My fellow Tracer mains

I’m not a Tracer main but I do like to pull her out every so often. I think this is a pretty good change, it will only really affect her ability to kill tanks (which tanks need right now). Even so this is a very small nerf and most of the time I wouldn’t even notice, it’s good they are keeping her core kit intact as any changes to that could be disastrous.

this “nerf” dont change anything lul.

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a 0.5 second delay between blinks… that would be like having mercy take a second between target heal changes, or have McCree have to reload after using flashbang. You want to fundamentally break the hero so that it’s unplayable. If they wanted to buff tanks then they should just give them more health. The hilarity of this nerf is that it does more to enable bunker comps with cheesy strats than it does to actually help any one tank. The only tank it does actually help is Briggite, who can’t be killed by PB whilst ulting now.

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I’m sorry but if you’re playing Tracer against bunker comps you’re doing something horribly wrong especially with Torb and Brigitte around. 0.5 seconds does nothing but create a counterplay window. And besides it’s not like you’d know without even testing the changes :man_shrugging:

Blizzard is contradicting itself. They first buff Reaper and Mei with the reason that they need to counter tank meta. Now they nerf Tracer saying that she was too good at killing tanks. What the hell? As if Tracer wasn’t already bad against quad tank and pulse bomb wasn’t already difficult to land.

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Armor blocks 50% of damage to maximum of 5 blocked per hit :wink:

I did test the changes, it doesn’t kill bastion or ulting briggite, and now it’s worthless against shielding tanks. The fact is that there is very little reliable shield break in the game, so flanking the shields is so important. Without the ability to actually kill the shield creators and whatever is behind those shields without being insta-gibbed, it just enables super turtley gameplay. What fun.

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I’m not a Tracer main but i will say the only thing i ever thought could possibly need some tuning is how fast she got her ult. I always felt it was to strong for how fast she got it (kind of similar to other heros). I never thought they’d nerf the damage i always thought they’d just make it take a little longer for her to get it.

pulse bomb leaves bastion with more than 5 health, thought you were saying it didn’t

yeah it was op you could wipe out a mercy and a reinhardt easy

To be fair, this game could use more “strong normal ability” ultimates. I think the only two the game really has are pulse bomb and earth shatter. Quick to acquire, rather limited in application. Though calling earth shatter a “strong normal ability” is really stretching it because of how powerful a stun across a whole group can be.

Did you try firing off a clip before/ while the Pulse Bomb is thrown? That might work. And about the shield break, there’s Junkrat, Bastion, Soldier, Orisa, etc who all melt barriers pretty easily which is why you rarely see cheese comps work well unless the enemy is horribly uncoordinated.

I’m not a Tracer main. I was personally of the opinion that she was balanced.

That said I don’t think this is a bad change. I don’t think it will really reduce Tracer’s value. What it will do is slightly buff all tanks and Bastion. It’s also an indirect buff to Symmetra.

I don’t know if that has really sank in for anyone but Zarya mains and Bastion mains yet, but it buffs the other tanks too.

So, I think it’s an interesting change and I think it will actually affect the meta around Tracer more than a nerf against her pistol damage would have without affecting Tracer as much directly.

I’m glad that a Tracer main agrees that this wasn’t the problem with her. This nerf doesn’t address the issues that the community has with Tracer and has been talking about for a very long time. I can’t help but feel like it’s a clever way for Blizzard to “do something” to her, without actually doing anything, hope i’m wrong though.

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I agree 1.5 is too generous for 40 shots with a crazy firerate. I Think Soldier 76 and McCree have the same reload speed with significantly less ammo.

As long as he’s not in sentry or tank form (he gets damage reduction in those configurations), yes, it will leave him with 5 health.

I’m pretty worried how the 2019 of uprising will play out with the Tracer pulse bomb nerf. She’s already a horrible pick in PvE due her nature of one clip null sector bots one at a time. Pulse bomb was a way to decimate bastions, especially in sentry and tank mode. Add the mercy valk and basically it’s almost impossible to finish legendary. We’ll have to wait a year and see how it goes. :wink:

I am nervous that Tracer will not be able to be played much. But, she is still a good dive hero with high regular damage, so hopefully it won’t be THAT big of a deal :confused:

It’s meh, Jelly. It means I have to work for my Pulse Bomb sticks on tanks, shouldn’t mean much for 200 and 250 health heroes…

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See, I don’t really see why pulse bomb was nerfed.

Of all the things😂