My friends and I are being punished because we're GM?

Just so were clear why they made profiles private: the industry is moving ahead of privacy regulations - in Europe with GDPR and to an extent in the US, the attitude is that all your data is yours, and only you decide what to make public, this includes historical game play, like it or not. Its not just Blizz making some weird ad hoc decision to screw the game up. You may not like it, but lets be clear why it was done and not use it in an argument where it doesn’t belong.

As for your final comment, then again, this points to a problem, that playing with your friends is above all else the point and screw everyone else’s experience in the game…


Sorry, man you’ve lost my interest. I don’t really go for this “Nuh-uh” approach you’re employing. Have fun with whatever point it is that you think you’re making.


Dont be disingenuous. This measure taken by Blizzard is not to defeat the purpose of the game, not at all.

If you are on T500 you know theres an INSANELY LOW number of players available at a certain time in order for the match maker to create a fair match.

Playing at certain hours, taking advantage of such insane low numbers and making premades with the sole purpose of exploiting that anomaly is quite low.

There is a fine line between using in game mechanics and choices like premades to play the game and exploiting known anomalies or vulnerabilities in order to get an unfair advantage.

PS: In before “then fix the MMR lul” because its not a functioning issue. That “fix” would make T500 have queues of hours, in order to wait for other T500 to create a 12 player match. Which doesnt fly anywhere.


honestly in ranked i don’t see a problem with people stacking, if more people stacked and it became a trend they would try to start stacking to get higher ranked and as a positive side effect people would cooperate a lot better and foster this team mentality in all areas of play.

I really don’t get why this only applies to GM and why it’s allowed. I always thought it’s better to work together in a team based game and grouping is the best experience to do it. I mean you can reach GM in a group with friends all the way from one rank to another. I feel like it wasn’t necessary to put a limit on groups for GM and if they’re gonna do it for GM to prevent 6 stacks over powering other teams then do it for the other ranks. Just to make it fair.

Seemed to me that he was saying he wanted to play comp with his friends.

Also… he wasn’t saying it isn’t possible to solo to GM, he’s saying that it shouldn’t be. That’s a pretty key distinction.

As its been explained, GM/Top 500 is a very small number, about 5-6% of the game populace - it was creating an unfair circumstance with such small numbers allowing grouping of more than two players, who could in turn just continually boost their SR by dominating - this is not good for the game, and actually doesn’t result in proper SR… maybe these stacks should try QP for a change if they must play together? The root problem though is the pool of players is just too low at that point, and they know it, and then compound the problem by stacking which effectively dominates in an un-level playing field circumstance.

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You got there by yourself or with your team?

I don’t think you understand how important this is to GM.

Like it’s not fun to play against a top 50 6 stack playing Bastion or Goats at 8pm on a Friday night. This season alone I’ve had this happen to me at least 10 times and it’s always a stomp.

I understand you want to play with your friends but you should know there are other people that play the game and want to actually have fun in solo queue.

You’re basically asking for other people’s suffering so that you can have fun. Unless you’d be fine with a groups only queue, where you can wait half an hour for another group to play against.


It already exists. It’s just the same button.
Groups tend to get paired with groups until they wait too long and just grabs people of closest rank that are in queue.

I’ve just finished my placements and the games were surprisingly good, not a single stomp except the last one.

The new changes are great.

The idea that I can’t form a team in a team-oriented game that relies on team work is absurd and you know it. Especially when said team work is essentially what makes it or break it at high rank.

I feel like they could easily fix this by adding a guild system and guild vs guild matches to the game

Honestly, I do feel for you, playing in a six stack with your friends on your main accounts is really fun. But your just too good, kinda a compliment in a way.

Maybe they should just add a solo only and 6v6 only queues.

lets see what you are going to cry about next.

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I’d honestly totally be down for this.

I think they should implement this change across all ranks so people defending this change can experience it first hand. A majority of GM players just want to play with their friends. A few abusing the system for top 500 shouldn’t ruin it for the MAJORITY. Imagining defending this at all. Probably people with no friends at all.

Because we can be so there

I didn’t pretend. Also, this isn’t relevant to my last message.

Blatant troll is blatant.

So 50 SR off the exact midpoint is big enough to still be low master but 700 SR is small enough to be barely above diamond? :joy: my man can’t even be consistent.

700 SR < 300 SR now? You’re lucky I’ve already pegged you as a troll, otherwise you’d look really stupid right now.

You’re right, man. I know more about the workings of Diamond than you but I’ve never played the game. I’m just psychic. “The seventh sense” is what I call it.

In Overwatch you won’t be affected by this update whatsoever, as it only affects people with friends. Why did you make this thread, again?


You could literally add me on uplay right now, prove it’s you, and yet you don’t. Fake diamond. Your name doesn’t even show up on tab as a player who has actually played Rainbow Six Siege. If you had one game under that name it would populate.

700 Sr against plebs vs the final 300 against competent players. There’s a reason top 500 is as low as it is right now in SR, the difficulty increases exponentially. A 3900 is WAY better than a 3700, whereas a 3200 is about the same as a 3000.

You just need to git gud.

@ Gerbi, I’d be a lot less hostile towards this update had it happened across all ranks.