NA player Samito "smurfing isn't a problem and I invite the forums to counter me"

Yeah that doesn’t really fly when one knows how the system operates and just does not care.
Many streamers have done (Bronze-Plat) to GM ‘challenges’ 6+ times, then try to say, ‘but its the system’s fault’. The system is partially at fault, and there may not be intent to ruin games, but it’s done knowing that many negatives stem from the willful action.

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Smurfing is the equivalent of Mike Tyson joining your local boxing club and unsurprisingly winning every fight.


Why do you keep advertising these people? oO

  1. Please don’t post the video; it gives him views and money. Instead, please lay out his arguments.
  2. It really sucks; I used to have great respect for this guy. He used to make some valid arguments on the forum, and is, as we know, a talented player of the game, but oh boy does he make me lose more and more respect for him every time he comes out with these hottest of hot takes.
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What an utter load of crap.

Smurfing is basically bullying players worse than you.

There’s literally no other reason for doing it apart from to massage your own ego and make other people suffer. It just happens that some people use Youtube streaming as an excuse to do it.

All his talk about skill ratings is rubbish - smurfing is INTENTIONALLY abusing the skill rating system.

:joy: what a joke of statement.
how ez would it be for him to tell you yhe same?

This guy really thinks his opinions are the one and only truth.

If a top500 players makes an alt account, tries hard and plays fairly they will climb into the rank they belong, which will probably be GM. It might even take a few matches, because the system kinda does that, but they will climb, it’s what the devs said.

But if they throw on purpose to stay in lower ranks to stomp players who just wanna play the game, they are trash. That’s why smurfing became a problem. Saying it’s not an issue is a lie.


Its unfun to play against. End of story.

If Blizzard cared about their game and community they would perma-ban this guy

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I’ve watched the whole video and this is one of the reasons why i wrote it. People fall for the words an influencer streamer says but if you watch how he says it and watch their streams, social media, you know how hes much different than the words they say for 5 minute sympathy.

I wouldnt be against it if there wouldnt be that much alts. If one ranks up to their real rank, a new one comes from another player. Other games resolve it by having secret ques for both new accounts rapidly ranking up and for throwers/trolls/smurfs. But OW devs seemingly just shrug it off and say “They rank up quickly. Whats the problem?”


I say good it’s bs like this what’s why he is crying he loses viewers🤷

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A streamer acting like an entitled moron, must be a day ending in Y.

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never really understood the ideology with that your promoting yourself to be a pro at the game but you don’t want to actually play people on your skill level if your gonna wind up at your level again anyway why do it in the first place?


defending smurfing is also a mentality that will kill this game. and they’re right, by the way. queue times suck but that does not mean you play in lower ranks. and fine, if you can find a fathomable way to defend the smurfing, how can you defend the fact that he plays characters 4 ranks below his own so he can make said characters seem overpowered.


Yes they actually are lol. Actually if you don’t like what happens with fresh accounts he makes some points for the system that can be changed (sr boosts-performance). Game starts you from unranked gold, it could place you up to low diamond (with old 10 placements), with the new system I don’t know but I’d guess mid plat is a safe bet.

Samito is a youtuber. He makes money of the views he gets from his smurf VODs. He straight up admitted to this in his video. He then proceeds to blame his audience for his videos being so popular.


Well the way he gets to lower ranks is by throwing, if he tried his best every game, he would be at a higher elo.

Though you always have playing a hero you suck at, for Sam it would be Rein or someone that he sucks at, and then switching to your main. Which, by no surprise, creates unfair games.


Yet he made a video “proving” that Moira was super op, in which he Smurfed and dominated the enemy teams. Please do research if you want to defend someone.

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You clearly believe in the “Forum Samito Boogeyman” myth.

He was ranking up with Moira basically…
Also, he is right about Moira :smiley:

But I disagree that Smurf is not a problem. I’m Gold player and sometimes I have to face some smurfs, and it’s infuriating.

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Overwatch is more fun in the lower ranks.
Besides, the lower ranks are actively fighting against a better meta at the high ranks anyway. ‘‘Don’t nerf Moira’’ ‘‘Mercy 2.0 is balanced’’ or ‘‘Brig is fine’’
No, they were not. I understand that climbing higher than where you belong is super exciting, but it kills the competitive spirit of the game.