My two cents on the Mercy issue

I think Mercy mains lose sight of the discussion.

If someone thinking Mercy needs changed says that most dps heroes are precariously balanced in a certain way and it’s really silly to have an entire category of character hostage to one ability, the conversation always devolves into “nerf Sojourn!”

Sojourn might be a problem, but that doesn’t mean Mercy isn’t.


Nerf Mercy season 3 mid season


If Sojourn leaves the Meta and Mercy follows, then Mercy isn’t over powered.

At that point, nerfing her would be dumb as hell.


Did your 2 cents need a new thread


Pretty much this. Mercy gets undue scrutiny when she enables heroes compared to other supports who enable other heroes. For example Lucio with speed or Ana with her nano combos.

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Dps aren’t held hostage by bluebeam tho
Ashe got nerfed with her oneshot meta sure but she was blatantly OP by herself
Sojourn again is blatantly Overpowered and also needs nerfs
It just goes to show blizzard should never release a high burst damage ranged hero with extreme consistency cuz they’ll always be stupidly OP
You could have an argument for mercy pocket holding pharah hostage but pharah just straight up needs a rework
I do agree pocketing is trash and cheesy tho


they never end

atleast this one is genuine

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Speaking of this!! Somebody was trying to blame Genji’s blade Nerf on Mercy when it was with Nano.

But hey Ana takes skill so she can’t be at fault.


Kinda are. Sadly you’re still expected to win duels against a pocketed DPS. Even when your supports won’t pocket you.

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Just make it so Mercy has different heal rates on airborne and grounded teammates. Ez.

Ppl need to stop this “weekly nerf this hero” trend.

You’re dumb enough to being bait into jumping on the bandwagon by the bored who are making fun of you because you believe in everything they say, and we are forced to waste our time to unveil how bad a player you are in reality.

Only those baiters win this meaningless war.

And this is my 2 cents.

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As long as she can 30% boost whoever the most OP dps of the day is and remains practically unkillable, while being able to res the tank, she will always be meta.

Let’s not pretend that this isn’t true or that nerfing sojourn will fix this.


Unless you’re new to Overwatch 2, you know this is factually incorrect.

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I mean imo thats why she needs a rework, I would like Mercy to be able to be a more consistent healer across multiple metas that doesn’t feel as cheap or frustrating such as when she pockets a Sojourn. I would imagine most Mercy players would want this too so they could play her more and not have to be attached to whatever dps is broken at the current time. I wish I had a suggestion or an idea on how to accomplish this but I’m dumb and I don’t. I do think dmg boost and guardian angle need tweaks but that she should be given something else to compensate for it. That’s about all I can really contribute.


Fixed that for ya….cause for like the last 3 weeks it’s been Mercy…

Of course not.
First it will be Sojourn, then it will be Widow, then it will be a tossup between McCree/Soldier/Ashe/Hanzo.

Yeah that’s obviously trashy and your team will always somehow expect you to contest their pocketed dps without supporting you but thats just typical OW things I guess :man_shrugging:
Its also why I said I find pocketing trash
On paper there’s not much wrong with Mercy but my god I hope she gets changed in ways that’ll actually encourage being pro active and a genuine support instead of a pet for whatevers OP :skull:

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Weird she could do that in OW1 and was meta for what? Moth-DragonGrav-Double Sniper?

Wow didn’t know OW1 only had three metas.

They had to make kiriko and ana ABSOLUTELY broken in order for mercy to be #3 pick. Stop pretending.

I’m a brig main over here at like .000001% pick rate.

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