply to less than 1% of the community?

this instantly makes me think you have no idea what youre talking about. 1st and foremost you didnt mention Winston as a keystone of dive as HE is what makes it work. Just think about this
 every version of DIve has has a Winston, but not every version of dive has had a


And this highlights the issue with d.Va. She’s pretty good at everything.

Truth is, d.Va should not counter Pharah. What she should do, is use her DM to provide cover for Pharah’s counters to take her out.

I think you misunderstood DarthWinston’s point. They are saying that we can’t know how the PTR changes will affect D.Va until they actually go into comp. And we don’t know currently, not really, how Brigitte is going to affect the meta because you can’t know that until she goes into Comp in Season 10.

So, we need to let the dust settle and see how things change after the current round of changes before we start making demands for additional changes.

That’s a pretty fair point. You don’t know what you don’t know, and right now nobody knows how these changes are going to affect the meta because they aren’t live.

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I do. Take away the missiles and let her shoot with DM up. The ability to shoot while flying was a better buff than anyone wants to admit. Don’t forget they nerfed her cannon damage so that should be restored too.

D.Va is not “pretty good at everything”

Try running her against an aggressive shield comp with Orisa, Moira, and Bastion
the barriers block all her missiles and prevent her from charging her ult
while Bastion can pick off D.Va after her 2 second DM goes down. Or play any game with a Sombra whos only goal is to hack D.Va the whole game and watch what happens. I guarantee you’ll be forced to switch off D.Va.

There are more ways to counter D.Va than the actual heroes that D.Va herself can counter!


You know what I mean.

She sould not be allowed to use micro missles with dm tbh.