My heros are locked now?

same: I was playing the last few hours and everything was fine, I logged back in after 1 hour break to find my characters locked.


My heroes are locked too, paid 40 bucks and have been playing with them since last week, this is annoying

Same. All locked and I got the battle pass AND been playing since Overwatch 1 day 1ā€¦ After we thought everything was fixedā€¦

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Add me to the list on Xbox 1

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Same thing happening to me, there is always something going on since the game was launched

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revert the hotfix. broken bastion is better than no playable heroes

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Same here. Both me and my son are locked out of heroes and had paid for the watch point pack. Please Blizzard we really want to play. I have limited time due to work.


Yep, same issue with me.

Mine too. Iā€™m almost past my limit.


Same issue here, I miss Roadhog

Same for me, everything was fine at launch but now i cant even play the heroes that i enjoy

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This is so pathetic.
How are these issues still happening a week after ā€œlaunchā€.

This is barely a sequel let alone a major patch, yet they canā€™t manage to keep the game running properly. Guess that ā€œBlizzard Polishā€ left with Kaplan.


Same with me. The amount of bugs this game has is overwhelming.

Same! Canā€™t believe a major game company canā€™t launch a game correctly. Seriously at this point just go back to OW1. At least that worked!!!


same here. was playing yesterday with my fave heroes and now theyā€™re all locked, with no hero missions to even unlock them lol so ig i have unattainable heroes


all my characters locked too still have my skins but i was trying to purchase a skin and it stole my legacy creadits and when i reloaded all my characters were locked

Iā€™m having the same issue. I played earlier in the afternoon today with no problems, but now my heroes are locked as if I was a new player.

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i have the same issue. like the person above earlier today it was fine but now they are locked

I have same issue, might put in a ticket.

yeah same here i was on everyday since launch and i had all my heroes and i log in today for the second time and now i have to unlock heroes Iā€™ve been playing since launch, Iā€™m not playing this game until it gets fixed i shouldnā€™t have to work for characters Iā€™ve had since Overwatch one

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