My personal issue with widow, hanzo, doom etc

Overwatch is a highly team based game with drastically different characters with highly team based goals. No other game has that to the same level. No other game is Overwatch. Each and every game is a unique system and should be treated and respected as such. Flip flops and hiking boots are different - if you want to make your flip flops better, you dont do what you would do to fix your boots. If 1 shots are a big problem, then they’re a big problem.

You’re over-reacting. I wasnt forbidding you from comparing, i was pointing out that it wasnt really useful. No, i’m not god. I am, however, a professional game designer with 19 years experience.

Not how that works. I gave opinion. He shut it down with a “doesn’t matter because it isn’t relevant” statement. Don’t you dare act like he didn’t first invalidate an opinion here good sir.

finally someone who understands.

Another issue with doom vs widow, if you dive the widow and she starts to hook away, you can not uppercut her out of her own hook so she can easily land a HS on you

I’ve been thinking about the relationship between sustained and one shots. I keep wondering what would would happen If armor offered no damage reduction but instead acted as a “health gate”.

Oh my goodness please don’t take my good intention and flip it into something it’s not. All I’m saying is directed at you both and you should both mutually respect each others opinions because in the end that’s all they are and all any of us have.
None of us spew facts including myself and this response is still only opinion.

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Well, that’s why I played hanzo in particular. I personally love support and tanks more. Symm was another hero I loved on launch and her crits weren’t one shot.

It’s more like, “I have a way to make impact but I have to be a god to do it”

Not a frequent thing. However

This isn’t really the case and hasn’t been the case for a while…overwatch launched for teamwork, but live has shifted to be more about the individual.

Rn I play a lot of soldier but that’s because I didn’t wanna get back into hanzo just for him to be nerfed…and he was.

I didn’t like his arrow speed change and it took me a hot sec to get used to it. I don’t wanna invest the time on that again just to have it change again. But overall, it’s still more appropriate I think, and better to invest in solo play as that’s what the Devs have been aiming for.

Less teamwork, more individual. I don’t like it but, it does make my efforts as a dps easier to achieve

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No. If we remove one shots because some people can’t handle dying then i expect that everything i don’t find fun is removed as well.


Team game. Rainbow six siege, apex legends, battleborn when it was a thing, team fortress two. Paladins. All FPS. All comparable to overwatch.


People are always going to have issues with one shots, I’ve heard complaints about it all the way up to the first CoD. If we get rid of one shots, people will start complaining about combos and how unfair they are, weather its the classic Junkrat M1 into mine combo or something a bit more difficult like Ashe’s hip fire shot into scoped headshot. Believe me when I tell you that the complaining will never end.

As for one shots in general, my bias and understanding of the game and each hero will argue that its quite healthy for the game, if anything better than any FPS out there, as you can play a high health hero to pressure the one shot hero or have insane 3D mobility to get an edge up close, which is more than I can say about a sniper in any pure FPS game.

59 shots, 1 kill,


Correct. None of them are Overwatch though - the decisions you make to improve Overwatch are not the same as the ones you’d make to improve TF2 or Paladins. Do you disagree with this?

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Yes and no. A development team that can’t learn from others won’t succeed either. Many games use and share mechanics to be better. This is how many industries work. You can’t just disregard the everything else everyone else did and tunnel vision one thing. Learn from others success and failures. That’s the entire point in comparison.

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Teamwork includes trivial things like standing still behind cover as genji for your ana to heal you. It is laughably simple and yet still ignored by a lot of people.

Take my own example, when I carry the game as dps, which is rare but still happens, more than 3/4 of those games I start to meet 2-3 enemy players that dedicate themselves to chase me down. And in that case usually, our team plays 5v4 or even 5v3 w/o getting any frags, not even a kill trade, not even when i say in vc that there are 2 people on me for 10 sec and they fail to capitalize on that.

This is the lack of teamwork coming in, because, if I don’t get help when carrying, at least I’d expect team to see they have man advatage in frontline and make use of that to get kills. But instead I get both no heals from the 5-10s 1v2, and team are sitting expecting others to do their job for them.

In those cases, enemy team just outplayed my team in matter of coordination and efficiency. That’s is just a typical indication of lack of teamwork on my side even when I try to communicate.

If you are allowed to carry w/o getting countered/harassed/mass-targeted, that means enemy teamwork is not better than the ones of your team.

The game is made so that w/ mobility u can constantly achieve more vs less w/ mobility, and that’s where the solo carry is killed by better teamwork.

Yeah, of course you’re influenced by other games, but that doesn’t mean you can treat an apple like an orange.

Of course, you definitely can compare things (i’m sorry if i offended you there) but its of limited use when your game is a unique and special unicorn. Saying “1 shots are ok in TF2” isnt a justification for them being ok in Overwatch.

Doom and road hog should have masive damage reductions since the cc they provide is already valuable imo. Having snipers makes shields usefull tho so I don’t think they should be two shots. Although Hanzo is too deadly close range for being able to one shot across the map…

But you can compare an apple to an orange. Both are fruit, so both have seeds. Both can be used In a salad. Both can provide juice. You can make vinaigrette’s out of both an apple and an orange. Apples can be sour just like an orange. Apples can be tart just like an orange. Apples and oranges can both be used to make beer. This is my whole point. It’s extremely easy to draw comparisons between two items. Whether we’re talking about fruit. Or FPS games. One shots are fun and rewarding. Many FPS games allow snipers to one shot. Some games allow pistols to one shot. Some games allow grenades to one shot. I think overwatch did a good job of having some one shots but not making them a necessity for victory. One shots are healthy for the game and maintain a hardcore FPS audience more than some other heroes.

That’s definitely one way of looking at it. But I don’t really feel like this is a teamwork thread.

I will just post that it hasn’t been the goal for a while, and in this regard, hanzo s one shot is one of the fees things I have left from my initial intrigue of the game.

This hasn’t been balanced for teamplay for a while. And I’m not going to act like I bother forcing it to be. Which, hanzo can benefit from…but ultimate doesn’t need a team.

I just gotta get better

For the person doing the one shot, sure. For everyone else, absolutely not.

Correct, both are fruit (both are FPS, both are shoes).

Yes, 1 shots are fun and rewarding, many FPS allow snipers with 1 shots. Yes, certain players want them, but this isnt Quake3 Instagib.

I personally disagree that 1 shots are healthy for Overwatch - they’re annoying to play against, they drive up the need for shields and they cause damage/healing creep.

Your argument that 1 shots are healthy is instantly invalidated when you’re not even talking about Overwatch.

Well yeah. But I hate getting slept. I hate getting stunned. I hate getting booped off the map. I hate aiming at a double jumping wall climbing ninja that can deflect my bullets. I hate seeing damage get healed faster than I can put out. But my biased hatred isn’t a valid reason to remove mechanics.


Everything is annoying to play against. Overwatch to me has always been a collection of very unique and broken heroes all put into one game to see who is the most broken of all.