My Career Profile still shows 0 competitive time

Please any update from the devs… pls… pls. Pls? Pleeease? Please. Pwease. Puh-lease.


Same still didnt recover more then 3000 hours in game …


Still missing a ton of hours on comp. Seasons 3 -33 are still missing. This is truly a joke on their part.


woah they’ve had this bug for months? i thought it was recent when it happened to my account. any updates at all?


The OW1 seasons not being present is intentional. They’re only keeping the last 6 seasons in the career profile. The gameplay time stats are supposed to include your whole OW history, but the per-mode totals seem to only cover the recent seasons.

From what I can tell, the bug seems to be that the stats from the wrong platform are being surfaced. I’m not sure what triggers it, but it seems like it’s possible for console stats to be incorrectly surfaced on PC or vice versa.

In Season 1, there was a bug where console stats weren’t being counted for a while because it was trying to collect PC stats instead or something, and they fixed the collection issue, but I think it caused everyone who played competitive on console before it was fixed to get stuck with their PC stats showing on console for Season 1. (Since the vast majority of us don’t play on PC, it just looks like no stats.) For me, it was “fixed” in Season 2, but I think that’s it’s just that the bug only impacts a single season.

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210 days btw.
210 days since this game was released.
210 days without fixing this depressing issue

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Yep… I’ve posted about it nearly every week since ow2 released. I will not let this slip under the rug. I lost over 1000 hours between characters… So incredibly disheartening.


Another patch, another heartbreaking omission once again ignoring this saddening issue…


Personally, the loss of seven years’ worth of cosmetics, achievements, and playtime data is a tad bit more than saddening…


This. ----------------^------------------------

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Same here. I’ve probably played around 50 competitive matches on my PC and there is no record of them on my career profile.

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Imagine the audacity of the developers for blaming the cancellation of PvE on constant attention to PvP, and then STILL NOT FIXING THIS!!! Like are you guys absolutely insane?! This game has been out half a year, and this is still a bug?!


One more (probably pointless) beg to the developers for an update on this? Please? Please

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Oh look, another Update and no addressing the career profile issue. Wild. You’re killing it guys.

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To everyone still experiencing this bug like myself, your stats are being tracked somewhere. I was able to see mine on Overbuff even though my career profile refuses to update role queue stats and instead displays the stats from the one game I played on console. There’s hope!


Why don’t the developers give any updates, they have abandoned the game?

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Bumping up this post.

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Good news: Aaron Keller officially acknowledged the career profile bug in a recent twitter reply, saying that they’re hoping to have a fix in for this in the mid season release in early September.

Link here:

Link to the competitive bugs megathread for anyone experiencing issues with their competitive career profile as well: The Competitive Bugs Megathread.

I’m angry with myself that I dared to dream this was getting fixed in yesterdays patch.

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I am disappointed in myself for not learning to not get my hopes up for these bug fixes.

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