My two cents on the Mercy issue

Yea, honestly any hitscan will do nicely.

And yeeeet blue beam wasn’t need until she could no longer one shot on her own. Weird.

She was yeah and then they started buffing her like crazy

This game isn’t OW1 though it plays extremely differently from OW1. Genji was the same going from OW1 to 2 but his design enabled him to take advantage of the new gameplay. I’m not saying that Mercy is as extreme of an example as Genji, but saying just cause a character was fine in OW1 and needed no change doesn’t mean that is true for the character in OW2.

uh uh. Still made it busted against tanks

Well I did have a way to just skip to the end of all that drama.

Honestly Genji was able to abuse the role passive and now with that gone they should try reverting some of those nerfs.

That is a reasonable take, but I’ve not really seen a lot of reworks which I think wouldn’t be a disaster, so… shrug

People keep saying this, but they are either forgetting what season 1 was like or they are just wilfully ignorant.

Season 1 meta was all over the place, it changed multiple times and people were trying practically everything.

Plus, Kiriko had just been released and Genji/Sombra were running rampant.

Point being, tier lists in season 1 were worthless conjecture.

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I mean nearly everyone warned Blizz if they didn’t need Sojourn properly all that would happen is that she’d get a pocket.

I mean, I guess that would work, but I personally think the root problem is her ridiculous mobility. She’s unkillable at the moment. Mercy’s literally just fly around without a care in the world. There’s no risk/reward. Make her boosts strong as hell, but she needs to be killable, and no one is pretending she isn’t at the moment.

I dont see Mercy as being a problem right now

at all

She is imo fun to play, effective, and fairly well balanced; and as such she doesnt need a nerf, buff, or rework

optimally, this is how all characters should be

Well I doubt they are going to change that, because they desperately need as many Support players as they can get their hands on right now, to fix Matchmaking. And Mercy’s mobility is probably the most fun thing about the hero.

Like it’s more important to get more Support players, than if half the GM players all quit overnight.

Then let her remain mobile, but change the hitbox. Something has to change. At this point most teams decide to ignore the mercy versus trying to kill her, you’ll just get wiped trying. The hitbox is so small, and she’s got 3x mobility and permafly. Kinda broken as heck.

blue beam was used to charge rail faster , not because it helped sojourn one shot

Well yeah.

Mercy + SomeHero = Problem.

The solution:

Nerf SomeHero until Problem is gone.

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I mean yeah, I wish I had some sort of suggestion myself but like I said I’m dumb. I think maybe adding a mode like PTR or Experimental again might be a good idea for Blizz to be able to just try random things and see what sticks, but at the same time it will cause blizzard to put everything in the PTR/Experimental mode and take even longer to do balance patches.

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I’m just tired of the three week long two cents everyone, people who play Mercy and don’t, are having on this topic constantly.
I’ve had some good ones and they were great but it’s all mostly gone nowhere until it all just accumulated into the absurdity of today.

I dunno… just throw a dart at the board and let them be popular for the week.
How about back to Winston posting.

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They really shouldn’t, he’s a balanced character. Once they’ve nerfed the overperforming tanks and sojourn he’ll be fine.

People are out here pretending he’s F tier when he’s still being carried by the change from OW1 favouring everything about his kit. A dive character doesn’t need a god damn one shot combo, the entire point is to put pressure on enemies as a TEAM in dive, not annihilate everything 1 by 1 by yourself.

Dragonblade is still a million times better than it was in OW1, you have significantly less CC to worry about.

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I could certainly see them making it so that DragonBlade couldn’t be damage boosted.

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