My personal issue with widow, hanzo, doom etc

I’m personally just not a fan of one shots in general (I feel like I’m leaving people out but these are the hot topic hero’s nowadays but you get the point).
This is not a nerf or a complaint really so much as it’s that I notice I enjoy the competitive nature of OW when you can’t be instantly deleted.
Nothing but respect to those who took the time on these hero’s and enjoy them, I’m not here asking for your hero to be deleted or nerfed.

I also pose a question for those of you that play these hero’s.
Please don’t respond with the super negative type of responses that some people do ie. “that’s dumb” or whatever we all know the type of response I mean. Instead tell me simply whether or not It COULD potentially be something that might work.
My question is would you still play these hero’s/would this change be something you could agree to if they were to scale back the one shot potential of these hero’s but buff them in other places to compensate? Also why you feel the way you do if you care to elaborate.


I personally think one shots should be removed completely or adjusted for counterplay. Doom is the most balanced as it is easier to predict and avoid the punch. However a widow grapple jumping into a headshot is so defeating, cover and shields can’t really help you here.

Of course if they were removed, heroes should be buffed for compensation.


Appreciate the reply, and yes obviously a buff would be needed but there’s no point in guessing for buffs because that always sidetracks posts so thanks for not making a suggestion in that. Just trying to get a feeler out there.

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One shots are fun mechanics that have existed in FPS games for years. People have always liked snipers because of their high skill high reward requirements. Losing one shots is going to put overwatch into battleborn territory. The game will slow down again and gameplay will suffer from it.


I don’t personally know battle born but yes it would definately slow the game down a little bit, but…
On a side note the games that don’t have people playing these hero’s dont feel slow or bad to play in from my experience

I have to disagree - 3 heroes have high impact, low investment 1 shots. 28 of them dont.

People LIKE 1 shots because of the power they give them, but that doesnt mean its good for the game. Overwatch is very unique and you really CANT compare it to other FPS games.


I actually can compare it to other FPS games. Unique doesn’t mean it can’t be compared. And since you are not god or the law. You can’t stop the comparison.


I literally only played hanzo for his crit potential so…no

The point of why I started to play overwatch is that I have the capability to “git gud” and just wreck people on my own accord. Not be reliant on teammates and random rolls to land a critical hit.

Hanzo in particular because he has drop and travel time felt like a wow Hunter

Despite how people hate him, he was trash before his rework for most people
And imo, it’s because his arrows were freaking hard.

I liked making a hard hero work ridiculously well


I wouldn’t necessarily say low investment as that’s not fair to the fact that it actually does take some real skill to pull off these hero’s at high levels.

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Doomfist’s 1 shot is his gimmick. without it, you really wouldn’t be able to call doomfist, doomfist. And complaining about 1 shots is kind of ironic now, since all blizzard is doing is encouraging Doomfist to use his one shots. But that being said, I would rather lose the one shot and still be able to play rollout doomfist than have the one shot and lose rollouts.


Sorry, i should have been more concise - just because other FPS do certain things doesnt mean they’re suitable for overwatch. We have barriers, space hamsters, science monkeys, other games dont. Its a completely different situation.

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This is fine and fair and the type of response I was looking for, ty.

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Absolutely agree. Matches that have no one shots feel absolutely amazing. I really enjoy matchs even if their a lose. But as soon as theirs a one shot hero it just feels like I’m being strangled irl.

One shots are just awful and by far the most restrictive and oppressive thing in the game.

“Oh look that have a widow, guess we cant stand in 90% of the map and now have to all play around a 2 meter sheild the entire game just incase we instantly die”.


Sorry, wasnt clear - i meant low investment from a gameplay point of view, not a practice point of view. You dont need to use long cooldowns or ultimates.

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That is my case as well, but eventually this is a team game and overtly so. I’d rather go for csgo for solo carry atm cuz U actually can 1v5 in there unlike in OW.

After 1 year of this game I realized this game, similar to HoTS or even Diablo 3, put a lot of emphasis on teamwork and likes to diminish individual performance to an unhealthy lvl.

Carrying only works in this game below gold. After that teamwork difference dominates the game unless someone in this game is way way out of the rank, which, unfortunately, is starting to become a norm.

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Thank you for the clarification without hostility

It’s not though. Apex legends has shields and barriers in it. And healing to. Flash bangs create cc in FPS games. These mechanics can be compared. Why do you actually think games can’t be compared? Why can you pop into a thread and say doesn’t matter can’t compare. That’s not a real argument and it carries no weight. Again you are not god. You are not law. Don’t tell me what I can and cannot compare. Especially when we’re comparing two video game genres together. It’s like telling me I can’t compare flip flops to hiking boots. Their still footwear. I can and will compare them.

Both Widow and Hanzo must be able to one shot.

Just like Mercy must be able to fly or Mei to freeze. Thats their unique features


He was trying to be civil about your disagreement.
Regardless of whether or not you guys agree

It was just his opinion and so is yours…neither are fact and we shouldn’t take opinions as personal attacks

I don’t think widowmaker needs a nerf, she’s extremely hard to play with, especially if you already used your grapple, she has tunnel vision and can get killed from behind.
Now hanzo? It’s a complete opposite, he can see through walls, can one shot, has a lot of mobility for a sniper, can break shields, can deny flanks, he can do too much and has no weakness.