Mythic Ana Skin

why don’t we have one yet

Soon. (maybe)


If that omnic Ana skin from the leaked poster IS the mythic skin:

  1. I will cry.
  2. ???
  3. :cry:

Not that I don’t like Ana or that skin, I think it’s good, but it doesn’t scream “Mythic”. I want a Bastion Mythic skin, because that gingerbread “legendary” skin is a recolor, just like Mime Moira, and the skin Bastion got in S4 BP was just epic. But since it’s null sector the mythic will go probably to RAM (99%) or ZEN (1%). Also, my freaking non-existing god, ANOTHER KIRIKO SKIN?, AND THAT LEFT GREEN SKIN BETTER BE LUCIO OR RAM BECAUSE IF ITS ANOTHER “SKINji” skin I’M GONNA CRY AGAIN.

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Cass’ is right there, too. I think that’s just legendary skins for the Invasion event.

That’s definitely just a legendary.

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It’s zenyatta folks,

Ok I’m out.

I’ve seen a bunch of people throw that around……and honestly…that just looks like one of her epics (nothing special about it relative to the others in picture)

If that’s the mythic I’m going to be very disappointed


it mostly depends on the customizable parts that will involve it, but I agree overall that it feels like a sensation. It looks like a standard ana skin with robotic parts taken from genji (at least on the belly)… + ramattra’s head.

maybe I’m wrong and the variants are more interesting than this but… so far I can’t say that it’s my favorite mythic skin, presentation speaking.

Me too. I get that it’s a null sector theme, but I feel like mythics need to be grander and more interesting.

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That may be, but when the Kiriko mythic was leaked, it didn’t scream mythic to me either. It looked like a legendary in the same theme/style as Mercy’s season 1 legendary. We’ll find out in 6 days, I guess. :woman_shrugging:t4:


the skin looks great. I hope her other custom weapons are great too.

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Also main events of the new season so far have had hero with the mythic skin as the main person in the front like season 4 of starwatch

This text will be hidden

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One of the absolute biggest scam “legendary” skins they’ve ever produced.


I think that the left side kind of looks like Lucio or Widowmaker, I suppose that it could be Genji though.

My hope for the skin is that each variation is highly different, which would make it feel more mythic! While I don’t play a ton of Ana, it would be cool to see her get some extra skin love! The only reason Ana seems to make sense is because we have received two dps skins, two tank skins, and one support skin. Just seems like the natural progression. Just hope that if it is Ana that her fans aren’t disappointed in the alternatives! She deserves more neat skins!

Just logically using some common sense. The Mythic would (should) most likely go to an omnic in this Null sector theme. Zen/Ram/Orisa.

That makes logical sense for sure, and at the same time this also gives them an opportunity to add another style of Omnic to the PvE that we likely haven’t seen yet. Perhaps a two birds with one stone type of scenario. Only issue with giving it to an Omnic that already exists would be that it would be difficult to make it feel like it is different enough to be a mythic level skin. (though definitely doable!) Zen really seems like the most natural choice, but adding more Omnic styles of character skins is neat too. Plus one could suggest that the Omnics are learning from the abilities of the heroes of Overwatch, which would make them way scarier as an opponent! :upside_down_face:

Unlikely it’ll be another tank, they just got one season 4. If going by the, granted very loose, pattern Blizzard as set, we are due a support mythic.

And while, yes, logically we can say Zen is the perfect fit for it if that’s the case, he’s literally already an omnic and I feel like turning a non-omnic hero into an omnic as a mythic skin would provide a lot more creative options than just making an already omnic hero more omnic-y.

And seeing how the other skins in the image point exactly toward that mentality of turning human heroes into omnics, an Ana omnic mythic doesn’t seem like a big stretch.

Did they say they were using the mythic to turn one into an omnic?

In my head they would just make a bada$$ looking skin for an omnic hero. Not to make them look more omnic, but to make them look more epic/awesome/menacing or evil etc. And have epic/legendary omnic type skins for everyone else.

We’ll see what happens though.

No, they haven’t said anything, I’m just theorizing as to why Ana is front and centre in the image. Tbh I can’t even see how a mythic for her would work since her abilities aren’t really customizable like Kiko’s and Sig’s ults or Genji’s transformation, or Tracer’s gem/Pulse bomb. Like how could you even customize nano or sleep or nade? It would have to be solely skin mods. :skull:

Could go either way though, so yeah, we’ll see.

They will have to figure that out eventually anyway since every hero would eventually get a mythic.

I’m guessing it would be sound effect changes on those abilities maybe.