My Mercy ideas, outside of the mega thread. hello mods

Hello, mods. I can see you hovering over that “move” button.

Two ideas, one with Valkyrie and one with Mass Rez.

Idea 1:


  • Healing per second for primary target is increased from 60hps to 80.
    This mean the Mercy player has to actively decide who is best to be healing, instead of go “semi-afk” in the fight.


  • Cast time reduced from 1.75 seconds to 1.5.
    Resurrect is finally balanced with a cast time, but I feel like it’s a tad too long and feels very slow and boring to use.
  • Slow reduced from +75% to +50%.
    For the same reasons as the cast time reduce.

Currently, Mercy can only Rez once every 3 minutes on average. This results in a lot of Mercy players getting bored and feeling like a “heal bot” because that’s all she does for most of the fight. This is why I have proposed these Rez changes, in hopes she can rez slightly more often and so she can feel more fluent.

Idea 2:

Resurrect becomes her ultimate and Valkyrie becomes her E ability.

Mass Resurrect:

  • Cast time increased from 0 seconds to 1.25.
    This is slightly higher than Lucio’s ultimate cast time. This allows the enemy team a chance to kill her before she can Rez. This would mean no more whining about Rez because they could’ve killed her.

  • Resurrect can be blocked by enemy shields, the payload and walls.
    Pretty much anything that isn’t a pole or a stump can block Resurrect. No doubt this will start out buggy, but can be fixed in due course. This means no more “Hide and Rez”.

  • Mercy gets one second of invulnerability after Resurrecting.
    Pure 1.0 Mercy had the problem of constantly dying when rezzing, so this is to keep up the potential counter to Mass Resurrect but also to ensure that the Mercy can get out alive if she successfully resurrects.

  • Ultimate Charge needed increased by 30%.
    I’m not sure the exact numbers needed for her old ultimate, but i think it was too low for such an impactful ult.


  • Mercy is no longer granted self-regen, but still has free flight.
  • Mercy’s beams branch out for 60hps for primary target and 40hps for the rest of her targets.
  • Cooldown is 15 seconds.
    This can be increased or reduced, depending on it’s impact.
  • Duration is 5 seconds.
    If free flight were to theoretically be removed, I’d increase this to 10 seconds.

My Favourite Idea:

The second. Mercy does not feel the same with Valkyrie. Rez on a cooldown is only “balanced” because she can hardly use it. If an ability is balanced because you can’t use it, then there’s something wrong with that ability.

My question to non-mercy players:

What Mercy would you prefer:

Mercy 1:

  • A Mercy where she can undo a solo ult (typically a junk tire) on a 30 second cooldown.
    A Mercy where when you say “I got a pick, let’s go in!”, she rezzes it. so you have to try to rush in 6v6 instead of 5v6.


Mercy 2:

  • A Mercy where you can easily kill her as she flies in for a sick 5 man rez potg.
    A Mercy where she can only undo ultimates once in a while.
    A Mercy where undoing your picks will mean using her ult.
    A Mercy that can be fun for everyone.

55 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018