My widow nerf idea

Smg can no longer be “manually” reloaded, Clip size reduced very slightly, reload time increased. That window is your chance to attack her, lose track of her ammo count and let her finish reloading that’s on you, widow now has to be aware of her mag size and that time period when she’s very vulnerable.

Widow is not Overpowered and doesn’t need a nerf. Git gud and learn FPS mechanics and how to player shooters.

Your probably a new FPS player who just sees people online complain about Widow and have rarely seen or have never seen a Widow player who can hit shots.

Overwatch is not a standard FPS game there are a lot of players who don’t understand the basics of FPS mechanics. I suggest you play a typical shooter, learn FPS mechanics and then come back and give your thoughts on Widow after that.

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Widow is overpowered on sniper maps in high elo, but is much worse elsewhere. Her power varies wildly and on maps like Junkertown or Havana, can decide the match from spawning in, whilst on other maps she is a bit of a throw pick.

She is otherwise unfun to play against. If you’d like me to I can explain why but I feel like you won’t read it, so feel free to reply if you want the explanation

Here’s a very large post explaining why Sniper counterplay in Overwatch is worse than pretty much any other modern FPS game.

HotTake: Snipers are strangling Playerbase Growth

I seriously think taking away the manual reload wouldn’t be that bad, now you have a Guarenteed opening and widow actually has to be aware of her clip so a good widow would still be able to manage all this. Heck IT’S LITERALLY HOW THEY DESIGNED LIFEWAVER where you have to constantly be aware of your ammo.

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It’s only 1.5sec though, that’s not much of a time window to work with.

Increase the reload time as well. And lower the clip size that’s plenty of time for a flanker or widow to dive her, if you have coms you can coordinate that and then bam immediately go for the kill. Plus you have time to get closer and closer if widow misses that last bullet before the automatic reload kicks in you can punish her.

They should make the 300 damage in the head from the other side of the map to a dot damage of 2 seconds, 150 of damage each second for a have a minimun of counterplay, one shots have to disappear in Ow2 for be a better game in the future :thinking:

TBH, if they were going to mess with the reload, I’d just make it so that using a Snipe Shot, consumes all remaining ammo.

1 Snipe Shot = 1 Reload

Reduce magazine to 20, leave 4 charged shots for scope (using 5 ammo), increase smg damage, increase time to reload

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Widow already can be hard counterd by ball, which is pretty much impossible to kill as widow, and can slam on you and delete you from the game almost instantly, unless you got pocket healer.