I feel stupid lol

So if you remember a couple weeks ago, Aria Rose (which I’ve now grown to see her true side), did a raid here. Back then I had supported it, so I posted and got my post removed. At the time I was absolutely mad. After I don’t know a couple weeks I had seen all these videos coming up about the situation and how Aria didn’t even care for it.

So I’ve come here, again, to apologize about an error I made. I feel like I owe it to the community since the people that actually support it are pretty entitled to their opinion. Recently their new ‘plan’ is to stop playing OW for 30 days. With the millions that play daily, I doubt 500 players is going to make an impact.

Take this as an apology to the community from me. Also a bit of I don’t know, ‘Insider Leaks’ I guess? Gives you guys more reason to hate Aria and the community, and I’m glad to be with this community.


  1. Thank you guys for all the nice words. I appreciate it so much.
  2. As of right now I see that the ReworkMercy community literally cannot take criticism as I’ve been blocked by 4 of them so far.

One of the things I’ve said to the Mercy Mains as said in last edit is here:
https:// imgur. com/a/AAjKE3E
This isn’t offensive one bit, it just shows, they can’t take criticism.


Wait, it’s been almost a month already?


Yeah, time goes by fast mate.


Wait, she’s back? I thought she left all social media after the raid backfired on her?


She re-activated her twitter and others of the movement have made this plan and she’s in full support of it. So Aria is back, but this move wasn’t made by her.

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Wow, didn’t even feel like a month ago.

While I appreciate the apology, you don’t need to apologize for doing something that you believed in. You did not negatively impact anyone’s life, you didn’t hurt anyone, and you didn’t spam.

Just want you to know that while it might not have been optimal, I don’t think anyone should be mad at you to where you need to apologize for doing something you believed/believe in.

But that’s really cool of you to do without being prompted or asked to. :heart:


It seems like only 2 weeks ago. How time flies.
Was there an actual raid? I don’t remember a raid.


I didn’t even notice what was going on but doubt it was anything big anyway.

…ah trusty mute button. Best thing to happen to the forums. :grin:

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Yeah I feel like I owe it since well, people were outraged and mad about the whole situation. So at least someone apologized for it.

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Well, I just realized why I didn’t know that she’s back on twitter. She blocked me.

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Yeah, people were posting their thoughts on Mercy changes all at once and it fell under spam. Posts got removed, and people found it ‘offensive towards Mercy players.’

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If you really felt like you were just being a tool for someone else’s agenda, then yeah… feel bad and move on.

If you honestly felt like it was something you really believe in and support, go for it.

I kind of think Aria Rose is just someone trying to see how much of an ‘army’ they can build and play with to elevate their own agenda.

If the agenda kinda goes for what you want, cool, I guess.

A dude who loves playing Mercy and mostly likes current Mercy.


Mute comes in handy, won’t lie.

Oh no! What will we ever do without her?!


I never tweeted anything at her so I’m free to watch her rants and cringe.


Everyone’s gotten swept up in big events and such and those that haven’t will. I was more worried about the spill out than what happened during the actually event. People were taking bets on what would happen, someone people on a private site said they close down the forums. lol I hope that raid and the spill out has fully closed it’s chapter. I don’t hate Aria, personally, I just don’t agree with her actions.

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Lowkey I did kind of feel used cause of the fact that after said raid I found out so much dirt about her that it just felt wrong participating in it. Don’t get me wrong, if you want to give a suggestion go for it, but don’t do it like Aria did.



What is a handful (fake) Mercy mains going to accomplish by not playing the game? Mercy has the largest playerbase. I think her, and her followers, stop playing the game would leave little to no impact on this game.

Hating her is like hating a child in a candy store who is demanding free candy. I won’t step so low.

Players know her real side now on the forums. This raid of hers has caused more harm than good, because not only did it destroy any credibility she had, but it also could have left a bad image of Mercy mains to some players (and devs) resulting in less support and a smaller chance of Mercy changes.

If she truly want changes for Mercy, then this was not the right way. This has the opposite effect.

I warned her for this before the raid started, but she was too stubborn and blind to see it.


Honestly I saw it back then as something good but now I see it as spam and learning so much dirt on her made it so much worse.

+1 for reflecting, owning up and most importantly, taking active steps onward.

You are definitely infinitely more discerning, matured, astute and wiser than that Aria Rose is and probably ever would be.

Many of the forumers here were already aware and 100% clued in on that person when this occurred:

So now that you have wised up, just continue to exercise discernment and perform research prior to throwing yourself to a cause or standing behind someone, especially on the internet =)