MY Take on Mercy and why she's a Stupid Character

The issue is that they quite frankly don’t know what they’re doing with Mercy. There are a ton of different ways they can tone her down without completely making her unfun to play. But this GA nerf proved that they’re not really interested in that.


You still drinking, or have you Abstained from BEER! after all of these Mercy Posts?

I’m more drinking because people are tearing each other apart no matter what they want for the character. Its sad to see people be so rabid.

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To be fair, if your already Crippled, Super Team-Reliant Main gets further Crippled because of another OP AF Hero that the Devs REFUSE to Nerf, you’d be pretty Rabid too.


Ah ok, I thought you meant in general lol

Yeah that’s why I said that they should nerf certain interactions instead of heroes individually

I believe it should go back to 1.5 secs, but also restored to how it was during OW1 before she could effortlessly spam SJ

And thats why blizz wants to make more of them. “Mercy like”. Remember?

I swear people will get REALLY upset if the next two supports are somewhat like her ^^

It’s funny and sad to see how badly the Devs Balance Mercy and now the next Hero is meant to be very similar to her.

Unless they’re Ana / Kiriko Levels of OP on Release, no one’s playing them.

Oh boy, you are in for a ride…

The reason they want to do it s mostly because the style of gameplay is not transferable to any other hero. This is what they want to archive: give Mercy players an alternative.

Will it be successful? Maybe. It could also be the rise of a new “most favorite support” or a completely niche hero with specialists.

No matter how it turns out, the first “Mercy like” hero, will make a huge impact, because how it DOUBLES the characters that have this kind of playstyle.

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I can’t wait to see Mercy become a Throw-Pick because she is COMPLETELY Overshadowed by the new worst Balancing Nightmare since Brigitte, with all of her Mains refusing to play this new Hero because they still have their Pink Mercy Skin.

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You forgot how mercy killed Ashe before, now Ashe does the same damage as Ana, but Ana has no falloff, and McCree shoots faster. So Idk what is actual purpose of Ashe, while suzu is in a game, you can’t really do huge dynamites and farm BoB as efficent.
Damage boost should be removed and release actual heroes potential of that. Or expect ppl yelling at you for not pocketing them instead.


Ashe is doing fine for herself, though. She’s pretty good at killing people.


Wait, you guys play Ashe for Ashe? I thought her entire Purpose was B.O.B.

But yes, Mercy ruined Ashe because Ashe with a Mercy Pocket was a better Widowmaker.

Then they ‘Reworked’ Ashe instead of just taking Mercy out back and shooting her.

given that the devs intend - distinctly from whether they succeed or not - to balance the game as best as It can be, this simply isnt the case.

at all

you didn’t gave ANY valid evidence…

It is just bunch of claims and assertions. So it is just your opinion, not a factual evidence based statement…

You clearly do not know what evidence is, so here: Evidence - a body of facts that are positively indicative of, and/or exclusively concordant with one hypothesis or position over any other.


You make a good argument, we should introduce fall off damage to Ana.


And Nerf Genji.

I stated how on multiple occasions, Heroes have been Nerfed or Denied Buffs because of Damage-Boost, without Mercy receiving any actual Nerfs to Damage-Boost itself and Sojourn getting the most Blatant Favouritism since ever.

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Once… And she was realeased overtuned for this interaction to be broken

Not a single instance

because she is a C tier hero for the majority of this game lifespan… You do not nerf a hero that is not overtuned

and this is problem with Mercy how exactly?

Those are just your opinions… not evidence.


And you have zero to indicate your hypothesis over any other.


also the thing about damage boost is that it doesnt become relevant till higher tiers when dps actually are a menace. you can boost a dps who always is missing or clueless all you want but its meaningless

thats another bad thing about mercy is that to climb you have to group up with someone who can massacre people or you’ll have a thousand year grind if you play solo

I mean…kinda had too since ya know they purposely made Ashe to work in tandem with Mercy.

I mean Ashe’s whole release video had Goodman constantly referring to her as a buff to Mercy. And how much value Ashe could get with Mercy.

So yeah-you purposefully make a hero reliant on another as a core concept, you’re gonna need to rework them.


how are we complaining about damage boost being inherently problematic for the game when discord orb is staring everyone right in the face. Blizzard just needed to disrupt sojourn’s breakpoints with a Mercy pocket like they did Ashe–it boggles my mind that they didn’t, but Mercy doesn’t need to have damage beam removed because of it. There’s many more tradeoffs for the beam: Mercy has to be close by, it’s only on one target, she’s not doing anything else while it’s on… You’ll have to sub it out for something else.

I’ve lobbied for Mercy to get a single target cleanse/cheat death in the vein of Divine Palm from Heroes of the Storm or Guardian Spirit from WoW: a proactive buff that, when applied, prevents fatal damage on a target and then gives them a large heal instead. It does nothing if the buff is applied and the target doesn’t take fatal damage. But that’d be a Rez replacement if anything.