My Overall Feeling of Brigitte

I will keep this short and simple.

People need to stop acting like Brig is the monster powerhouse she was 2 years ago. She got 22 flat nerfs. She isn’t destroying the game. She isn’t overpowered.

Get out of the 2018 mentality. She’s allowed to counter dive characters. She was honestly fine pre-health pack nerf.

Gutting her again and again is just frustrating. Because even if there actually was a problem with Brigitte, Blizzard would refuse to actually rework her and instead nerf her under the false pretense she’s too powerful so the top 0.001% get a slightly different meta.

Not liking a character in a game =/= overpowered or broken.


Some people are gonna call me evil, but I prefer her that way.

At least she had SOME impact in my rank instead of absolutely none. If there’s a Brig on the enemy team, they’re fighting a 6v5. If there’s a Brig on our team, we’re fighting a 5v6. Seems Brig is only dangerous in the %1 of players.


This is ultimately true, and a lot of people do not want to admit this.

I played Brig from low plat to high diamond during/after the healthpack nerfs, and, not to toot my own horn, but I consider myself a good Brig player so I’d like to think I know my way around things.

Brig was more of a counterpick than anything, and is even moreso now. (Generally switch to Brig against Winston, Genji, Doom, etc.) but it’s actually pretty difficult to get value out of her. She gets better as ranks go up due to team coordination, sure, but Brig was not a threat to below high Diamond a year ago and is not at all a threat now.

She’s difficult to make work, and at this point she is STRICTLY a counterpick. Even if you’re a good Brig you have to play with a team that understands you, which helped that I was in a 3 stack, and managed around 9k healing per 10.


I think it’s because lower ranks play her as if she was the powerhouse she was 2 years ago.

If you play her properly, position well & hit your abilities, Brig is still a very strong hero. If you’re missing whipshot & shield bash & overextending getting blown up, you’re gonna have a bad time.

I think lower ranks make the mistake of frontlining a little too much, not realizing that if you don’t die on Brig your team usually doesn’t either. If you die, so does your team


Brigs kit is bloated.

  • Shortest stun in game and stuns are very powerful in ow
  • Shield
  • Strongest aoe heals
  • Long range boop
  • Gives armor

Once you learn to properly utilize every part of brigs kit, she is very strong. If you can’t do that you just need to get better.


Sure. a stun is fine.

it’s a piece of paper. Honestly, it’s literally a piece of paper. Breathe on it, no shield.

That still aren’t really that strong. Strongest in game? Ok, not really saying much lmao

More or less a damage mechanism which supports are allowed to have. Works well with her kit. If you really want a damage nerf is fine.

in only rally, literally only rally


The issue for me is not whipshot play, but that’s not brig at that point anymore.
She’s sold as a frontliner.

Brig mains enjoy battle, they never signed up for being a budget hanzo.

She’s viable effective even but it’s no longer the playstyle brig was supposed to be.


I would say Brig would be better if they would revert her to her original state and keep the 250 HP shield and that shield bash cant go through barriers.

Let her be an off healer again. We never needed 3 packs and more inspire healing to begin with. Let her be the anti dive hero you pick when the enemy runs tracer and genji.


Her shield almost is nothing compared to what it used to be.

Brig is not even bad. I haven’t had any difficulty versing a brig so whether it’s a fact of you as a player or team just not being able to kill a brig with paper for a shield


I would be open to reverting Brig back so long and see how it works out.

If only there was a mode in which players can test out… gee what’s the word…

experimental changes?


Shortest duration stun too

Low hp and Brig herself has low hp and low mobility

That’s Moira

And its great for someone who has no range otherwise

Only in rally and its temporary


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I think you’re looking at it a little too black & white.

Can you frontline the same way that you used to be able to? No, obviously not since she has half the barrier HP & 50 less HP.

But you can frontline when the time calls for it. If you’re brawling on point you aren’t just sitting away from the fight, you’re right in the middle of it swinging away, shield dancing, bashing & whipshotting.

What you can’t do is go in front of your tanks constantly expecting to survive 6 people shooting at you

Brig can still be on the frontlines, she’s just not her own tank anymore


Apart from release brig no other version of brig can do that, this is just your generic play with your tanks, which is what brigs were doing.

At 200 hp you can’t frontline effectively.
225 doesn’t suddenly make her a 1v6 frontline monster, just helps a bit in being able to survive there.

I guess the thing is she has short range. If you’re not spending most of your time that close to the enemies, what would you be doing? Clicking packs on teammates and whip shooting enemies while you walk and look around. It’s like if her gameplay was pushed to be more like Mercy’s, because she heals automatically and engage enemies very occasionally.

But the only way to make her more actively contributing would be, if for damage, more durability to melee-engage enemies, or if for healing, making she get a more interactive way of healing, like using a mouse button to aim teammates with healing shots or soft-tracking.


Which is why it should only really be used for big dmg. Ive blocked shatters with it, saved team mates from helix rockets that would have wiped them etc. It’s still a valuable tool if you’re smart.

Aoe heals are extremely valuable. I don’t know what to tell you if you don’t understand why.

I get environmentals all the time with it.

Okay. Still very valuable and can shift a team fight in your favor.

If you struggle with brig you just need to improve. She’s not weak and doesn’t need any buffs.

I don’t think that is a player issue more then a design issue. She still functions the same as two years ago but the effectiveness dropped like a rock so you have to play against her kit to be effective. A new player picking up Brig would be absolutely confused, Blizzard made a trap character when they reworked her.

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Yes, please make her an off-healer. If you do this, you’re then able to give her back her more brawly, frontline style that she was sold as. The problem is she can act as a primary healer too. Take this away from her. Then her heals aren’t so oppressive. But she can now provide utility through her actual kit - her CC abilities.

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My main issue with Brig now is…

It’s not Brig anymore. It’s just an empty husk with Brig’s face on it. Her old playstyle which people were attracted to (supporting on the front line) is now nearly impossible outside of very rare situations. That’s the problem. The situation where she was always supposed to work is no longer a viable option outside of a few very niche scenarios. Most of the time, she’s a whip bot. I’m sure a lot of people would not want to play that. Correct me if I’m wrong.


You’re not wrong. At least in my own opinion. I just think they’re nerfing the wrong aspect of her because they seem to be so adamant on keeping her as a “primary healer” (their own words not mine) and because of this…she’s losing who she is.


It’s almost like they’re actively trying to completely kill her fanbase.