Nerf antiheal or remove it


(20 characters.)

  1. why would they
  2. who says they won’t

That is a skill/awareness issue. not a map issue.

Don’t blame the game for you dying.

Generally, because the game needs more Tank players than it needs Ana players

They should change Ana’s anti heal to less healing like maybe 75% less healing as a good place to start. And since people seem to think that you cant nerf something without giving a buff as well how about making sleep dart casting time a bit shorter.

If everyone’s skill rating where the same, there would be no variety in this game. At that point, might as well have everyone pick soldier.

Soldier 6v6 in no limits is alot more fun than you might think it to be.

Good job it isn’t and most people just play random stuff without any consideration for map, comp or their team mates lol.

I actually find it very boring.

Do you play just to win or to have fun and fool around.

Middle ground, so both.

Might be why or just different people different preferences.

Its one of the reasons I can’t take this game seriously. I’m finding out my balance of fun yet competitive is rare. I’m either paired with stoners or total pr**ks, so I gave up, and just left. I’m re-discovering monster hunter, that community is way more team oriented.


Idk why people have held on to the idea that overwatch is a good team game when they had to literally force role limitations in order to get some semblance of teamwork in most rounds.

I don’t get why people would buy a team game, if they don’t want to be team players.

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Doesnt help that this game is designed to reward you the most if you’re the one getting kills giving alot of people tunnel vision.

How is that related in any way to anti-heal? I don’t disagree that fth is horrible, but it is not related to this conversation in any way.

More relevant to this discussion would be how his stun is effective against too many things including many ults and is way too easy to land. There are other stuns like Sigma rock, hook, etc. but they are not nearly unmissable like Mcree’s. He cancels so much stuff it’s a joke. The OP complains about Ana negating Zen’s ult but mcree negates half the ults in the game it feels like.

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At the end of the day; Overwatch is far from the only game with this issue. I played League from beta on. I think I quit sevenish years ago? The point being that I remember when mid or throw was such a big thing. So many games with multiple people going down mid or literal throwers because they didn’t get the role they wanted.

In the end, you, as the player, decide what’s more important. Do I use teamwork? Or do I not use teamwork? Blizzard are to blame, but so are the players who exacerbate the situation.

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Oh both parties are definitely to blame for sure.

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