My fellow Tracer mains

I hope with the rework comes a nerf to the Teleporter health.

Lemme make a minor correction:

Developer Comments: Pulse Bomb was too good at killing tanks, who can be easy to stick due to their size. This damage reduction makes it less powerful as a tank-destroyer, while keeping it near useless against most other heroes.

Seriously, tanks are the only targets you can consistently attack with this thing, alongside Bastion. And if you didn’t do some damage to the tank before throwing the bomb, the healer would immediately heal them back, wasting your bomb.
Everyone else is small enough to make sticking the bomb a matter of luck. If it wasn’t for that, I wouldn’t mind this change that much, that’s why I think that alongside the damage nerf, it’s flight speed after throwing should be increased to make sticking smaller targets easier. If the fact that large portion of the roster can survive the pulse bomb AFTER it was stuck to them through abilities already wasn’t enough, you need to get rather lucky with the bomb throw itself, because they can change movement direction at the very last moment to unintentionally dodge the bomb.

Following this PTR patch there are a total of 16 heroes that can survive a pulse bomb stuck. Everyone else can be saved by Zarya.

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I don’t know what to think tbh.
I think it was rather unnecessary.
If anything, change cost of ult.

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This games coding is actually pretty good for the most part tho?

Im just glad they didnt touched her cooldowns or pistols dmg.
The ult is just a bonus

Ooo goodie! Another bandaid patch rather than addressing the actual problem.
Seriously, just remove her headshot potential and it nerfs her enough without ruining most of her damage.

I am very happy with the nerf as a tracer player. However, i’d prefer it if it was 305 damage instead of 300. That way you can still use it to counter bastion.

Using Zarya’s immunity bubble as an example completely ignores the fact that she would have to have it off cd and could react quick enough before it goes off. That argument doesn’t really work as it shifts blame to Zarya.

I think the pulse bomb nerf is fair.

If they changed her pistol damage, mobility, or range she wouldn’t be able to be an effective dueler or outright useless. So I hope they never touch those aspects of her.

She shouldn’t be good at everything so the fact that she’s not an excellent counter to tanks after this nerf is a step in the right direction.

I guess they are looking for something to nerf that won’t hurt the identity of the hero. The nerf is slight, and i appreciate it. It will basically amount to less tanks being targeted and a higher demand for Tracers to stick smaller heroes.

mostly im worried about not being able to kill bastion with it

id like bastion to be more viable but in a way that doesn’t stop oneshots with pulsebomb

Well, still 16 heroes on the roster that can survive pulse bombs. Either way i am fine with the nerfs. As long as they make bastions not survive it

Not even a Tracer main, and often get annoyed by enemy Tracers but I didn’t think this nerf was needed.
I mean maybe it’ll make Tanks and bastion less vulnerable to her.
IDK I’ll have to see how this plays out.

^ Pretty much this.

Do you want a Bastion/Orisa/Brigitte meta? Because that’s how you get a BOB meta. :stuck_out_tongue:


Armor doesn’t block more than 5 damage. Bastion would have 5 health. As long as someone is there to sneeze on him before or after, he is dead.

Don’t know how I feel about Bastion surviving it. On the one hand, its kinda garbage that it counters him so hard because he has to sit still to do any significant damage. But without Tracer, the only real counters are snipers +

It makes her less effective against tank heavy comps. Wont make a big difference in the grand scheme of things. Kind of an indirect buff to Reinhardt and Bastion though, since they were easy targets.

Unjustified. The nerf will only enable heroes like Brigitte + Bastion even more and depending on how the meta shifts Tracer will become even more fragile and way less of a threat, and she can’t/shouldn’t be both. They should’ve buffed other heroes instead of nerfing her just to please the community. Once again the devs chose the wrong direction to kill a stale meta. No wonder Ana is so trash right now.

Ana needs a buff, Brigitte needs a nerf, Rein needs to be looked at but hey let’s nerf Tracer just because. I’m not saying other heroes shouldn’t have the “spotlight”, I’m just saying that the recent changes will most likely enable even worse metas than dive. Pirate ship, triple+ tank, if you hate them now just wait until Brigitte is available in comp and these nerfs go through. Better get to learn Hanzo or Sombra right away if you wanna have the slight chance to win and we all know how these heroes are sooo easy to master.

Quite honestly after today’s patch I’m glad I uninstalled the game yesterday, and this comes from a support main and tank/dps flex. New Symmetra better make up for all this or somehow counter the new meta…

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The nerf doesn’t really change anything. Even if you stick a tank there’s ways to block the damage or prevent it from happening in the first place. If anything they should’ve added a 0.5 second delay between each Blink for more counterplay so if you time and predict which way she Blinks there’s an opening.


pretty sure its more than that actually