Nerf all healing

Extreme AOE healing and burst heals have been a problem since Ana. They enable extreme levels of sustain and every single support outside of the launch supports needs their healing toned down (or in Moira’s case, she needs a utility so she has an excuse to nerf her heals). I’m tired of this crap where everything either dies too fast or too slow. Hot take: The in-combat healing debuff was a great idea. Supports just cried because they couldn’t completely negate a teammate’s death.


All damage would need to be nerfed and oneshots would have to go too… Then you’d be playing Paladins with swapping.


The highest single-target healing at launch was Mercy. This is how it always should’ve been. Nobody should’ve ever surpassed her heals - especially when they can multitask better than her. No other game has extreme amounts of in-combat healing for a reason unless they’re one of those garbage mobas. Supports just need to do something other than healing to help their damn team.

The game was fine with one-shots beforehand.

Overwatch players hate using their brains - even GM players. That’s why they’re meta slaves. It’s not about brainpower. It’s about who can play the meta better. Actually, this isn’t JUST an overwatch problem. It’s gamers in general. Widow makes people think, so they die a lot to her and blame the hero instead of thinking “maybe I shouldn’t walk in a straight line to the point”. They don’t WANT to think.

Gamers in general are extremely, unforgivably stupid - and they enjoy it. It’s disgusting and should be punished severely in all games.


I’d be down for it.

But yeah, Snipers would need something on par with a 150hp Widow nerf.

Also if they need to, they can off-set the lack of mid-combat heals, by giving everybody out-of-combat regen, or out-of-combat healing-received buffs.


Honestly I’d say give healers dmg a lot more to compensate for the healing los and give them better weapons straight up make them dps with more utility.


Granted but we nerf widow instead

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I disagree. I think that they should be given more ways to help their team directly without necessarily being heals.

And so you’ve removed DPS mains’ last way to play the game without being glued to a support. Like it or not, but DPS is the weakest role in the game. People play Widow/Sojourn because all the other options are mediocre to terrible. You need literal aimbot to be able to do anything without a support.

So like playing Paladins, but with servers with playable ping to my country? Yes pls!


I just want a game where DPS that isn’t Widow/Sojourn is reasonably playable that doesn’t require me to have god-tier aim.


As much as I’d like this, it would likely required a total rebalance of the game which I would NEVER trust the devs to do successfully. The benefits are there (Could potentially even out TTK across the cast if burst damage gets nerfed alongside it, make sustained damage more relevant, tanks could potentially be less raid bossy, etc) but at the same time these are the same devs that buffed Sojourn.


The funny thing is back when Mercy was THE main healer. We also had 150 bodyshot Widow and Discord orb at 50%.

Nerfs won’t be enough, they need reworks.

The launch supports were designed sensibly: they have one heal in their base kits, mostly single-target and always sustain. Then a utility, and then some form of self-peel. All of their “bursty lifesaver” power was in their ULTIMATES (Trance, Sound Barrier, Area Rez).

Every support kit since Ana has been designed backwards. Instead of having team-enabling utility in their base kit, and a bursty “lifesaver” move on their ult… they get an anticlimactic utility in their ult slot, while nearly their entire power budget is squandered on overloaded mini-defensive ults on E. It’s impossible to make them both fun and balanced to play like this.

I fully support nerfing or removing AoE healing, burst heals, and immortality moves from support heroes’ base kits… On the condition of this being a power shift that ends with supports all having “bursty lifesaver” ultimates that can keep the power of other ults in check.

Because if this plan is going to work, it’ll also require a similar power shift for the DPS roster. Their power budget for burst damage will need to be moved from their base kits to their ultimate abilities: thankfully, for most of them that’s as simple as making their ults charge faster & reversing the truckload of damage output/consistency buffs they got to keep up with sustain creep. They won’t need that much burst damage after the support roster gets un-powercrept.


Pretty much this, lately I’ve been enjoying playing Mei/Soldier with the occasional Junkrat and the flaws with sustained damage become especially apparent when the enemy team is stomping you, you’re trying to get kills with whatever small windows you have to do damage, and anything you shoot at is immediately getting Suzu’d and Mercy’s staff is getting shoved so far up the person’s bum that they’re pretty much breathing healing fumes onto you.

If you dislike the fundamentals of this game why not play a different one? There are hundreds of games where you don’t have to rely on heals and kill everything fast by having aim. CS:GO is one, all the call of duty games fit that category too (because there you can play a “support” build nowadays without any healing).

I don’t get why people want to change the basic gameplay of this game to make it become of of the many other games. Take tanks and healers away and you got cartoon cs:go with less aim requirement.


Because it’s not one of the fundamentals. It only became like this with Ana’s release and beyond. Mercy should’ve always stayed as the strongest single-target healer in the game. Nobody should’ve ever done more hps than her.

Furthermore, ults should’ve stayed…ults. None of these overbloated cooldowns. Supports should’ve always stayed the same strength as launch supports. The new supports powercrept them through the roof.


I feel it is more likely that the issue is that you would need to buff them in other ways to compensate for reducing their impact. But overall, I guess you are not technically wrong, per se.

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That’s fair, yeah. They would need their power shifted away from heals in a sense.

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Hm… interesting idea.

Put healing on abilities instead and give them dps level damage…and maybe tone down one shots or make them apply a reduced amount on hs.

But then it’d be like Paladins. Nothing dies there, at least when I played. At least people die in this game.

People only die when either they make a mistake or they get one-shot. if there were no one-shots, nobody would die because heals are way too high. DPS is unbelievably weak compared to supports.