95%+ Pickrate in OWL stage 2 speaks for its self
Neither off-tank can compete with her
95%+ Pickrate in OWL stage 2 speaks for its self
Neither off-tank can compete with her
How did I know it was you as soon as I saw the title
She did get nerfed on the PTR. Do some research before whining.
Thats nothing but a joke, it barely a nerf
Why not be productive and explain exactly how D.Va is “OP” and what you suggest should change about it then? Because just creating a post that is whining about a hero with no constructive feedback will get lost in the hundreds of daily sea of complaints with no real evidence or relevance.
D.va is all class more preferred Tank over others cause of her Dive meta. Ability to suck ults. Can get the tank back after some shots as Baby D.va. That’s what makes her stand out rest. And her ult is a killer.
In Return, she is the weakest I think to snipers, baby d.va is an easy kill once out of her mech. Not much for defensive play except for fast depleting and show gaining defense matrix.
We won’t know for sure D.Va’s status until her changes as well as Brigitte and Reaper’s and Mei’s buffs go to live competitive and had time to settle. Calling for changes prior to that is a waste of board space imo.
She’s extremely favored in the sniper matchup due to her large healthpool
2nd, The dive meta is made by 3 heroes,
D.Va has DM, one of the best damage mitigation ability as well as the highest close range damage
Zenyatta has the best support ultimate in the game as well as Discord
Tracer needs a longer blink cooldown
Also Pilot D.Va is a neutral trade off, Massive staggers vs the ability to revive her self mid fight.
Nah nah. D.va maybe seem well to rush on snipers. But she is the most vulnerable due to her large hitbox headshot size. Remember, her glass over the mech IS our headbox. That’s is a vulnerability for her
Pick rate /=/ overpowered
Alright. How do we nerf her?
In OWL it does, they pick the best heroes
No hero should have over 80% pickrate imo, anything above that is bad balance
In a perfect world every hero would have equal pickrates but thats impossible
A: remove missiles
B: Remove boost ‘n’ shoot
C: Decrease DM even more
A or B are the best options
With nothing to compensate?
Idc about this much but it was introduced partially to counter Pharah, so it was intended.
So basically just remove everything that she uses to:
She was nerfed already on PTR. You should consider waiting and seeing how those effect her before asking for more nerfs and way harsher nerfs.
Just make her be able to only do 2 things at once.
Like she can only boost and shoot dm shoot missles shoot etc never all 3.
I mean, if y’all want her to be able to DM and shoot at the same time, I’ll take it
man i see you everywhere on the forums lmao
I hurriedly typed that I don’t got a lot of time
But I think we can start by preventing her from flying dming and firing missles. Just 2 things at once.
Here for a good time not for a long time
(I’m procrastinating)
She keep recieving nerfs every patch, specially DM Then D.va players get used to them and relearn then people complain. Another nerf, D.va players grab it again > people start to whine again for nerfs.
Almost 2 years with Nerf D.va threads every single day. Then Delete her already. She is fine now, just leave her how she is.