My Dream patch notes, what are yours?

I got some thoughts:

-Nano burst heal from 300 to 100

-Casting Valk no longer breaks an existing beam tether

-Primary DPS from 60/120/180 to 90/135/180
-TP cast time from 2s to 1.5s
-TP interact radius from <1m to 3m
-TP lasts indefinitely until destroyed or replaced
-TP bugs actually fixed

-No dash reset when activating Dragonblade
-No increased movement speed during Dragonblade

-Biotic field CD from 15 to 13
-Biotic field radius from 5 to 6m
-Can reload while sprinting

-No ult charge gain when BOB is out
-Dynamite burn damage from 100 to 80

-Storm arrow headshot multiplier from 2 to 1.5
-Increase shot charge time from 0.7 to 0.8 s

-Decrease clip size from 30 to 24

-Flashbang damage from 25 to 5

-“Gallop” passive where running for X seconds increases her movespeed unless she uses an ability / shoots

-Spread increased slightly

…Basically the main goal of these is to even out the DPS roster a bit and make nanoboost less ridiculously good on tanks. I think I have just made a lot of enemies.

I actually like your feedback, I drew back a little on some changes realizing it was a little too much.

Bastion feels like he never has to reload and never stops shooting. The “self-healing makes hog stationary” is a nerf to his survivability, I stand by that still. As far as DVA, I want her to commit to using matrix and get punished for wasting it similar to how zarya’s bubble operates. I stand by that as well considering that DVA would still be very versatile and effective at other things. She would have more outplayability and she would have to save matrix for when absolutely necessary.

Widow: No longer able to use Mouse on Console :slight_smile:

Mercy and Rein permanently removed from the game.
That way, nobody can insist on these 2 ruining the game’s meta ever again.
People for some reason think that their ease of use should transfer all the way to OWL. Which is just wrong, and they know it.
And with them gone, OWL would be amazing to watch almost all the time.

Better nerf them F tier heroes, just to be sure.

Blizzard is making a great job.
Problem is that some players don’t accept the fact their heroes were op. And you know too well who I’m talking about and why you say they didn’t do a better job.

But that doesn’t make you right. And a whole year of forum spamming by the same people for over a year and nothing changed, probably means that your favorite hero is balanced but you keep thinking it isn’t.

@thread: Some of these are bad. But some are great suggestions.
I can’t agree with changing the “boop” knowback on Lucio. It will be the same as reducing a Tracer blink distance. It takes time to practive and get used to it, so if you mess with these, you’ll “break” the character for people who applied to many hours on these heroes.
Increasing cast time for Sombra will make hack unplayable.
I agree on Tracer buff. Agree on Soldier.

* Ultimate ability replaced with 5 - man rez
And that’s how you break overwatch again. lol
It would be fun on arcade or something, but only for the memes. Not to QP or Comp at all.

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That roadhog stuff man… He was pretty much useless when was like that before. Why do you think they changed it? The only high dmg he has is on shields and that’s it. And the hook us very forgiving for the receiving end.

rip Sombra, even more dead

  • Junkrat
    projectile size has been reverted back to 0.3
    reverted damage falloff on concussion mines

  • widowmaker
    now only does 190 damage per hit
    infra site is now a ability
    new ult. one hit where widow can now one hit any target no matter the targets hp
    charge time reduced by 50%

  • hanzo
    now only does 175 damage per hit
    hanzo’s lounge (fart poof thing) cooldown has been reduced by a second

grapple now has a duration but at the tradeoff of having it on a 2 second cooldown

now has gravity brakes that can be toggled while in sentry, this change allows for bastion to “fly” or move around while in “sentry” via mini-gun knock-back
sentry mode damage reduced by 20%

shadow step has been replaced with trancellular fade, reaper will turn into a ball of mist for 1 second where he can fly anywhere at 3x walking speed, reaper is invulnerable during the ability’s duration

I just going to try to be curt and blunt so I don’t drone on forever.


Strongly disagree.


Strongly disagree

Also strongly disagree


Not sure

Not sure.

Strongly disagree

Strongly disagree

Not sure

Not sure


Disagree/Not sure

Fair enough

Not sure/Agree

Remove the Hook cooldown suggestion and it’s Agree

Strongly disagree

Not sure/Disagree

Strongly disagree

The Strongest Disagree of all! (Seriously, this suggestion actually infuriates me because it shows a complete lack of understanding of Hammond’s job and optimal performance.)

This may be your ideal patch notes, and feel free to hold onto that dream but please respect that I don’t agree with quite a fair number of these. ESPECIALLY Hammond.

Stuns no longer remove ults entirely.

All healers have there healing numbers lowered by 25%

All tank characters have innate stun resistance and have stuns last 40% less time than they normally would

magazine reduced to 8
Damage brought down to 65 per shot
Bio nade no longer deals damage
Nano boost no longer provides damage resistance but gets it’s speed amp back

Tracer- reload speed on pulse pistols increased by 30% fire rate on pulse pistols lowered by 20%

dragon blade no longer provides additional speed
Dash reset only happens when genji lands a finishing blow

remove res entirely,

new E ability creates a cleanse aura to anyone mercies beam is attached to that removes debuffs and negates stuns, does not apply to mercy herself. Lasts 4 seconds 12 second cooldown, applies to chain targets on her ult.

Briggite- inspire no longer stacks with lucios heal aura
Bash damage reverted back to 50
Cool down reverted to 6 seconds
Inspire decay starts at 45 seconds not 30

can heal through shields again
Orb cooldown is reduced by 2 seconds when using a healing orb.

Mccree -
revert fan the hammer,
No damage falloff on headshots.

head shot multiplier lowered to 1.5

scope charge time increased by 30%

lowered turret destroy cooldown to to 7 seconds
Reduced head hitbox to not include his beard.

increased turret count from 3 to 4,

teleporter is no longer opt in by default, can be changed in the settings to include the opt button.

revert all recent changes.

Junkrat -
Revert projectile size Nerf
Rip tire now takes 25% longer to charge

freeze slow effect and duration decrease on consecutive freezes on the same Target

Ice wall segments can be broken by team mates with quick melee

Tighten spread by 15%
Hack cooldown lowered to 7 seconds
Hack cast time reverted to 1 second

Shadow step now provides invulnerability, lasts 1 second after cast time completion.

Remove iron clad,

now has old beta shield but instead of blocking damage for an amount of health it reduces all damage going through it by 50%

Ultimate cast time on deploy reduced to 1 second, the ending is now instant.

Soldier 76-
Increased damage from 19 to 20

matrix cooldown is 2.5 seconds
Increased total matrix uptime to 4 seconds.

Overall goal is to reduce the amount of stunning and one shotting in the game, and reduced healing so stunning and one shouting aren’t necessary to kill through healing anymore.

First, I think the game was pretty balance during GOATS.
Except in GM and pro games, we were able to play almost every hero. For real, I only think we really need this:

  • Buff: Moira, Sym
  • Nerf: Ana, McCree, Pharah
  • Rework: Brig, Reaper’s E

Ok so, my Dream patch:

Armor: -3 to -5.

Now each hero:

Ana: nerf grenade: now can’t anti heal an enemy, but does a -50% heal received. Still 60 DMG
Moira: can heal through shields
Zen: nerf discord: now +20% dmg
Brig: rework, you can choose: a real offheal or a real offtank
Mercy/Lucio: in a good spot

Tanks: in a good spot with her 2sec cooldown DM
Hog/Zarya/Winston: in a good spot
Wrecking Ball: now has 400HP and 200armor, cooldown of his blue armor reduce to 10sec
Reinhardt: nerf his shield to 1600 HP, debug him
Orisa: buff her shield to 1000 HP, reduce fortify cooldown to 8 sec

Ashe/Bastion/Genji/Mei/Soldier/Torbjorn/Junkrat: good spot
Doomfist: buff his ultimate, you can choose: more dmg or rework it into a more impactful one (e.g.: 1 sec cooldown on each capacity during 8 sec)
Hanzo: nerf storm arrow, 60 per projectile
McCree: nerf FTH, bring it back to his last state
Pharah: nerf her fire rate, bring it back to her last state
Reaper: nerf his self healing (back to 30%) and buff his E (faster and immune to dmg during TP)
Sombra: nerf invisibility (can contest point but have limitate time while invis), buff her weapon to do more dmg.
Symmetra: buff her health, now 150 HP and 100 blue armor
Tracer: buff pulse bomb to, at least, 350 DMG
Widowmaker: nerf widow’s kiss, now have falloff at 100meters

remove res entirely,

new E ability creates a cleanse aura to anyone mercies beam is attached to that removes debuffs and negates stuns, does not apply to mercy herself. Lasts 4 seconds 12 second cooldown, applies to chain targets on her ult."

I love Rez but I dream about a capacity like this new E.
I really hope we will have it with the next support hero

Might as well remove her from the game at that point lol

Lots of balance suggestions here, for me personally though I’d love to see some quality of life improvements


Junkrat: 1) revert projectile size nerf on primary fire; 2) conc. mine now does consistent damage: 80 airborne, 120 attached; 3) ultimate cost increased by 15 %, but now you can detonate it instantly after cast animation is finished (no longer 1 sec delay between it goes off and you still cant detonate), also time after it detonates and before you gain back control of the character is reduced

Reaper: 1) lifesteal from shotguns remains 30 %, lifesteal from ult is 50 %; 2) shadowstep time reduced from 2.5 sec to 1.25, Reaper cant be stunned or booped during the 1st part of the tp (from the ‘departure’ point) but still can be during the 2nd part (at the ‘arrival’ point)

Soldier: 1) biotic field cooldown reduced from 15 to 12, radius increased 5 to 6 meters; 2) can reload while sprinting

McCree: 1) primary fire damage from 70/140 to 75/150 2) revert secondary fire buff 3) 30 % damage resistance while rolling

Tracer: 1) each blink cd increased 4 to 5 sec; 2) recall cd increased 12 to 15 sec; 3) ult damage increased 300 to 400

Sombra: no changes

Genji: 1) no longer gains speed boost during ult 2) dash is restored only if Genji has done damage of 50 % or more of target’s maximum health

Hanzo: 1) storm arrow headshot multipluyer reduced from 2 to 1.5

Pharah: no changes needed until Pharmercy exists (i suggest slight buff to Mercy, see below). Either full on rework or no buffs until Mercy is able to fly with her 24/7.
My suggestions for Pharah rework: 1) remove hovering (spacebar) entirely; 2) grant second charge to jet jump (shift); 3) back to 80 splash damage with current rate of fire (she doesnt permanently fly anymore); 4) ult is reworked to resemble Reaper’s one: rotate while firing rockets around her, 170 dps, 540 damage in total 3 sec duration, she takes 30 % less damage while ulting

Widow: charges in-scope 15 % slower

Ashe: 1) dynamite cooldown increased 10 to 12 sec; 2) BOB either doesnt give enemies ult charge from damaging him but also doesnt contest OR contests but enemies gain ult charge from hitting him

Doomfist: 1) ultimate cost reduced 15 %; 2) slam distance back to 20 meters; 3) rocket punch damage from 250 to 200

Mei: no changes needed

Bastion: needs full rework to make recon mode deal more damage, with more self-heal, sentry mode is still powerful but is an ability on a cooldown

Torb: 1) back to 300 hp turret; 2) can reposition turret while it’s firing 3) primary damage from 70/140 to 75/150

Symmetra: teleport lasts until destroyed, but cd insreased from 10 to 15 seconds, 8 sec if you replace it yourself (give possibility of it)


Reinhardt: no changes needed

Orisa: no changes needed

Winston: no changes needed

Roadhog: no changes needed

DVa: no changes

Zarya: no changes

Hammond: 1) hook cd reduced from 6 to 4 sec; 2) ult cost increased 15 %


Mercy: 1) back to 60 hps; 2) valkyrie gives 70 hps on the main target and 60 on the others on chain; 3) during valk, wings are not excluded from her hitbox; 4) remove angelic descent out of valk (so shes unable to fly 24/7 with Pharah, only escape to her); 5) dragonstrike, riptire etc. can be damage boosted again

Ana: nano heals 150 instead of 300

Moira: 1) damage orb now also restores heal bar; 2) fade doesnt make her invisible (speed, cd etc. are unchanged)

Zen: no changes

Lucio: boop cd increased 4 to 5 sec

Brig: shield back to 600 hp (considering it doesnt stun thru shields and does only 5 damage)

Most of that is just reverting un necessary powercreep from moth meta, I get that most of the forums are plat or lower where ana’s tend to be bad but an ana who actually knows what shes doing is insanely strong. Anas a better burst healer than moira, has better utility than mercy with anti heal and sleep dart which with actual coordination is pretty much a guaranteed kill on a cooldown and her ult pretty much garuntees a won team fight when combined with other ults.

I am glad that you are not a dev. Because this is terrible changes. Absolutely terrible. You simply want to ruin a lot of actually balanced heroes.

all i want for doomfist is 20 m slam range and have his ultimate reset your cooldowns when landing. your nerf to his rocket punch is going to have a much bigger impact on doomfist’s viability than you may think… as for hammond, i think hes in a good spot. hes a very strong character, but the current meta doesnt suit him.

You already asked for this. And you’re asking for her to be at her weakest state she’d ever been in even without the 25% nerf.
Also, i think it’s kind of funny you’re saying you’re trying to fight off power creep, but at the same time ask for Brigitte to be almost fully reverted and;

Oh well, it’s just a hypothetical dream scenario i suppose.

All that utility sat in the trashbin for over a year.
Moira isn’t nearly as bad as people make her out to be. High skill characters are more consistent at the high ranks (No, i don’t reside at plat mind you… i reside in high masters) so of course they’re going to be better than their simplistic counter parts. Similarly, Widow is a better dps than Soldier at the high ranks. While Soldier is stronger at the lower ranks.