My opinion on mercy changed a little

I used to be one of the players who said mercy was garbage but after one tricking her this season she isn’t even that bad. The only change I will like to see is maybe 55 or 60 hps, but other than that she is a solid pick most the time. After this patch goats will probably die and a dps meta will emerge and that’s mercy at her strongest.


Damage boosting a buffed Junkrat is fun.


Eh, even with DPS meta I feel like Ana is better than Mercy.


Not after the Lucio nerf. Ana is gonna be a sitting duck for DPS to pick off without that reliable speed boost to keep her alive.

Also, Mercy has also worked way better in DPS metas than Ana, just saying. Nothing about Ana’s kit really works well with DPS comps. Ana has to hit her shots, her healing is high but on 200 health heroes it’s kind of overkill. Her nade can’t really be used to heal teammates reliably unlike with tanks. Her ultimate also is only good on some DPS heroes (Genji, Solider) but Mercy could just damage boost them any time without having to waste an ult…

Mercy’s mobility let’s her support spread out DPS comps, her damage boost makes her very optimal for supporting literally all DPS, like hitscan, snipers, projectile heroes…well, you get the point. The only DPS heroes who Mercy’s damage boost doesn’t really benefit is Tracer and Sombra. Mercy can pocket all DPS ults with damage boost for free. Mercy’s healing is auto-aim so she can reliably heal thin DPS, and mobile DPS like Genji and Pharah. Her rez allows her to negate burst damage which counters most DPS heroes, etc.


While true, you still need a main healer which Mercy is not. She can’t really keep heroes sustained when the source of damage is burst and with Baptiste I can see Ana being the better main healer. I hope I’m wrong and Mercy sees more play time but I just don’t really see it.


Hey another person realizing that Mercy is fine :smiley:


Mercy is fine at main healing, I do it all the time in comp and QP. She is also being used to main healer with a zen or even solo heal DPS-heavy comps in OWL rn. She’s just not good at sustaining immobile tanks who soak up damage like Rein, and she can’y support tank-heavy lineups which is why she isn’t meta rn due to GOATS.

She’s a fine main healer.


Agreed, she really does need a little TLC.

Hope you can land dem sleep darts reliably. Otherwise you’ll get farmed on Ana in a dive scenario.

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I agree…

I think Mercy is a cute pick for setting up a Bastion-centric comp with the guaranteed Batiste-Rez, but I think that the reality will be that she just can’t keep up with the amount of damage that will be going out, and the niche simply isn’t enough to get rid of GOATS in pro play. And I think people are forgetting one particular hero that completely pubstomps them, Sombra.

Baptiste, Bastion and Mercy? Respond with Sombra as their DPS, who counters all three easily with an EMP, and continue running GOATS as if nothing ever happened.

Perhaps I’m wrong, and I hope I am. Otherwise, I expect Ana to be the actual choice pick in pro play or Moira. Both of which can handle themselves a lot better against Sombra than Mercy could. Playing immortality field into the enemy team followed by a Nanoboost may also be a pretty strong strategy for 2CP over damage boost or Rez, and the faster tick rate of Moira’s orb through matrix allows her to burst heal a lot faster on AOE than Mercy could by switching between team mates.

Mercy could have really benefited with having more than one slow rez I feel, since even with it’s cast time + immortality it would still be incredibly easy to cancel, especially with the new boop changes. Her beam only gets benefit from Baptiste when damage boosting, both of which still pales in comparison to a nade, IMO. The two just don’t really pair all that well, and I think Bap would get more value with a different support that can utilize more of his kit.

I suppose in ladder something like that will be common, but we’ll see how it pans out and what the pros decide to play in OWL. Personally, I’d be surprised if people decide to run a Baptiste/Mercy duo and not just another variant of GOATS after these changes, but it’s anyone’s guess.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


I mean, you can’t say with 100% certainty that Ana won’t still be better than Mercy when Goats is dead. Let’s just wait and see what happens.


I wasn’t saying Mercy will be 100% better than Ana when GOATS is dead, I was speaking in general terms of who is the better support in DPS comps, which Mercy is by far.

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What rank and region, OP?

It’s awesome that people are starting to see for themselves what Mercy is rather than taking the word of the anti-Mercy faction

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The big thing to remember is Mercy doesn’t have to be the best healer in the game, after all most teams have at least two support if not 3. So long as she’s in the 3-4 she will get picked decently. Given all the nerfs flying around these days at Brig, Lucio and such her competition is dwindling.

Right now in terms of good healers it seems to be Ana and Zen are almost always picked, with Moira and Mercy not far behind based on the situation. Lucio and Brig are kind of the dog house outside of Goats.

Though the new healer Bap might just push Mercy more. I mean she does 50hps to one target, he heals for 60hp per shot and can fire more than one round a second…

Frankly Mercy needs more healing, but people hated her when she did 60hps. My only idea is she needs healing in a way that’s not a direct heal. A thought I had a long time ago was perhaps let her heal/boost any ally that walks through her beam?

Perhaps a reduced 20 or 30hps heal for targets touching the beam, but not the target? It would be funny seeing Mercy Lock onto the tank and then fly around her team to drag the healing beam through them like a game of jump rope.

Hey, intelligence.
Not bad

4-1-1 has been used in contenders, Mercy solo heals it perfectly fine.
Mercy is a main healer, just not in the current tank heavy meta


Well at least Ana can help snipe the Pharah out of the sky where Mercy can’t. Because we all know your dps ain’t doing it hehe.

Mercy is 100% a Main Healer and don’t let anyone tell you different.


I really just wish papa jeff would try 55 hps