Mercy’s ult mostly gets offensive value.
It’s defensive capabilities are very limited.
Coalescence charges way faster due to Moira’s AoE healing. It also has 30m range, just like Mercy’s beam during valk.
It heals for 140hps and deals 70dps simultaneously. She can focus key targets and combine it with her orb to get a gigantic number of healing.
Calling valk a better ult that Coalescence would be a very optimistic mindset.
Even +1 damage on the shurikens gives Genji access to the fan + melee kill combo, which is rare but there.
Reload speed would be fine, heck that’s what the ammo buff should have been, just knock a couple fractions of a second off of his reload.
Projectile speed would be a good buff too, his primary has been needing that for a long time.
Ngl I kinda have to disagree with Valk having a good ability. It’s overall healing still gets outclassed by a base Moira and her damage boost aspect is outclassed by Supercharger. While her immense survivability is a nice aspect, it still doesn’t take away the fact that her ultimate is too passive unlike pretty much every other support ult in the game.
If valkyrie had its duration cut by half and healing increased by 50%, that would be much better for it to be used aggressively. But that’s another topic.
If it were a more “quickly try to save who you can before the fight is for sure dead” rather than “the moth is a little harder to swat” would be cool.
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I’d say make valk the same length as coal. But with maybe 80-90 hps.
As if he is even played in OWL.
Tell me what is genji actually without blade? Has he ever been talked about outside of blade becaude of his kit being good?
Doomfists doesnt require an ult to be used against his ult, but does it matter?
The point is if you counter the ultimate he farms up thats already his whole value wasted. No other hero has their whole value wasted upon countering ult even sombra.
The thing people dont understand is that the reason why blade is so strong isnt its avg value but its POTENTIAL. No ult scales potential value exponentially like genji ult. Example: with the whole enemy team taking a mere 50 poke dmg from coal or any other source (slash dash situations), blade can secure 2 kill within 1.2 secs subtract 0.8 secs from the 2 dashes and thats potentially a mere 0.2 secs to react for each person (if you didnt see him before he gets on top of u) meaning less chance of cc, but now we look at 2 swings blade situations 2 swings is around 2 seconds minus the last slash duration of 0.4 secs meaning the difference between a slash dash situation and 2 swings is a whooping 1.4 seconds difference. 1.6 seconds to react for 2 slashes
So in conclusion what is blades’ issue. Any situation that can let genji slash dash is pretty strong and what can make that situation consistently is nano. Nano makes a situation wherein genji is strong in both survivability and dps even stronger with that dmg reduction from nano, so the problem here is not blade itself but nano.