My proof the SR is broken

medals and cards are not factors in “calculating” your SR.

You’d be better off looking at the stats on the right. They have more weighting in the calulation.

You do realize that your opponents are easier the lower you go right? So it is natural to play better on a lower ranked account. This just means that your accounts will eventually meet up with each other the more you play on it. 5 games is literally nothing meaningful.


Answer: zero games .

If your skill doesn’t change, you never need to play again. Your skill will fall as you don’t play. The question is not well formed.

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If you rating goes through a dramatic drop, the possibilities are:

  1. Loss of skill (not likely here)
  2. Bad luck (if this, your rank will go back up with more play)
  3. Extreme tilt
  4. Your skill does not suit the current meta
  5. Change of behavior (such as switching to a new hero)

I also thought that MMR/SR have high uncertainty if you haven’t played in a while. I’m asking how long this period would be.

Honestly, placements are just a barrier of games you have to go through to get comp points at season end. They’re almost entirely useless, and it’s super rare for a fresh account to place outside of the silver-plat range. It’s kinda dumb, but it’s reality

Blizzard hasn’t published how uncertainty goes up with no play time, and it likely changed with the introduction of role queue. But from what I’ve seen my impression is that it ramps up after three months inactive or so.

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Where did you get the 150 game number from?

There’s no shame and not being a GM on this game. You should play this game for fun not for ranks. Ranks is a worthless number unless you’re trying to go Pro. Otherwise it’s meaningless. getting a higher rank won’t make you happier, won’t complete you. It’s a nice goal to strive for but shouldn’t define yourself as a player.

Also the Meta sucks right now go enjoy QP classic :wink:

People keep saying that you aren’t bringing proof that SR is broken. Don’t worry about it. They have no evidence that it isn’t. At least you have anecdotes. They have nothing. And people get the 150 game number because 90% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

Probably same amount per season if the META changes effect your hero pool much.

Otherwise not nearly as much.

If you don’t even play 50 games a season your SR is meaningless though.


No the 150 thing was calculated based on impact in a match with 12 people.

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Ok. So get better???

Your “evidence” means nothing if you’re only taking 5 matches as a sample. If you can CLIMB out of Bronze, then you’re better than Bronze. If you placed silver and can maintain it, then it just means you CAN maintain silver. Whether you can maintain it or even better, climb out of it is the question. A passenger surviving in the backseat of a racing car doesn’t mean you’re able to take the wheel and win with it. You’re confusing being passive and being the factor of your wins. 5 match really means nothing.

Also no offense, but 1.1 and 1.6 is barely different. Most people start at gold-plat unless they’re terrible at their mechanics. If you’re Gold and suddenly you place Diamond on a new account THEN that’s a definitive"proof" :smiley:

First, realize that it is approximate. Good or bad luck can make it take varying amounts of time. My measurements of this number aren’t particularly precise. I mainly throw it out there so that people can realize that you can’t reach a conclusion about mistakes in the rank system from a small number of games.

I have a number of data points: A while back, I had a silver account and a gold account. I played 100 games on each, and they still weren’t the same rank. Overwatch Forums. The silver account did eventually catch up the gold account, but that was after I stopped playing the gold account.

Patman recently did a similar experiment, in which it took him 119 games to get close to his main’s rank. Realistic climbing speed / getting to where you belong

Finally, I did a sophisticated simulation of the entire ranking system, and found that after a full reset, it would take about 150 games for the system to stabilize with everyone’s ranks approximately correct.

Don’t really feel like tying out the long list again which I have done in other posts. You can search for it.

Is it batman?

Some time ago, on another troll acc I played as bad as possible. Was placed 2200 :roll_eyes:

I’m assuming this account had already previously been placed bronze. Placements don’t matter, you can play as good or bad as you want in all 5 and you’ll still be placed roughly where you ended in previous seasons, give or take maybe 200 SR. You played well against BRONZE players.

Well yeah, on a fresh account, it starts you in placements around gold, which is pretty average. You played poorly because you were against gold and silver players. 5 games isn’t enough for it to immediately place you where you belong on a fresh account, it’s super hard to legitimately place bronze if you’re trying to win. Look as it like the fresh account started in gold and because you played so poorly, you dropped down to silver and that’s where you placed. Given more time, you’d continue to probably lose until you get to where you belong.