My Support Patch Idea

I think Ana may need a small nerf, not to her healing, but somewhere. However, I’d also be okay for them not to do what they did to Mercy to Ana.

If they buffed the others and left Ana alone to see what would happen, that would be fine. Then if she still reigning supreme pretty much across the board, they could fix it from there. (you know, instead of buffing most while nerfing someone already on their way out…)

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Yeah. I think it’s really important they don’t nerf her at the same time they buff her competition. That happened to Mercy and it has hurt her badly for a long time now.

If she still needs it, fine, whatever. But that should only be decided after adjustments like these to her competition.

Moira can’t damage boost or resurrect.

Moira needs to choose. Her orbs make up for that, but again, sheer damage/healing is ALL she can do.

This comparison is unfair.

Bap can miss his heals and doesn’t have Mercy’s evasive mobility. I like how you mention healing CD abilities and again do not mention resurrect. Your bias seems quite strong.

It’s not that “I don’t want her to be a main healer,” (kinda odd that you put words into my mouth based on your opinion of Mercy. ‘Main healing’ becomes a vague way of saying “I wanna solo heal” in my mind.) I just think she has enough strengths to fulfill her role. As stated in my post, I’m down for a Valk buff, but I don’t think it needs to go into redesign territory. Then again, you never stated what you mean by “making it a more defensive ultimate.”

As for damage boost, they tried that; it’s not good.

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She is literally never run as a main healer by pros, almost never in GM, and devs have flat out said she’s not main healing anymore and people are playing her as an off.

So if you don’t want her to get a heal increase, you do not want her to be a main healer. Period. It’s not a choice. That’s the consequence. So own your opinion or don’t.

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Okay, first imma start with an apology. I saw this thread and opened it thinking ‘lmao, this is gonna be another one if those threads to gut the healers again cause a dps died to a Moira’ which it isn’t, and it’s actually quite decent changes to the support roster which, for the most part, I agree with. So, sorry, and nice work.

Secondly, I would suggest a couple more changes to 2 of the heroes, being Ana and Mercy.

Imma start with Ana cause I have less experience with her overall so any Ana mains here can come and tell me off for trying to nerf their main, but I’d up the cooldown of her Nade to 12 seconds. This ability is crazy good, being a burst heal, doubling all healing from all sources, deals decent damage, denies all healing on the enemy team and has a generous splash in a 10 second cooldown. Honestly, I think it’s and Sleep dart’s cooldowns were accidentally switches during Ana development and they forgot to change it back round before her launch.

Now for Mercy, now I know I’m just gonna sound like a power hungry Mercy main, but I do feel like this is something they could at least try, especially if you plan on decreasing Valkyrie’s duration, which I fully support btw, is to reduce the cast time on rez from 1.75 seconds to 0.95 seconds. Still has the same counterplay available that rez currently has, and there’s no other hidden buffs to it either, just a flat cast decrease. Currently Valkyrie is supposed to enhance Mercy’s abilities, however it does nothing for rez, in fact probably makes rezzing harder since the move speed increase makes it harder to break off the channeling animation. I dunno how much power this would give back to Mercy, but I feel like it’s something they could try, especially if they decrease the total duration of Valkyrie. You don’t wanna spend 2 seconds out of 12 rezzing someone for someone else to die.

But no, some really nice, well thought out changes here. Hopefully Blizzard hires you after this global pandemic bs, cause it looks like they need you.

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Damage boost is the same as Mercy doing her own damage, she’s just amplifying the damage of others. And yet her avg damage boosted per game is still only around 1k. So she contributes 1k in damage to the match. Moira contributes 8k.

Also, Mercy only averages 6 rezzes per game and you KNOW that at least half of those are picking up allies in between fights when it’s basically ended to save them a walk back from spawn. I’d guarantee it.

And mercy can only do healing, amplify damage (do damage), or rez people every 30 seconds which she does on avg 6 times in a 10 minute match, and we don’t know how many of those are actually valuable midfight rezzes or just between fight rezzes when it’s actually safe.

Bap has an immortality field on Cooldown and is one of 2 supports in the game with vertical mobility, as well as having a self heal he can use WHILE taking damage unlike Mercy’s passive.

He also has much greater range than Mercy, who yes has GA but has it because her range is 15m.

Because rez isn’t that strong of an ability or Mercy would be seeing more playtime in most ranks, especially in OWL where #'s advantage means the world and they have the teamwork and coordination to protect her and pull them off. Having the ability to keep your tanks and team alive in the first place with high healing and sustain etc. is much more valuable than a 30 second cooldown solo rez that’s usually a suicide mission that risks your life and prevents you from healing your team for almost 2 seconds.

Healing is pretty much guaranteed. Rez is the opposite. I’m not biased, I’m using my brain.

If you don’t want to buff her healing then yes, you don’t want her to be a main healer. She’s not a main healer with 50 HPS, she’s only ever played as an off healer in masters+ alongside Ana or sometimes Moira, it’s considered throwing to play Mercy Zen or Mercy Lucio because you don’t have a main support, and she hasn’t been used as a main support without Ana in OWL a single time in the last 2 years since the HPS nerf.

Er…no? The game is 2-2-2 enforced, no one is ever solo healing. What?

Her intended role is a strong primary healer as stated by the Devs multiple times, and she doesn’t fill that role and hasn’t in 2 years. Playing her in that role with a Zen or other off healer is literally considered throwing. If you think Mercy currently successfully fulfills a main healer role you are being blissfully ignorant to the reality of the game, and any competent player or pro would tell you otherwise.

Jeff on the old forums:

"We think the direction she’s moving in is better for everyone – Mercy mains and non-Mercy players. Having a primary healer who was hiding under a bridge telling people to “die on the point” was not our idea of optimal. We think Valkyrie is a very engaging and dynamic ultimate and Mercy’s role as a primary healer is very clear now. But resurrect is too powerful and needs to be toned down. We’re not going to throw the baby out with the bath water on this one. We’re iterating until she’s in a good place. We appreciate your patience with us while we do that."

Jeff in an Interview:
We want the top two things you notice about Mercy to be, “Oh my God, she’s an amazing throughput healer,” and “Wow, look at that mobility, she’s just flowing back and forth through the map.” And we don’t want her to be the resurrect bot that’s just erasing kills.

No, they tried 50% damage boost which is insanely broken as makes Mcree oneshot headshot. Geoff himself literally said that he wants to make damage boost more powerful but not #'s wise:


I reviewed some OWL matches, and the ones I thought she was main-healing she was actually paired with an Ana. So yes, I admit to being wrong on that; I was only considering ladder play for some reason.

But she is used as main healer in ladder. OWL shows she needs a buff, but…

Context matters. At the top level she isn’t a main healer, I admitted to that, but at other levels of play she’s used as one; her pickrate looks quite far above average, actually.

I’m all for the game being balanced around the highest level, but with a character like Mercy I’m unsure if 10 more HPS is the right call. I’ve suggested a Valk buff, and stand by it (or a better Valk buff idea.)

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I was reading your post intently until this point.

I’m all for a Valk buff, but I don’t think 10 more HPS is the right call.

My last words, are that I agree with what you said here now. I don’t like pistol Mercy, and Valk is more of an annoyance than an ultimate…I’m just gonna say it. It’s good, but I’m unsure if it’s ‘ultimate’ good.

Definitely don’t wanna go back to moth meta, though…

I am allergic to Brig nerfs and I do not even play her. I am just so utterly sick of them.


I mean I’ve said it already, these changes really aren’t gonna change much. They’ll only affect lower ranks, and honestly there’s no point in putting more power into Bap’s damage- his healing and utility needs attention.

I don’t mind some of the changes going through, sure. But how about you look at diamond/masters+? Try to add some other things to your changes which will shift meta up there.

Not bad. Overall they look pretty good.

I’ll disagree with Moira. I think thats taking too much away from her.

I literally did and there’s even a 4100+ Mercy main that says they like the changes and it would improve things up there.

If you don’t agree with them, say why instead of the repetition that I didn’t consider high ranks by buffing dive :roll_eyes:

Literally only the Moira changes are about low ranks and I tried to be minimally intrusive on high ranks with them.

Her E is actually super weak right now. Lower the cooldown or give her more charges if she’s not supposed to be “combat medic” anymore.

That is a random change right there. Why not give a 1 second delay before Genji starts deflecting then?

He actually needs to have both orbs on the same button - one ability with two functions like Moira’s orb and some mobility of self-protection/heal. That or some quality of life changes. Let him harmony two allies at once/charge alt fire faster or cost less ammo/let him use orbs while charging alt fire (he’s so zen he can’t spare some focus on that?).

No. It isn’t. Because of the armor. She outputs the sustain of a main healer while also providing a defensive ult.

It makes her less efficient at dueling divers that managed to get the drop on her, but won’t change many other use cases.

He’s honestly pretty close to perfect and he’s the one I am the least sure about needing any changes at all.

I assume by this you mean decreased so that it takes longer to get?

If so, I agree with almost all suggestions as very healthy tbh. Repair pack doesn’t need a nerf. But her shield bash should definitely be dealing melee value.

Uh… minor gripes


  • I would prefer if her anti-heal got nerfed to 80% or even 75%.


  • No issue


  • Then you should probably tweak his Orb of destruction damage back to 46 instead of 48


  • No issue


Could use some QOL changes. Think…

  • Shield deploys instantly instead of on Animation
  • Her shield tweaked to fully cover her legs like a Riot shield instead of Curving inwards.
  • Shield now protects against splash damage properly


  • Make Healing orb disappear on death
  • Make Healing orb have a 1 second delay before healing
  • DP/S and HP/S tuned slightly upwards to 60dp/s and 80hp/s
  • Increase totals to 300 dmg and 450 healing


  • No comment

There's a second opinion for you. -Doc

Ana needs a grenade nerf. It is a too good ability to be a normal skill. Yes ok… the high - elo player know how to “counter” her grenade but the high - elo players are the 10% of the game. A right grenade can lead to a Team Kill! And its not even an ulty. Or rework grenade to ulty with a buff … I dont know… like the grenade can pass throw shields… but it will still be an ulty.

Even tho i dont kinda agree with Valk duration being reduced since its one of the weakest ults out of the Support role, i will accept it since Mercy gets her 60 hps back.

You’d be surprised how often one can find themselves in a spot where if they don’t ult their target(s) dies to lackluster healing, but if they do ult, that short period of time where you don’t heal leads to one death at the least.

sleep dart AND anti-nade need nerfs if ana’s goofy hps isn’'t getting reduced, personally i think that the falling asleep and waking up animations should speed up and anti-nade should reduce healing instead of removing it.

lucio is fine even if i personally hate him

zenyatta could deal with maybe .2 seconds off reload time

mercy is good

brig’s ult should give less armor per tick

damage orb disappearing on death is good

baptiste’s little recoil whatever is pointless since the burst is too short to really control it like they wanted, jumpy boots need to charge faster, healing grenades need bigger splash with falloff, regen burst needs less healing on a much shorter cooldown, i-field needs to take effect faster