Mythical skin again to a new hero

If this is true and it ends up being the mythical skin for KIRIKO, I jump ship, what happens, mythical skins are only exclusive for new heroes? what kind of favoritism is this? and the veteran heroes? we will never have the mythical skin? ENOUGH BLIZZARD.



20 characters


Do it then

(20 char)


The exception, only this.

This is a bad joke, so on S4 it will be for Soujorn, on S5 Ramattra, on S6 the new hero coming out on S4, this is a NONSENSE, BLIZZARD.

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It doesn’t say anywhere this is the Mythic


I mean, to be fair, everything about that skin screams mythic.



I really wanted an Ana/Mercy mythic, Kiriko is so boring to me lately because all you do is heal bot :sob: no wonder they refuse to nerf this hero they need her to be good to sell the S3 BP


Didn’t you hear the devs reasoning for the last Kiriko nerf? They don’t want you healbotting! They want you throwing daggers!

Who cares if Suzu is the most busted part of her kit and she has one of the highest HPS rates in the game! THROW MORE DAGGERS! - Blizzard, probably


Those of the OW Team have totally lost their sense, knowing that there is no new hero in S3, the mythical skin should be for a POPULAR AND VETERAN HERO, not AGAIN A NEW HERO, these people are already lost.

that does look like a mythic skin lol or a real good legendary/epic?

i wouldnt get all worked up yet we dont know

still i wouldnt buy that if it were a shop skin, i will get the next battlepass tho. 10 dollars for 4 skins, lots of emotes, victory poses, and highlights for 10 bucks is better than anything in the shop

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Well,I agree with Ana however if the theme is asian history,Mercy (aka Miss Asia) already has a Chinese,Korean,and Japanese skin.


If this is the mythic RIP. Looks like Miko Mercy and Kiriko’s Cyberpunk s1 skin got blended together.
I legit had to do a double take because I thought it was a fan edit of the Kiriko skin.


It makes sense to be a Mythic honestly, I can easily see the head-piece being one of the things you customize and a variety of color schemes

I don’t see them putting that much detail into a legendary


yea maybe even the ofuda is customizable or the ear rings? still who knows but yea 90 percent thats the new mythic skin

so will the theme be an asian one next season tho? if that is the mythic skin since they usually go with the theme of the season

they could be trying to get back in favor with china…


Called it. What a shocker, support that each match has two of gets the skin.



No wonder they refuse to actually nerf this hero :face_with_hand_over_mouth: Gotta sell that S3 battlepass somehow!


i was just thinking and i posted it on the other thread. wouldnt they make more money if it was a legendary skin since usually those are in budles for $23. kiriko does seem popular and i bet witch kiriko sold more than any other skin

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Well, I get to sit out another season, skip another bp too.

There’s nothing of interest coming and no meaningful changes in match quality, at least for me personally.

Honestly this SUCKS so bad for the artists, I really feel for them. If I spent months on a gorgeous and cool mythic skin I’d be so sad that the fun hype reveal moment was ruined by some random data miner on Twitter leaking it D:

Hopefully Blizz bites the bullet and releases the entire Season 3 trailer tomorrow to offset this at least


Yeah but the link apparently has Season 3 battle pass in the name

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