Need a surrender button!

Really? if time was saved players will be able to play more games. Playing more games means more exposure to different players and competition.

To me it seems you dont take comp seriously.

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I just dont have that quitter mindset. Game is not lost until you see defeat.

I lost too many games where we could win because of quitters so i dont like them. And i dont like this quitter idea too. I dont care about saving few more minutes.


The carry potential neer your plateau is nil. So if your relying on your team to win there minaswell be a forfit button

But guarantee you queued for at least fair odds

Sure, usually, but I actually don’t mind unfair odds. I feel like I learn a lot more from matches where the odds are against me.

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I want to forfite half my games bc the match maker is garbage

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We shouldn’t be getting games like this. Blizzards bad matchmaking system. But I agree, I would support a surrender feature.

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if your team has leavers you can already leave after a minute???

I agree the button should be there but the game should be a surrender only if there is a vote system and at least 5 people agree so 1 person doesn’t hold hostage the rest. It would reduce toxicity in my opinion because people would actually have some control over unwinable games. Matchmaker matched you against a team that spawn camps you for 2 mins straight and you want to uninstal? Instead of smashing your head against a wall you could surrender and go again, it would be less tilting than waiting to end 100%.

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Exactly you could avoid the bad games. The sr system does not accuratly reflect anything why penile people for tge sake of 2 to 3 sr diffrence. This is where try hards and toxicity comes.

Ranked is not competitive why act like it is

Nahh an surrender button makes the comunity gife up faster. If you rly try hard every game is winnable😊


If all 6 players have a “quitter’s” mindset, who are you to say otherwise? They have a quitter’s mindset, you have a totalitarian mindset. I know which I prefer.

it is nice when you can just leave matches, once you realize that it’s garbage and a waste of your time. This happens all the time, especially in Arcade.

I’m not sure about Comp though, that’s a tough one. It partly feels like Blizz introducing a surrender button would be them admitting MM defeat and failing to create a decent game/match; probably won’t happen.

There’s no spectrum between “quitter” and “totalitarian”. :rofl:

Yeah, well to spell it out for the slow – you’d coerce 6 unwilling players to keep on playing when they’d rather surrender, just to uphold your highly dubious “never quit” ethos.

That’s a bit rude.

Do you even know what “compete” means?

“That’s a bit rude.”

LOL you’re seriously going to try to compare that to you calling me “slow”? :rofl:

“Can’t someone just play this game for me? I have better things to do.”

Remember when a certain german leader forced a ‘competitive mindset’ on this troops in Russia? Better to compete then retreat right?

Or Lee at gettysburg where instead of retreating as advised decided to smite the enemy in front of him. How’d that one work out?

What you advocate is fanaticism not a winner’s mindset.

Playing a game of overwatch, especially a toxic game, isn’t free. There are morale limitations before player tilt. People only have so much time to play and would rather not waste it on a low-reward unenjoyable scenario. It’s hilarious how you act like you are better then these people when your own attitude is more similar to that of a rabid dog who bites at whatever is infront of him.