Nerf Biotic grenade

Big No.

Also it’s Ana, not Anna.

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She is the reason goats is still a thing. it’s coming… try to learn a hero that is no broken because…it’s coming! :blush:

She gets swapped out for Zen. She isn’t even a part of GOATS. Now stop making a fool out of yourself and maybe come up with any arguments or facts that support your statements other than:

“it is broken. Anna needs to go down just like that.”

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Shoot ana, and she will use it on herself. Now she has a long cooldown and you can kill her

I love how once a hero becomes meta again everyone loses their minds and wants to nerf them. Despite hardly anything changing on their kit. BioNade hasn’t changed in like a year. Don’t you think if it was OP she would have always had a super high-pickrate? Her popularity didn’t change until recently, and it was because Mercy was toned down, and the support category got the buffs it needed.

Plus, Brigitte’s introduction helped against Dive, which is one of Ana’s biggest weaknesses.

The ignorance here is astonishing…


They’re just mad because they don’t know how to play her. Anyone who actually can play Ana knows how hard she is and how easy she is to shut down.

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No need to nerf a balanced ability that do have many counters. Maybe you just need to practice more to learn how to be less affected by it.

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sorry you are tilted dude. But it’s true. Ana is the mercy 2.0. Nade is broken and dart is broken also. And nano needs a a little nerf too, specially nano blade.

Zen is also op btw, he always was in fact. Discord is way too strong. Meta of the game is always defined in the support pool.

She is not just meta, she has an insane pickrate that you don’t want to consider. She is too oppresing right now. It’s not fair for the rest of supports. She is outhealing mercy and doing way more damage than her. Same with moira. That’s why she has the actual pickrate.

This meta also help her to be so oppresing as she is perfect to heal tanks.

Talking about heros getting hard nerfed just because they are meta…doom says hi!

Are you confused or something?

Ana is outhealed by Moira and Mercy across the board, and by like 2000+ healing. You’re such a troll, lol.

Go learn the play the hero before you complain about them. The fact you have a hidden profile is hilarious. Always the people who can’t play the hero that complains about them the most.


You know, if someone dies and then gets Resurrected, they are effectively cleansed.

The problem is that Resurrect involves too much risk and has too long of a cooldown to serve that purpose.

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It wasn’t an ability comparison, it was a comparison of hero identities. Blinks and Recall are what make Tracer, Tracer. GA and Rez are what make Mercy, Mercy. And while I agree with this sentiment whole-heartedly, it’s gotten to where nobody will be happy until Rez is gone, and if Rez goes, Mercy will have to find a new identity.

While I think nade is OP, I think it is okay because of just how many things can go wrong with it. So many things can just go straight up wrong with it…

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Or any shield… or any obstacle… or literally her teammates…

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it is so funny you consider that stadistics something real. Just for your information, thoose numbers are from all the ranks. Ana is a problem just in high elos where people have real aim and can use her for real.

Moira is a nightmare in bronze but trash in gm. She never can outheal ana.

You are saying nonsense because your hero will get nerfed and you know it.

Exactly. Statistics across ALL ranks is what matters. Like, 2% of the OW players are in GM.

You’re so ignorant it’s hilarious. That’s why I know you’re trolling.

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Ana brings a whole lot more to the table than just healing. Anti-nade and sleep dart can both deny enemy plays including ultimates with a single button press. Moira and Mercy have no such utility. Ana should not have anywhere near Mercy’s level of healing output, because she has so much more offensive utility.

That said, while Ana is clearly the strongest support right now, she does not need to be nerfed. Mercy needs a buff, and we’ll have to see what happens to Brig after the upcoming changes. With the right changes to Brigitte and Mercy, the support cast might actually be balanced.

All of her healing is also eaten by Defense Matrix and Barriers, which are everywhere.

no, across all ELOS doesnt care at all. Doom is getting nerfed because of GM issues not because bronze issues. Skilled heros are never problematic in low elos and are always bad played in thoose elos. That’s why ana is outhealed in bronza by moiras and mercys.

You are just salty because you know we are right. Ana will go down and prob hardly, because that is just the way blizzard does things.

That’s true, but it’s a price she pays for having the luxury of such long range above and beyond any other healer on top of her incredibly strong burst healing output.

Exactly. Shes fine. There is clear trade offs and ways to mitigate what she does.