My opinion on mercy changed a little

Whether or not a dps meta emerges is essentially contingent on Mercy (and maybe Baptiste) being good enough to support it.

She’s definitely not garbage, and she’s definitely a main healer, but she needs a tad more healing to properly sustain such a comp.

I’m glad to see a positive post looking at Mercy!

She’s far from garbage, and as many have pointed out, is even being used at the highest tiers to solo sustain a 4-1-1 comp.

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Yeah Mercy is just SupportModel_1.
That’s all she should be. Leave being the top tier to the higher skill supports like Ana, Zen and Baptiste. Maybe Lucio at his highest level of play if he’s still viable.

eh, she still needs changes though… like say, these ones.

I’ve killed Pharah as Mercy main, many times, and my aim isn’t particularly good

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True tho. It’s especially easy in Valk, but even when not in Valk, I can use superjump to get up in the air and shoot the Pharah down. They never expect it, lol.

Same with widows…the key to the kill seems to be as you say that they cant believe a Mercy is killing them

Sounds like we need have the nerf hammers brought out again because that is what we do here at OW with heroes that are “fine” we make them even more fine. :rofl:

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