My Overall Feeling of Brigitte

Here is a rebalance for you.

No in-combat self heals, she can keep 250 total hp and 300 barrier for that, out of combat self heals, and single target team heals.


Like they’re catering to the people raging for nerfs. But then just diminishing the problem, quieting it. Not getting rid of it. Which is why she’s now in this 200HP state that Brig players tend not to like as much.


Honestly, if there was anyone that should’ve been ignored, it should’ve been the #deletebrig community. They are not playing Overwatch. They are playing CoD with waifus and husbandos.

They behave like entitled Roblox kids too.

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These terms are always funny.

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People just want easy kills, so they don’t want a support that counters dive.
And then they cry for nerfs. That is sad

Depends of situation.
AOE vs long range DPS is useless.
To me Brig is a situational healer.
Good on some maps or vs a team comp.
Fits well with a Rein.
Not the most precise healer though.
Same impression I have with rein’s hamer.
Although stunt clearly solves some versus.

To me she’s fine with current capapabilities.

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I’m a weeb, so I’m allowed to use them freely. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Brigitte still had a 500hp barrier & strong self inspire just before her rework. I think all she lost defensively after her release was 100hp on her barrier, down from 600hp.

She could definitely be her own tank and pretty much go wherever she wanted unless the enemy team had Junkrat/Pharah/Bastion. Any other DPS& she had pretty free reign to frontline

Without your tanks, you’re mostly right. But if a fight is happening she isn’t staying away from it. She just can’t expose herself in the open & expect to live if she’s being focused

Sure. But keep in mind that 450hp is still a lot, particularly on a support. (200hp, 250 barrier)

Most heroes take a decent amount of time to deal that amount of damage, even with perfect accuracy.

Yeah. It’s frustrating though. The issue people have with Brig still exists within 200HP Brig. Just now that she has lower HP she’s not in the fight as long - whether that’s because she’s now easier to kill - therefore dead. Or she’s having to back up. It’s sort of like squishing down the problem. But as soon as you buff her HP back up…the issue just erupts more and more and then the people who hate Brig cry for nerfs. And guess what? She goes back to 200HP to temper the problem. Not deal with it.


I mean, it’s like Reinhardt. If you aren’t in melee range you’re essentially walking around with a shield & firestriking when you can. But once he’s in melee range he’s swinging & shield dancing. I enjoy both Reinhardt & Brigitte. I think those who don’t like Reinhardt don’t like Brigitte either, and vice versa.

I don’t think she really needs to be more damaging, or a better healer. She does both effectively. In most cases you have to kill Brig first or the rest of her team won’t die. Her peel & single target healing is pretty darn good

You’re right, but most things in overwatch do depend on the situation. I feel like too many people here just don’t understand brigs situational effectiveness and they’re asking for buffs because they want to one trick her and win like brig 1.0. I don’t think brig was ever supposed to be a good in every situation healer, she was only that way for so long because she was busted.

I think it’s the opposite, considering you can see how effective she is in high ranks when she’s played well with at least a decent amount of team coordination.

But that’s the thing, she doesn’t function the same. Yes, her overall design of being a melee healer is the same, but she’s more of a healer now instead of a tank, vs. 2 years ago when she was more of a tank than a healer.

She’s actually more balanced now in terms of design (a hybrid of healer & tank) compared to before her rework when she was 80% tank 20% healer.

Also, to further drive that point home, her effectiveness as a healer has skyrocketed from before her rework. Prior to her rework she was only really effectively run with 2 other supports because her healing was so abysmal & she was practically a tank as I said. Now she runs more than okay with just 1 other healer, to the point that she was meta. You even see high level players running her alongside Lucio/Zen

Her tank effectiveness dropped like a rock, yes, but it was so absurdly high before. Her support effectiveness rose like a hot air balloon.

If they had no knowledge/comparison of her prior to her rework, I don’t think so. If they picked up a melee healer I would think they’d know they shouldn’t be walking in front of massive long ranged damage. I would think they would pick their fights when in close range, but that’s just me

This is the most important point here.

They will keep nerfing everything around the double shields problem instead of removing/replacing/reworking the game’s most versatile shield from the game’s most versatile tank (Sigma).

See you next week when they nerf Bap again and double shields is still a thing for the less that 1%.


Yeah prior to her rework the fact that she could be used alongside 2 other supports greatly enhanced her effectiveness and ended up leading into GOATS. But we don’t have that now. It literally cannot happen with 2-2-2.

But I think because her tank effectiveness has dropped (with the 200HP) she starts to lose her identity and the picture on what she was sold as. Which is why when you buff her from 200HP, that tank effectiveness increases (maybe not to the levels it was before) but still very high. Because they buffed the inspire self heal passive. And since she still has the massive skyrocketed heal effectiveness. She is kinda just. Insane. Good at it all.

That’s why I think if you reverted her back (pre 2-2-2)(maybe not to the exact same extent. Maybe less shield health as shields got nerfed around the board during 2-2-2). She gains back that playstyle she was sold on. But now her healing isn’t insanely oppressive. Because you can’t run 2 other healers with her. So she becomes an off-healer.

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Interesting comparison, but the difference is he can actively seek to close gaps to reach melee range and use his weapon, she can’t, she’s encouraged to let it happen passively. He has more agency to protect his team, he raises his barrier and he’s offering all he has for protection, while Brig has to hit her flail on enemies to trigger part of her healing.

I’d say Rein’s design ends up being more intuitive for melee + barrier, Brig’s design just doesn’t have that level of intuition to it anymore.


As support, brig can fit in a dive comp.
While Rein can only :

OFC both uses shields.
And both have the capacity to bring distant fight to close combat.
Brig adds value to rein in most cases.
She’s a situational healer.
He’s a strategic choice.

brig’s value is directly proportional with enemy skill.
At low ranks she seems weak and she dies easy becuse lower rank people have worse positioning and overextend a lot.
But in high ranks? She truly becomes a monster.
Her kit isn’t particularly demanding in neither aim or resource management and with proper positioning she becomes damn near unkillable.
Her true power lies in her multi tasking ability and her sheer shutdown potential. She can single handedly counter blade if played properly but ironically she’s as good against flanks as much as she’s good with them.
People say her shield is paper but don’t realize she still has +250 shield hp than literally any other non-tank. That’s a lot when you start playing properly.

Brig is a mess of a character, her kit seems designed to be easy to pick up but becomes worse the more you go up, yet the more you climb the more she becomes oppressive.
She’s tanky and heals a lot, which makes her an invaluble ally.
Is she op?
I wouldn’t call her op really, but her kit has fundmental design issues, she can’t be allowed to be good lest she breaks the game

This exact same thing is true of doomfist as well. Just because people don’t like the hero doesn’t mean he is op

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Brigitte is allowed to counter Dive charakters yes, but a single pick should be allowed to counter a whole comp. The 2-2-2 Rweork was a fat buff to her, so ifcaucw she needed many nerfs, expecially after the Armor buff

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Her entire kit is overpowered together, she has no drop offs, her having a shield and cc is fine, she’s a defensive support peeler, but when she’s allowed to POCKET people from range, while healing her entire team and peeling everyone, ALL at the same time with little to no mechanics at all, that’s broken

Also, her shield is 250hp, by the time you break that shield, an entire support hero should be dead, don’t act like her shield is bad, it helps her against range, poke, and it’s like an entire supp extra hp on her

Besides that, she ruins the game because she makes lucio unplayable in high level of play, without lucio, half the tanks are gone, mercy is gone as well, with brig and bap, double shield is more stronger, meaning sym is dominant right now because of all the sustain brig and bap brig, brig as a hero just brings so many issues, goats, power creep, etc