My Career Profile still shows 0 competitive time

I’ve been trying to get the blizzard customer service account (@BlizzardCS) on Twitter to respond and acknowledge this is still a problem (yep, still happening to me) and they’ve just been straight up ignoring my posts for the past 5 days. I don’t expect an immediate fix on this, it’s likely something (like the PS4/5 group bug) that will take time. But it’s moments like this that really show how little Blizzard cares about its console player base, not even to acknowledge that these issues are here and that it’s frustrating for the players. It does strike me as extra shady to have posted something a month ago saying the fix was rolled out and we’d see the fix in place and then no communication since. To reiterate, I don’t expect difficult bugs to be patched immediately. But I do expect the company that wants me to spend lots of money on their store to actually listen to me and acknowledge the issues in the first place.


Well said, I could not agree with this sentiment more… this is not a crazy difficult bug. This is just something they havent prioritised and for me it genuinely affects my enjoyment of the game :frowning:


I don’t think he was lied to. I think they did fix something. I have another account that I didn’t place until recently, and it’s showing stats for role queue comp. My partner played a few comp games for the first time on his account recently too, which also has historical playtime on PC like my main, and his role queue stats are also showing up. So, it seems like maybe there’s something that is preventing the stats from appearing for accounts that placed before the fix that Craig announced, or something like that.

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Would be great if there was someone with information from blizzard who could give actual details on what was fixed/not fixed or when to expect the issue to be resolved. Guess all we can do is speculate.


Im just going to post so we have more numbers. I have over 200 comp matches played and still just my rank shows. Clearly they know about it, it’s just frustrating its taking this long to resolve.


I have over 400 played and show 0

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They do not care. Like not even a little. Season 2 will come and go and this will still be unresolved.

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I submitted a support ticket on this issue and they told me that to get a fix I had to report a bug here. I’m having the same issue on Playstation since launch. Same as OP, Overwatch 1 player on console, OW2 only shows competitive stats for Open Queue games. Disappointing that there’s been no movement or even acknowledgement from Blizzard yet.

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So, I and my partner have a few accounts between us that had no playtime on OW2 until after Oct 18, and those are all consistently showing role queue stats. Also, early in the season, when I looked at my game reports, it would show my average stats (in the lower right of each stat card) as just the average for whatever match I was looking at, but now it seems to show averages that are plausible as season averages.

My guess is that the stats actually are being counted somewhere, but there’s something that’s still preventing them from displaying properly if you had comp playtime before the fix. My prediction is that we will see competitive role queue stats normally in season 2. Dunno if we’ll ever get our season 1 stats tho.

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I’ve been playing comp since launch and have absolutely no stats for the current season. It kinda sucks lol


Played over 100 hours comp this seasonstill blank career profile/stats current season. Infuriating to say the least

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I have the same issue with competitive stats not updating after switching platforms.

I played Overwatch 1 on PS5, and merged/linked accounts before Overwatch 2 launched. My account seems to have merged properly as I have all my old skins, comp was unlocked for OW2, and some old OW1 stats are still showing up. My PSN shows up as linked in as well.

I started on PS5 and got to the first 7 wins, placed in Bronze 5 playing support only. I switched to PC after that and no games or stats are recording on PC at all. I’ve been though a few 7 win updates on support and tank and still show Bronze 5 each time with 0 games played, 0 games won.

Maybe I’m supposed to be Bronze 5, but I can’t see win rates or any other stats that would help me understand if I’m supposed to be here or not. I’m not amazing, but don’t think I’m worst rank in the game levels of bad and the non-updating stats seem likely related.


I think everyone who can’t see that console stats is seeing the PC records. For most of us have stuck to console only that means 0 hours show because we are not placed on PC.

Seems like a simple enough fix, I’m just not sure Blizzard have actually confirmed this is as the issue.


This would not bother me, if it was QP stats missing. However, this is not the case…I play ~95% competitive role queue and not being able to see my stats puts me at a “competitive” disadvantage (pun intended). I have always used the stats as a mechanism to know which characters I can actually climb with and which characters are a throw pick for me. To climb, I have always played mostly the characters I have above 50% win rates with. Without being able to see my stats, I have no ******* clue which characters those are…please fix this ASAP!


After the October 18th fix didn’t repair the issue for me, I posted a separate bug forum post. After I noticed the bug report forum had been abandoned (when’s the last time the known issues list was updated?), I submitted a ticket.

After a few weeks of going back and forth with different customer service people, I finally got one who indicated the engineer team believed this issue was already fixed, and to let them know if I still had the issue as it may be account specific.

I let them know it was still an issue. Hopefully this has been brought to the engineer team’s attention, but not holding my breath.

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Blizzard doesn’t care.

Too busy making skins to sell and focusing on streamers and OWL.

Basic features have been removed or broken and they can’t be bothered to fix them. Hell, people haven’t even gotten their $20 of credits from the Watchpoint Pack that they PAID for.



I think the issue is related to how the stats are being categorized. I got frustrated with this and started looking at the Comp Stats but include all seasons. From there I see that my win % for Bap shifted and included 3 new wins. So I am curious to know if the bug is that it isn’t flagging the stats to a specific season and just going into a generic “Comp” category. It still is a HUGE pain, and wish they would fix it.

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same here, competitive stats not updating on PC.

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Same here. Still that way. Says ive played 15 min comp. Just unlocked cyberdemon title. ALL comp play. Over 50 Hours.

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Yeah, I see reasonable-looking season averages in the game reports, so I think my stats actually are being recorded now. It’s just not showing them for some reason.

Maybe I should play a couple of comp games on PC and see if those stats show up anywhere.