My proof the SR is broken

So let me start by saying I stink at Overwatch. That said, I paid my 20 bucks so I get to play regardless of what over people on here may say.

I have two accounts. An older one I purchase say 6 months ago and a newer one that might be about 2 months old. The old account is a bronze level account, and in the new account I am silver.

So here is my evidence

During my 5 season qualifying rounds on the Bronze account. I rocked it. I won all 5 games and played the best I ever played in 6 months. I got silver and gold medals in every game and recognition cards. I swear someone else must have been playing. At the end of the 5 games I got about 1050 SR. Bit, of a let down.

On my silver account I played 5 terrible games. It was always like I was playing with my feet. I got a couple of medals and no cards at all. I was terrible. I lost 3 games, won 1, and it was a draw on the last. The system gave me about 1650 SR. I should have got 500. lol

Anyway, that’s my evidence. Have at it and don’t hate!


It takes roughly 150 games for an account find its true level. Five games on each account says very little. The fact that you did better on your lower ranked account, however, is indicative (as much as ten games can be) that your two accounts are converging to each other.


Placements are meaningless


hah! who has time for 150 games! that’s probably why i stink.

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once you have 150 games under you belt, how often do you need to play to maintain an accurate SR/MMR?

a season lasts typically for 2 months.
150 games / 60 days = 2.5 games / 1 day

Not really impossible.

I play in the Bronze tier - each Comp mode game lasts no more than 15 minutes because it is either we stomp or the Red Team does.

It is possible if one really wants to find proof that the system is not functional.


So what happens when you were Plat for quite a few season (up until Role Queue) playing well over 150 games (like 700-1000 overall) and then all of a sudden you drop to bronze/silver? And no, it isn’t me. You don’t go from playing in closed beta and every season and start at mid gold then after about 6 seasons or so hit plat and maintain that the rest of the way until Role Queue. My 2 other accounts I have over 150 games also and one is plat the other was low diamond, however, I haven’t played that one since role queue and not going to.

That is not evidence - it is an anecdote.

You better come up with A LOT more data. Data over hundreds of matches. No data? Then your anecdote means NOTHING.

So who is it? Its a mystery :exploding_head:

I mean, placements are absolutely meaningless, they literally just put you at the same rank you were at before. On your silver account you placed silver, on your bronze account you placed bronze. Doesn’t mean the SR system is broken.

Play 100 games on each account then come back. If your SR has a 1000+ variation at that point then you’ll have something to show the system is broken.

medals and cards are not factors in “calculating” your SR.

You’d be better off looking at the stats on the right. They have more weighting in the calulation.

You do realize that your opponents are easier the lower you go right? So it is natural to play better on a lower ranked account. This just means that your accounts will eventually meet up with each other the more you play on it. 5 games is literally nothing meaningful.


Answer: zero games .

If your skill doesn’t change, you never need to play again. Your skill will fall as you don’t play. The question is not well formed.

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If you rating goes through a dramatic drop, the possibilities are:

  1. Loss of skill (not likely here)
  2. Bad luck (if this, your rank will go back up with more play)
  3. Extreme tilt
  4. Your skill does not suit the current meta
  5. Change of behavior (such as switching to a new hero)

I also thought that MMR/SR have high uncertainty if you haven’t played in a while. I’m asking how long this period would be.

Honestly, placements are just a barrier of games you have to go through to get comp points at season end. They’re almost entirely useless, and it’s super rare for a fresh account to place outside of the silver-plat range. It’s kinda dumb, but it’s reality

Blizzard hasn’t published how uncertainty goes up with no play time, and it likely changed with the introduction of role queue. But from what I’ve seen my impression is that it ramps up after three months inactive or so.

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Where did you get the 150 game number from?

There’s no shame and not being a GM on this game. You should play this game for fun not for ranks. Ranks is a worthless number unless you’re trying to go Pro. Otherwise it’s meaningless. getting a higher rank won’t make you happier, won’t complete you. It’s a nice goal to strive for but shouldn’t define yourself as a player.

Also the Meta sucks right now go enjoy QP classic :wink: