My patch notes (27/12/2020)

CODE to try the changes: P2ST4
Hey! Welcome to my own patch notes, where I manage to balance the game on my own way. If this post is liked, I’m going to post my balance changes every two weeks. Not all heroes have been balanced, only 10. The rest of them will be tuned by the next weeks. See you!


Primary fire (Scoped)
Fire recovery has increased from 0.7 to 0.85
Damage has increased from 80 to 85
Movement penalty has been reduced from -25% to -10%

Coach gun
Knockback to enemies has been reduced by 30%.

Ashe is a little bit too powerful when talking about damage dealing, so the DPS is going down as well as coach gun utility to defend from divers and flankers, but with a better ADS mobility and damage per shot.


Primary fire:
Ammo has been reduced from 45 to 30

Immortality field
Cooldown has increased from 25 to 35sec.

Nerf to Baptiste’s spam damage capability and making immortality field only usable once per fight. If I see he’s too nerfed I’m going to buff him in some other ways.


Primary fire:
Projectile speed has been increased by 15%

Rocket punch:
damage has been reduced by 30% (impact on walls and punch DMG) which leads to a full charge punch and a wall hit deal 175dmg (no oneshot for 200hp)

Recovery time has been reduced from 0.35 to 0.25

Movement speed has been increased by 10%

Power shift from his punch to all his kit, to make him have a higher skill floor and power on higher sr, as well as making him feel more fluid to play. Shoutout to all Doom players posting on forums who gave me this idea.


Sticky bombs:
Cooldown has been increased from 6s to 8s

Focusing beam:
DPS has been reduced by 25% (37.5dps on +50%hp characters and 150dps on -50%hp characters)

Since I’m nerfing all hitscans, I’ll also nerf Echo because her power would be abusively broken with hitscans losing power.


Damage has been increased from 28 to 30

Secondary fire:
(Can’t program this on workshop, but secondary fire rate to 0.7 and spread to 10.5)

Cooldown has been reduced from 8 to 6
It now lasts 1.5s

Now lasts 8 seconds
Can’t be damage boosted

A powershift from blade power to Genji’s kit power, as well as changes to higher his skill floor and ceiling and power in higher sr.


Arrow projectile speed increased from 110m/s to 125m/s

Storm arrows:
Charges decreased from 5 to 4.

The point of these is to make Hanzo more of a sniper category and to reduce his spam capability.


HP has been decreased from 225hp to 200hp

Reload time has increased from 1.2s to 1.4s

Since all game’s power will be nerfed, McCree won’t need his reload buff as much and I’m nerfing his health pool to not make him very tanky against some targets.


Primary fire:
Damage has increased from 55 per ball to 65 per ball
Shooting recovery has been increased from 1.5s to 2s

Cooldown has decreased from 10s to 8s
Boop distance has increased by 15%

Kinetic grasp:
Cooldown has been decreased from 10s to 8s

Experimental barrier:
Deleted from the game

If he’s too weak, I’ll make his kinetic grasp self-cancelable next patch notes.

The point of this changes is to get rid from double shield, and to turn Sigma to a pure off-tank.

Soldier 76:

Primary fire:
Ammo has been decreased from 30 to 25.

Helix rockets:
Cooldown has increased from 6 to 8s

Reverts to buffs in order to tune down his power to a line with lower power, in order to make projectile heroes and hitscans equitative in power.


Cooldown has been decreased from 12s to 10s
Speed granted from 60% to 70%

This is a revert to a Lúcio nerf on goats and a buff, to make brawl comp more able to rush static comps.

I may have forgot to put a change on the patch notes. I’ll be checking it and I will edit if I realise about a mistake or a forgotten patch note.

Let me what you think in the reply section, I might take some ideas from there. See you (perhaps) on the next patch notes!


Any ability over 20s cooldown screams bad game design. IF shouldn’t be ability but ultimate.

Everything else is great :+1:


I’d also do that, but since I require time to program immo field and I don’t even know if it’s possible to turn it into ult. Possibly imma try next week

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It’s an overall buff. His punch doesn’t instakill but all his kit gets buffed, being it more smooth, to avoid punch bots. If you don’t understand something of the patch notes, tell me


Projectile speed makes it more consistent to hit shots. I tried it with 0.2 and it didn’t make much of a difference with 0.25. His movement speed on E makes it easier to dodge sleeps or stuns (remember that the 10% applies to the 500% speed when using E, since the mov. speed when using E is 25m/s, with the speed buff it would be 27.5m/s, which leads to a 550% more speed when using E. It’s not a simple E, it stacks with the normal speed when using E).

Anyways pro Doomfist are not punch bots, they usually use punch to escape from a situation. And I’d put the punch charge back to 1s or even the passive shield charge to 35 per ability hit but I can’t program that on workshop ;-;

20m seismic slam is what I live for.


dunno how you expect to dodge sleeps or stuns with a rein sized hitbox. without a doubt it would be nice to have but it doesn’t really do anything. good doom players can already hit their primary shots it’s not necessary to make the projectile speed faster would just make it almost hitscan.

and with pro players not being punch bots? I dunno about that one look at the double shield meta in OWL they all legit were punch bots lmao. if you mean high ranked ladder players they don’t obey some playstyle they just do whatever is best for the situation

I’d just leave doomfist as he is and reverted the uppercut recovery to 0.20s he doesn’t really need anything else.

Just tried the Ashe changes, I honestly don’t like the slower rate of fire, I thought I’d be ok with it but it makes her feel really clunky especially with the animations.

I think where her rate of fire and damage are now is honestly fine.

If she were to get some changes, probably would be something like this.



  • Shots to reach max hipfire spread decreased to 4 from 6
  • Hipfire spread recovery increased by 50%
  • Reload per shot increased to 0.3 from 0.25
  • Initial Reload start decreased to 0.4 from 0.5

This way you’re encouraged to tap out shots at steady pace as opposed to spamming the trigger. The reload changes I saw in another thread, and make a lot of sense to me.


  • Explosion Damage increased to 100-40 from 50-20
  • Explosion Radius Decreased to 4 meters, but burn still ends at 5 meters
  • Burn damage reduced to 75 damage over 5 seconds from 100

This makes Dynamite more rewarding if you actually try to land it near people when you detonate it. And also makes people less reliant on the burn damage for kills, and makes it not as strong. The real power of Dynamite comes from the explosion.

That’s all I’d change, with the changes to Dynamite Bob will be on the field less often.

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Dooms only power is punch. 90% of all that doom does is punch, if you’re gonna make it so it doesnt oneshot you have to give massive buffs to slam and uppercut.

Doom needs no changes but uppercut reverted to 0.2s. Thats it, nothing else.

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I’d love that too. Maybe I could try to add it for the next patch notes.

The animations are going to change with the fire rate, but I just can’t do that in workshop without slowing all game down. If you want to try the not clunky animation, use this code: 5RGFJ

Again, I’ve been hours testing the changes and 0.2/0.25 is not that much of a change. Just try it and you can check.
If I see a lot of people complaining about that I’ll change it next week, even though I can tell you rn there’s no much of a difference.

In this patch notes I’m nerfing/adjusting every character, not raw buffs, not going to give a straight buff to a character without removing the unskillful part of him

I dont mind 0.25s at all. Its just doom punch is 90% of dooms power and nerfing it will bring the need to massively buff slam and uppercut. Which is why i just think uppercut recovery reduced to 0.25 or 0.2 with no other changes at all.

Maybe I could try to add the 20m slam (edit: or perhaps the passive shields per ability: 35 instead of 30) , but I don’t think it can be done on workshop. With that addition I’d remove the proj. speed, since it doesn’t make much of a diff.

Immortality field is not the problem, but everyone keeps complaining

It’s his healing
Don’t make him clunky like mercy :frowning:
Overall decent patch notes IMO

Yeah it doesn’t make a difference. Slam to 20m and uppercut to 0.25 or 0.2 and then Im all in for 175 dmg punch if it means punch charge up time is back to 1s or just 1.2s. Since itll be used for mobility mostly and not killing because it wont be effective.

Okay. Keeping this in mind for my next patch notes.

Imo his immo field should be an ult and revert its state to december 2019, give him another unbroken ability and perhaps change something about his stats (heals or dmg)

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IMO immortality as an ultimate will be super bad and weak, and I don’t wanna lose window as an ultimate

Hot take

Immortality field should be a cleanse field instead :sunglasses:

Oh and btw zen needs nerfs, I just dont have any idea on how.

Hm, I think 0.75 is a good middle ground tbh, especially with the extra damage.

But…Mercys rez…ok :+1:

I honestly love these changes and would want them on the next ExC. However you forgot to add ball on the nerfing list.