Hi everyone, this is my first post on the forums but I think I’ve delayed the inevitable enough. I am going to put out my opinion on Mercy even though a lot of the community thinks hatefully towards her. Anyway,
Mercy has been a hard hero to balance from the devs stand point and after 14 nerfs and a so called “buff” (which is simply a half a** revert to something that was unnecessarily changed) she seems to still be in a controversial state. Some think she’s perfect, some say she’s still strong and some think she’s not fun at all. I happen to be on the side of her not being fun at all but I do think she is “ok” and even that is almost giving too much. I wanted to post here to express my opinion on Mercy and what I think could be done for her. Let’s begin shall we.
In my opinion Mercy is in a boring state. Valkyrie is a glorified spectator and not engaging at all. Resurrect feels like a chore to use and her healing isn’t enough to keep her team alive or even to compete with other supports like Ana or Moira. I do see what the devs were doing and trying to make her “fun and engaging” and let me tell you, Mercy was fun when the rework first went live. 4 Resurrects total when using her ultimate, 20 seconds of chain beams, free flying, constant health regen and everything. But this was outrageous, Mercy became too good and shot up straight to S tier. Ana and Moira were nothing compared to Mercy. She outshone them in all areas. So here it comes, the Moth Meta as most of you know. The Mercy community told the devs the rework was overpowered and it should be revised but no, the devs went through with it and then came… non-stop bombarding of nerfs till Mercy became almost a troll pick. Valkyrie became a literal joke, resurrect still being a strong ability but now feeling like a chore to use. Mercy was dead, pro players promoted HATE towards Mercy along with the OWL by making a actual skit on Mercy’s reaction to her nerfs and then one of the OWL commentators said “Ding Dong the Witch is dead”. The time of Mercy being fun, had come to an end. The once beloved angel was now a troll pick and a boring hero overall. I watched my once favourite hero go from literally Hero to Zero. I never asked for the rework… and I don’t think many Mercy players even asked for it. Streamers such as XQC and his thousands of followers complained over and over about Mercy and the devs listened to them. It was a sad time for all us Mercy lovers. We recieve hate on the daily for playing her and getting comments such as “Braindead Mercy main” “Boosted bronze Mercy” and those are only a few of the ones I’ve heard. I don’t speak for all Mercy’s but that’s what I hear. I wanna see Mercy be loved again and fun to play but not overpowered like everyone thinks. So here are some changes I’d like to see made.
Resurrect : Ressurect removed from E and is now tied to Valkyrie. Mercy will be given 3 resurrects during Valkyrie’s duration (or 2. this can be tweaked if too strong) Resurrect will have a 0.5 second cast time and will be on a 2 second cooldown after each casting.
Valkyrie : Valkyrie’s duration is decreased from 15 seconds to 10 seconds. Healing while in Valkyrie becomes 65HP/s.
Angel’s Hope : Angel’s Hope is Mercy’s new E ability where it acts as a cleansing heal. Mercy will shoot a bolt of healing out at a single target and will heal them for 55HP Angel’s hope also denies Ana’s anti grenade, Ashe’s burn affect, and zenyatta’s discord orb. Angel’s Hope is on a 12 second cooldown after each use.
Mercy’s healing beam : Mercy’s healing is buffed to 55HP/s
Mercy’s Ultimate Cost : Mercy’s ultimate cost is increased by 10% to balance out the changes to her healing
Those are the changes I would love to see Mercy have, they are not overpowered but neither are they underpowered. The numbers can be tweaked and adjusted depending on how strong everything is once in play. I would like the devs to not just put it on PTR and act like it’s “testing” and then shove it to live. I’d like them to experiment with the changes and see how everything feels with Mercy. I honestly can’t say that I am the best when it comes to balancing games but one thing I can say is, rather than nerfing a hero to the ground, maybe buff other heroes or add new ones. This version of Mercy I have spoken about above has counterplay while also being fun to play. She wouldn’t be insanely meta but she wouldn’t be trash. Ana and Moira both can still be used instead of this Mercy or even along side her.
To wrap this up quickly I wanna just say that I am not here as a Mercy “cultist” but I am here to advocate for a hero I love and deeply care about the state of. Honestly if you can look at her from my perspective and not just a competitive E-sports stand point then maybe you can understand where I’m coming from. After recieving hatred in many of my games from players because I play Mercy, I believe it’s my turn to take my shot at the Overwatch Forums. I don’t expect anyone to even care what I think since most may think I am a “braindead Mercy player” but I am glad that I got this out there and it can now be seen by others. Don’t be afraid to speak out about something you’re passionate about or love. I know other mains like Bastion mains, Torbjorn mains, and Symmetra mains have dealt with their hero in a worse state for a lot longer but I still think that after over a year of Mercy mains advocating for her, we should be heard. Lets all make Overwatch a better game together, not tear it apart because we may disagree. Jesus I’m starting to sound like some kind of mountain guru. Why am I still going…anyway that’s it. Love you all! Enjoy Overwatch for what it is!