My Mind Was Changed

I’m big, but only in the wrong places :frowning:

Then why the hell isn’t it a playlist on the main page? Why would it be buried under Arcade, which is historically known to phase out modes for rotation, ESPECIALLY during events when the event mode takes priority?

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Awww, this is sweet. I understand. I am a ball main, and ball works best with triple/ quad dps, so role queue did make me sad. But, as I’ve said before, if it’s what is healthier for the overall game (which I believe it is) I will gladly take that loss :slight_smile:


Good to see that people are coming around!

I was playing on PTR last night and I was having a blast.

I played on live today and left angry and frustrated.

It’s a big difference.

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There were probably better ways to fix the instalocker problem, such as

  • Matchmaking based on hero pickrates

  • Setting a minimum number of each role on a team

  • Making DPS less appealing or non-DPS characters more appealing

  • Making LFG better

The nuclear option probably wasn’t the best choice.

Im willing to bet more and more people will come around.

Alot of people seem like theyre just in denial

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I’m not as against it as I was before. It definitely feels better. But, what I wasn’t looking forward to still holds true. I like switching roles within a match, but I can’t do that anymore. It also kinda stinks because on some maps, I like being supports, and others as DPS…and I can’t know which map I’m getting until I’m locked into a role. Which is fine! That just means I have to practice being better on those maps. But, I always loved being able to swap roles in a map and throwing people off. Kinda lost that. :confused:

Overall, I understand the intention and I can see it being successful. We only have the foundation right now, and I’m hoping they continue to revise and add features to make it better. I’m hoping they tone down heroes like McCree, Moira, etc. for 2-2-2, though. Character balance is going to be a bit wild.

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part of the thing about that is because a lot of players realized that it was oftentimes just more fun to play the regular mode of QP overwatch and so stopped playing no limits. I imagine once people realize that 2/2/2 benefits the game insanely people will stop using classic mode as well. its not a bad thing, it just means that on the whole, its more fun to play a balanced game than not.

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It became something different almost immediately. When you pick a mode specifically to let you stack, you’re going to abuse the power to stack. We went from maybe running double Winston every few games in qp to running 6 torbs every single no limits game almost over night. Regardless of it’s level use, specifically deciding to stack roles means you’re going to end up with the clown fiestas people like to say we have now when their exaggerating how bad things are.

I mean, i get clown fiestas (all the snipers in the game on one team, balanced team comp meant to finagle up snipers as the other side) pretty regularly in QP. To the point I almost exclusively play comp to avoid the clown party.

I imagine the same thing will happen in classic mode. We’ll get the clown parties every round. no one needs a tank! No one needs a heal! all snipers (battle ana) + one mccree and one sombra for fun.

I must be playing a different game than everyone else, because 2/2/2 is the default in every mode that allows it for me.

Truly, please switch experiences with me. I want to play ashe but I’ve quite literally been unable to because of how frequently I get stuck as the 6th hero in a 5 dps clown fest.

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I mean it still kind of is; prior to 222 me and friends were mostly lurking in mystery, with some of the spicier ones going into comp then pouring all the salt from constantly being the only tanks and supports. Occasionally we’d go into qp, but we’d intentionally wait for everyone else to pick and either goof around if the pugs instalocked DPS or contribute to a strong comp if there was some effort to build a balanced team.

Because when an inferior mode is left around, people just ignore it. Working as intended.

Oh, so it will be the same as QP is right now on live??? man… weird how that works…

It probably will be. I hope D.Va’s Defense Matrix will get buffed again in some way, too…Right now she’s just a big DPS, and as a D.Va main it has me concerned that, with the 2/2/2, she’ll be a little redundant.