My conclusion on doom

New Doom literally flies in between his allies and his enemies to block damage. No wonder you guys don’t like him; a tank that’s actually made to block damage must feel like a brand new concept to you guys.

You know, considering how the tanks can barely do that in OW1.

The difference is that Ball actually does a lot of damage, is obnoxious, always has heightened mobility, and has phenomenal survivability.


Big cap no one has ever said that about ball starting.

Matter of fact ball has been getting nerfs since release with many people condering him just better Winston at release.


I have over 1,000 hours on tank and he is the worse of all tanks for blocking damage with hog exception (but he doesn’t block damage


In overwatch 1 if you throw yourself into the enemy and punchbot you are playing Doomfist in the most non-optimal way possible other than intentional feeding. In overwatch 2 they gutted his kit and now that’s how your expected to play him- how you have to play him, because his kit doesn’t lend itself to anything else. They turned the most fun and engaging kit in the game into a joke. People who have played Doom for years are now forced to play like a BAD doomfist.

And mouthbreathers on the forums that have trouble with the easiest DPS to counter in overwatch 1 will leave snarky comments on every Doom thread complaining about his rework because they’re infants. I don’t see Doom’s situation getting any better, but it is almost non-subjective how Overwatch 1 doomfist is a million times more engaging and fun to work with than Ov2 doomfist, who dumbed down his kit and made it as boring as possible.

As soon as I saw the update and how they replaced uppercut with a ‘stand still and maybe if you get shot enough you can do a REAL rocket punch that deals as much damage as a single Orisa javelin POWER BLOCK’ move I knew the devs had absolutely no idea what they were doing with him. He has single-handedly suffered the most out of every single hero going into ov2 and they genuinely presented him as if they were ‘keeping the spirit of fighting games’ by making him stand still, removing his 3 combos, not letting his abilities flow into eachother at all, literally made him as boring as possible, took away everything good about Doom, called it a day.

To be a Doomfist enjoyer is suffering. You play one of the worst DPSes in Overwatch, people on the forums with room temperature IQ still complain about you every single time they get the chance while ignoring Widowmaker oneshotting from across the map for free, the nthe devs hate you and change your entire kit’s flow and hero playstyle into something infinitely boring that corrals you into playing like people who don’t know how to play Doomfist played him in Overwatch one.

It is a string of suffering. Just give me my uppercut back and leave Doomfist alone.

Bastion’s kit is so much better than it was though. Doom is one of the only champions that came out the other end this banged up comparative to every other champion that got changes.

I can only assume this is satire.

User issue. Doomfist’s kit in Overwatch 1 has literally every ability flow into eachother. If you play him enough to get used to his trajectory, he’s incredibly fun and engaging. That’s why he’s often regarded as having a high skill ceiling- it’s hard to get anything out of him if you don’t have experience with him, a lot of muscle memory, but once you get the hang of him (it doesn’t really take that long) he’s easily the funnest hero on the roster unless you genuinely prefer plinking at people from 90 miles away.

There is not a single champion in this game whose entire set of abilities all function in tandem with one another AND each has a dual usage- Doom’s entire game of figuring out which ones he’s trying to get in with, which ones he’s trying to secure a kill with, which ones he’s saving for an escape, his entire kit is a mind game. If you just use everything to kill someone your going to die immediately.

However, Overwatch 2 doomfist doesn’t have any of this, not even close. Nothing is fluid. Power block is such a boring move that I cannot believe the devs genuinely thought it was a good replacement for uppercut.

Doom not having ‘consistent bounce’ and varying trajectories is part of what makes him fun and contributes to his skill ceiling. Part of the dev’s design for him in ov2 was clearly trying to dumb his entire kit down to appeal to smoothbrains. At least all the forumheads who complain about him 24/7 are capable of playing him now though.

Dumbing a character down and removing all their combos to make them easier to access but making him so much less fun in the process is a horrible, horrible thing to do to a videogame character. It is never, ever a good thing if it takes away from the fun or core playstyle of the character.


I’m in the exact same boat. It was my number one most wanted Ov2 change. When it was announced, I was very excited. Monkeys paw.

People literally stand in front of Doomfist punches to deny his escape. He CANNOT make space as a tank, which is his primary role and goal. There is zero threat in his kit unless your already low, and his CC is laughable. I think they tried to make him Ball-esque where Ball can burst down low-health targets and secure the kill and mainly make space by displacing the enemy, but Doom doesn’t have enough CC in his kit to be like Ball at all, he is literally not even close to being useful enough to justify his low damage in his kit.

He’s not even close to being as bad as the rest of if not all of the tanks though… Orisa’s javelin deals the same damage as a fully charged Doom punch and pins, Roadhog’s hook is practically a guaranteed kill, Ball is the KING of CC, like who doesn’t have more CC than doom? D.Va? Rein? It’s laughable at best. His CC is not even close to being a threat unless your standing near a ledge or your out of position with no health.

Just give him his uppercut and old slam back. They did not need to drastically change his kit to make him a tank.

Ball is just straight up better than Doom. I am a Ball and Doom main, and in ov2 they’re not comparable. Ball’s CC from slam and fireball are so much more disruptive than a single Doom punch which at best slides someone back towards their team. Ball is rolling through the entire enemy team every what, 3 seconds? knocking everyone around? Occasionally propping everyone up with a slam? Doomfist cannot be a ‘dive tank’ when every other dive tank dive tanks better than him. There is not a single thing Doom does that other tanks cannot do better, and Ball is just levels above Tankfist by far.

It’s such a joke of an ability. I will literally always be mad that something so awful and boring replaced Uppercut.

Tell me your joking man.

Tankfist is an absolute trainwreck of a rework. Just give me normal slam, Uppercut back, sure tweak the damage since I have more health, call it a day. Sometimes the easiest solution really is the best one.


Damage Reduction while charging Rocket Punch or putting power block on Reload would be better than this bland play style that is pillowfist.

It just amazes me that they say “Doomfist has to be a tank because of his CC” then gut his CC and for what? Slow? It does nothing to dps except have them move same speed of everyone else and if you attempt on a back line chances are you not making it out. Only one it hurts is rein kinda and just helps you land hand cannons better.

Also I thought I was alone on wanting to keep old slam. This new slam trajectories is so wonky and depending on how you just you’ll get blown up before hitting the ground.

Its true, Bastion at the very least is far better than the original, just a few numbers off imo, maybe could have his self heal back but only for his armor…?

As for Doomfist to be expected when changing roles though, i think its not really unsalvagable tho, i for one think that his old kit was a bit too high-skill ceiling and a tad too hard to balance fairly with so many ways to abuse the geography of the maps and dumbing him down at least on that end is’nt a complete folly:

I think maybe with a few changes here and there on this new kit he could be a real fun hero to play, maybe reverting his shotgun damage + his new block having full mobility + less CD / toggleable / immune to frontal CC (a combination of these)

I for one think uppercut wasnt all that inspired of an ability either, specially after all the nerfs to its CC and maybe even with the CC it was kinda mid, but then again;

I have to agree with you that his block ability is actually worse, you cant even make any decent plays with it since it doesnt block any type of projectiles (eg Grav/Pulse) or CC, so its just an boring as f Zarya bubble with even less protection AND gimps your movement speed.

Doomfist in ow1 is more fun but better hero design. Just no.

Block needs to work against CC better, if deflecting hooks and stuff completely is too much than maybe just canceling the ability is a fair enough trade without stunning Doom.
If else maybe shave second off the cooldown. Also perhaps increase his handcannon damage back to where it was before if they don’t want to give punch more damage, or make it hitscan so it’s at least reliable.

Other than that, everything they have on the grill is good and is more like how I imagined DF before he came out.

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Yea, my thoughts exactly, though if they really dislike the complete frontal CC immunity,at the very least they could give him full mobility on block + maybe less movement reduction on Rocket Punch (so that its harder to tell if hes rocket punching or blocking).

But yea it does feel like hes really not quite there in the threat territory, so more dmg on his shotgun seems like a really good solution for that.

Yep, the doom we knew and loved is gone. Years of skills wasted, laid it all out here to try and help non-doom mains understand, along with how they could fix it.
They Destroyed Why People Played Doom (And How To Fix Him) - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (

very sad times for every doom main , I have been spamming him in ow (the real one) since he is gonna die and I wont be able to get the same feeling of playing this agile hero . Rip doom 2022


Doom is trash Orisa op. Bring back old mechanic and uppercut. Remove hated block. No? Orisa then; will never even look at doom. I do not like I do not want. You killed him for me. No hard feelings business is business

it feels like a lot of doom players are comparing apples with oranges when it comes to this rework. it brings us a whole new set of habits and movement techs to learn and apply to a new playstyle of bullying the hell out of the enemy team. not to even mention that this new kit definitely feels more on point for doom as a character than a backline assassin. right now I would definitely say he has some balance issues right now but he is pretty close to on point, either give him shorter CD shift + E, CC immunity during block or a bit more empowered punch damage in exchange for a smaller aoe cause that radius is bonkers.

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If you cry about doom having a 1 shot punch I really just think your bad at the game and are under diamond. He’s not hard to counter lol unless you and your team are bad.

he’s a masters doom player