My "Thank You" post has ended up getting me in trouble with youtubers and players. Yikes

Thanks for this passive aggressive post about how you – someone I’ve never heard of – was harassed.

We should call the news outlets.


Right now my main issue is that for the second patch, the bug where you cant access the group finder from the main menu on console is still there. Now is it lazy or an oversight? We wont know because likely no one on team seems to want to comment on these things hence the frustration.

There are too many posts about relevant issues that go completely ignored, so when someone on the team(dev or not) goes out and responds in a thank you post while there are SO many standard issues, never mind buffs or nerfs, people should be understandably ticked off. I said it in another thread, actions like that only serve to confirm they just want to pat themselves on the back.

Meanwhile you have smaller companies actively checking their game and its communities for ways to improve the experience.

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Agreed. I’d really like for them to take a look and fix it. And again, I understand where you’re coming from. I want the mods/devs to talk to us too. However, I can also see why they’re not, as shown proof by the post Pineapple originally created. The second Tom addressed him, people jumped on both Tom and him like rabid hyenas that hadn’t had a good meal in weeks. They are silent, not because they don’t care (I presume), but because they are afraid.

Is being silent making things worse? Possibly. They might be waiting for everything to blow over, but I’d suggest that they stop that.
If I were them, I’d start being a lot more personal. I’d start addressing every major thread. I’d start giving legitimate reasons as to why they haven’t been talking, and offering to answer people’s questions.
Will there be angry people? Yes. There are a lot of angry people. Will there be insulting? Probably. But, if they want to show they’re here for us, and for the game, and for the good of the player-base, then they can take it. And, after a while, the hate will die down. The mods can go back to posting at their regular convenient times, on their regular convenient threads, and all will be alright again.
That’s just my two cents.

However, I’d really like for them to take a look at the LFG console bug. I’ve by-passed it so far, but it is an inconvenience.

So what now, OP? Now this thread is firing on you.

You’ve been called a liar, attention grabby, passive aggressive, etc. Yet you have not defended yourself.

Where is your rebuttal?

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Wow! and I thought that I was garbage (I am) but this Aria Rose is ….
got linked in from this thread…


Necroing a post to name and shame, which is also frowned upon huh?

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I am garbage, everyone frowns on garbage.
Is fine…

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