Nerf all healing

:astonished: Interesting, yet Moira is one of the worst heroes in high ELO. So how comes this mega ultra powerful AOE healing cannot make everyone so stron and almighty?

Also AOE healing doesn’t affect your ability to kill someone, maybe if you’re constantly changing targets, but usually your team should be working together to kill a specific target not all fighting 5 different people at the same time :woman_standing:


the only supports i agree need healing nerfs are bap, mercy (valk), and brig. bap is an example of blatant power creep and im shocked nobody on the forums points it out. pretty sure every single thing in his kit has been buffed at this point. mercy valk heals a ton now and it charges faster with the recent changes. brig pack change is fine imo but 20m inspire range is just way too forgiving for its uptime. ana, kiriko, moira heals are pretty high but fair since they are more limited than the others.

Widow is the greatest offender but we’d need to nerf burst damage, then. That’s why heals are so high - to try to compete with those, otherwise everything dies and there’s no chance at survival.

We’re in a loop where we increased healing to deal with it, but now sustain damage sucks significantly more into it. And they keep trying to buff supports to compete. Like, Bap didn’t need buffs. He needs to get reworked. He will never work in this game with 5v5; instead, anyone that he’s healing just never dies because if you do manage to get them low through his healing, he just insta-heals them with Regenerative Burst and then can use Immortality Field to outright make them unkillable while it’s up.


You don’t need to nerf it, it’s already really useless.
People die so fast, there is nothing you can do as a support to keep them alive. If you can’t kill anything that’s getting healed, it’s a you issue.


good take, also some damage hero’s would need to be nerfed to.

And what a perfect game that would be


They do nerf butst damage heros though…

When its a “no skill” projectile hero that is.


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Because no one likes, when moment of random stupidity can ruin everything, so we try to make things as foolproof, as possible.

Constantly thinking is NOT fun. Grasp it already. It’s why people enjoy doing ridiculous things.

Torb literally exists for people like you

How would you react if I told you they had Ana already done in beta but they just waited to release her

I’m not surprised to see a Widow defender say this. It’s actually very fitting that you’d throw out your main argument as soon as it no longer suits your narrative.

As long as you buff teammates, so they take cover. And we know quite well, how it will go.

It’s more like y’all just complaining about support you have to kill the support first to kill the other

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This Zen right here finds your idea just perfect. Yes, please.

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Moira’s not OP, but she’s still got an unhealthy design for the game. She’s adding onto the issue this game has: It was never designed for AOE heals past Lucio’s level. It was also never designed for healing to go past launch Mercy. IMO, nobody should’ve beat Mercy at healing especially when they can also multitask much better than her.

This TTK is completely held hostage by heals. It needs to be brought down so sustain dps isn’t rendered completely terrible compared to burst dps. Burst dps will obviously need nerfs too, but not as severe as healing imo. I have not changed my narrative. I’ve just used different wording.

Bingo. And give every hero small self-healing when they are not in combat.

utter fiction. bap’s AOE is 5M. which is an excessively minuscule range since rein’s swing is also 5M. which is precisely why many players don’t get heals, nor play bap to begin with. since supports play backline, how is 5M realistic. hence the endless in-game request for heals. 15M is realistic. hammer down is 15M.

Skill issue, focus supports

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Damage is almost 3 times more than healing. You probably can’t aim and execute the kill and you think it’s because of healing. Every match will have around 50k+ damage in total from a team and 15-25k healing. And kill value is 10 times higher than healing.

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You’d have to completely work all roles. What would the role of support be? It would literally be a losing battle. The role would become, try to keep your team up for a few extra seconds and then run away and hope you get away?

Support is already the least played role. I’ve been maining support since role queue came out and I would absolutely jump in a heartbeat.