My two cents on the Mercy issue

They really shouldn’t, he’s a balanced character. Once they’ve nerfed the overperforming tanks and sojourn he’ll be fine.

People are out here pretending he’s F tier when he’s still being carried by the change from OW1 favouring everything about his kit. A dive character doesn’t need a god damn one shot combo, the entire point is to put pressure on enemies as a TEAM in dive, not annihilate everything 1 by 1 by yourself.

Dragonblade is still a million times better than it was in OW1, you have significantly less CC to worry about.

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I could certainly see them making it so that DragonBlade couldn’t be damage boosted.

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Its like ppl wanna earn more karma/post counts/fame, in a wrong way.

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I think they should just give him his ammo back and make his shuriken’s do 1 more damage than they currently do and make it the same as ow1 launch and it would put the character in a much better spot than he is without making him busted. Cause while agree he isn’t F tier he’s probably more low to mid C.

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And I absolutely agree with this. I’m just sick to death of CyberTwink mains conveniently forgetting how absurdly strong his ult is now when they talk about him being F tier hahaha. It drives me nuts.


CyberTwink lol


This is getting out of hand! Now there are two (many) of them!

Mercy was C tier at best in season 1, but Sojourn could 1 shot on her own. The only reason that Mercy is played at all is because Sojourn needs the damage boost in order to 1 shot. Damage boost isn’t the issue, Sojourns railgun is. It shouldn’t be able to 1 shot whatsoever, even with 30% more dmg. Mercy is still not a good character in OW2/5v5 and I think that warrants at least a soft rework.

I’d like to point out that:

damage boost wasn’t a flaming issue in ow1 - in fact people argued mercy 's healing was the problem and that damage boost was far healthier.

That in the last few years of ow1 the entire dps role’s damage was buffed up the wazoo, and bar maybe mei and reaper most ow squishi characters remained at 200 hp. SO if you are going to buff the ENTIRE dps role’s time to kill, remove shields an cc, make tanks beefier dps and nerf healing _ WHAT THE HELL DID YOU EXPECT WOULD HAPPEN?

No one is moaning about zen’s discord - which allows him and his entire team to shoot the target at the same time with increased damage. Beyond that he can simultaneously heal as well.

What this really is, is the annual Mercy piñata witch hunt.

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That is something so completely not related to Mercy.

This is prime ‘‘I lost a 2v1 and I will blame the enemy Mercy for it’’ nonsense.

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THIS is the good take.

Mercy needs a rework but not because sweaty idiots blame her for losing a 2v1 and/or because Sojourn is overpowered.

Blizz intentionally ‘‘nerfed’’ Sojourn like they did knowing that people would blame Mercy instead, and E-celebrities have successfully spread the lie that Mercy is to blame for Sojourn being overpowered, with nonsense lies such as ‘‘she holding ALL dps hostage!!!’’.

Mercy needs a rework because it was a rework what destroyed her intended gameplay in the first place. Not because e-celebrity addicted morons think that she is overpowered.


Thank you for validating my opinion. I did a little happy dance in my head.

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X = not a problem

Y = a problem

Y nerfed = still a problem

Y nerfed + X = still a problem

Solution = nerf X?

Your logic is flawed.

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