Nerf antiheal or remove it

Block it or eat it…

And isn’t it surprising that the game devolves into barrier spam with logic like that.

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Really? Who can do that?

Nobody, he’s referring to self-cleanses.

I think that came about because orissa sig with bap was ridiculous.

More like the main reason, aside from snipers and Ult charge feeding, that Rein/Zarya gets used, is to block AntiHeal and Earthshatter.

The game would/will be better off with less barriers, and nerfed/counters for AntiHeal and Earthshatter.

Transcendance is unbalanced like crazy. Yet you complain about the ONE ability that can fight it?

Gotcha, thank you for clarification

A easy to hit low cooldown ability shouldn’t negate an entire ult.

Lol. No wonder you are not a pro coach.

I genuinely don’t care if a few Pros or GMs quit over making the game desirable to the largest playerbase it can.

Furthermore, what I’m describing is basically exactly what they are going to end up doing with 5v5.


Lol. You saying people want to shoot shields all day.


Basically or exactly?

I’m saying less shields, and more nerfs/counters for Earthshatter and AntiHeal.


Same can be said about damage “with how strong damage is immortality field is needed”

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Less shields, technically yes. All the counters will still be there.

If the primary counter is barriers and things like barriers, and they are greatly reducing that.

Pretty unbelievable that they won’t weaken the power of AntiHeal and Earthshatter in response that.

It’s better than playing respawn simulator when the map design is so damn poor.

Cleanse anti?

Off the top of my head: Sombra, Reaper, Moira, Tracer, Orisa, Echo(twice), Zen, Mei, and Zarya personal plus a friend. I’m sure I’m forgetting a couple.

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I personally consider Trans the best support Ult, but there’s way more then “ONE ability” that counters Trans… plus it’s attached to the squishiest hero in game.

Zarya bubble cleanses….