My Mind Was Changed

I’ll make this short.

I was adamantly against 2/2/2 until I watched the Developer Update video this morning. I take back everything I said, this is an amazing update. Thanks, Blizzard.

EDIT: I looked back on this post a few months later and once again take back everything I said. Oh the irony…

EDIT 2: Nevermind, Role Queue is great.


Big people admit when they were wrong.


My mind was changed too. I was so against it until I realized how well it would work. The old quick play or the new ‘classic quick play’ would be put into the Arcade, making the Arcade the go-to place for casual Overwatch players. The new quick play would be a training ground of sorts for players that want to train and practice before entering competitive, and competitive would finally be balanced and it would be much harder to throw, making the overall experience much more enjoyable.


I absolutely agree! I’m super excited for this update!


That was said about no limits. It didn’t last long at all.


Lmao I remember that, dreams shattered on all levels at the time.

I need to feel the blow on live before I change my mind. From what I’ve been hearing, the MM sounds even wonkier and easily exploitable with 6 stacks now, but that’s just PTR.

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There’s no way the ‘classic quick play’ mode would be temporary. The player base is too big for it. No limits wasn’t that big of a change, but this on the other hand is huge and I doubt that it would change.


I don’t blame you, for a while I’d say Overwatch devs seemed to be making all the wrong choices regarding balance. The idea of 2/2/2 being talked among the forums just seemed like another bad idea in a sea of bad ideas. But past few months, I think around the release of Ashe and Baptiste, I’ve been warming up towards OW again. All the new ptr hero updates look like good too

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I just checked out the new PTR hero changes. The only complaint I have is Hammond’s ult, but that’s because I hate him lol. It’s still a good change, I think they all are. Particularly enthusiastic about Ashe’s shorter reload…


The mentality change was the problem, not the access. It was no longer just a lack of limits on stacking, you went there to stack heroes and you were going to have 6 of one hero. It went from being an option to use as you felt it would benefit you to the entire point of playing the mode, so you better take it to the extreme to make use of it.
Someone on a different thread said I could enjoy my 6 support clown fiesta, and that’s exactly what it will become. It’s not a place where I can run GOATS or a triple DPS dive for old times sake, because just 3 of a role isn’t enough. It will be a clown fiesta as soon as the newness starts to fade.

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It was a huge change at the time, things like double mei and double zenyatta were annoying. No limits is the old old former Quick Play in a sense nearly.

Yet the promise got erased.

Look, I can’t look into the future and know what’s gonna happen, but I sure as hell want the ‘classic quick play’ mode to stay. It’s needed and I personally don’t want to feel like I’m working when I play Overwatch. I wanna come in and have fun, play my favorite heroes and relax. In fact, the new ‘classic quick play’ mode is the only reason I’m okay with this new patch.

Yes! Before rank I like to warm up. I can’t get that in quickplay right now when the moment I enter the game, widow and hanzo are picked followed by more people wanting to play dps.

Though I guess that prepares me for the same thing if it happens in comp :joy:

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dude, the video was amazing but I queued for my first game on the PTR and I swear everyone was so nice and we all felt like we were doing our part, team comp wasn’t even a thing that crossed my mind, I was more focused on doing MY job and taking advantage of my team’s positioning and picks, this is just awesome


Exactly the same here! I love role q! I love everything about this update and I just have my first comp game and it was FUN!!! Our team was working together, we got a good comp, we didn’t stomp the enemy team, it felt amazing! There are a few balance changes I disagree with but overall amazing update!


Enjoy instant losses caused by your DPS being Hanzo, Widow, and blind, on attack


I’m still a bit hesitant towards it as it fundamentally changes how me and my friends play the game, but I’m eager to see how it plays out on live servers.

Guess I’m not flexing anymore, though. :man_shrugging:

I mean, the issue with that, just like the old no limits, is that the game will now be balanced for enforced 2-2-2, making it difficult to return to the ‘classic’ mode as it’ll prove there are some heroes that are definitely not meant for that anymore.

I was very much for hero limits though. :frog::sweat_drops:

Double sniper McCrees that had full fan damage was a fun meta…

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