My feedback on the ExC changes

Glad to see bap being noticed, but completely wrong changes here. His healing isn’t the issue, the reason most people complain about him is IF. I’m going to state my upfront opinion: immortality field needs to be REWORKED and not straight nerfed. No more health nerfs, CD nerfs, minimum HP nerfs or any of that. We need more ground changing solutions. Make it damage reduction on 15 second CD, or make it his ultimate, or give it a cast time to be more reactive. If we actually address the issue of IF, then I guarantee you not even half as many people would be complaining about Bap.

My worst fear is because they refuse to address drone, they will just keep nerfing the parts of his kit that are balanced like his healing and damage. And then he will feel terrible to play but still be strong because of IF. As a part time bap player I don’t like drone. It’s not what makes him fun; it’s the high skill cap on his healing and damage management that makes him so fun to grind.

I guess it’s fine? But also, why?

I think this is a really good change honestly

Again, she wouldn’t be half as bad in GM if Bap didn’t have IF fundamentally changing the pace of the game at high level play. But if they don’t address IF then moira remains a throw pick so I guess it’s not a horrible change. Would have personally preferred the april fools ExC change instead of a more straight number buff but this works. But really I think she would be meta if IF didn’t cause everyone in the AoE to be immortal and force the enemy to shoot it, if it’s even in the open and not behind a wall.

But moira was also a throw pick so I can’t say I’m against it either

Halt wasn’t really the issue and wish they hadn’t buffed it. She sucks because her shield is wet paper. It should go back to like 900 HP, make her able to be headshot in fortify and address sigma’s barrier so we don’t get double barrier again. Bring back OLD orisa. This change if anything, makes double barrier even more likely to return at some point because of halt being one of her core CDs in GM and OWL.

Excellent change. Never needed this buff but personally I think they should’ve reverted damage buff.

Definitely not a good change. This just kicks tanks for no reason, and this is WITH the hook buff he already got a few months back. Just revert his ammo nerf or RoF nerf instead of just buffing his raw damage again. This just makes heroes like Doomfist, Winston, Reaper, and Mei feel worse to play. He’s also not really that bad; he just sucks in rush meta and he has always been c or d tier pick in rein zar or winsotn zar metas. If double barrier comes back or ball meta comes back, he will be B or A tier again

I guess this is good because she is terrible on ladder, but personally would’ve liked to see a revert to limited stealth but 75% movement speed. Good luck to doom players tho

Also as a last comment, how come McCree hasn’t been touched? He is S tier at the moment, a top pick in all ranks, meta in tournaments and contenders, and even OWL players/streamers are complaining about him. I’m baffled he didn’t get one of the four buffs reverted he got a few months back. If genji gets 4 buffs and has half of them reverted within weeks, McCree shouldn’t be going 6 months and not one single nerf


I definitely agree with all of this but I personally do like the concept of the Bap right click change at least.

The IF stuff is textbook Blizzard stubbornness. They will run all the hurdles in the world for it to keep the immortality effect until the breaking point is reached.


Because the storm talent Mekafall is frankly the most awesome stuff with DVa in HotS, and I think this came up a few times that sniping people with the mech impact like there or in Titanfall would be awesome.