My BRONZE support only gains 6 SR per WIN

I think I broke the game. I have a smurf that is only Bronze in support, but for the past 2 games even though I pop off and win the game with gold elims and gold dmg, I’m only gaining 4-6 SR per win.

Yes this is actually a thing. Imagine you have a smurf in Bronze, but you decide to finally move the smurf out of Bronze and try really hard, but you literally only gain 6 SR per victory. I’ve never seen this before. It’s like the game wants you to keep smurfing in lower SR and ruin more matches.


You get punished in SR for playing support as DPS which is ridiculous. You have to carry to get out of lower ranks as a support. You can heal and damage boost all day on mercy with diamond game sense, and make no consequence if your DPS cant hit the wall in front of them.


No you don’t. You get what you get for performance relative to every other person, there is no “punishment”. The more there are of each character, the harder it is to gain. Has nothing to do with being a Support or Tank vs. DPS.

Why are we smurfing? Stop that.


At least you know what your +/- is. When your account made the devs angry and they rigg you to perma the <500, you’re not even given any pbsr feedback. I could win 10 in a row and still be <500. So why tryhard ever? Ranked comp is broken. The ladder season1 is 4+ years old and filled with alts. Join the many who have figured out that trying to win is less fun than playing for fun and maybe winning.

Join us in the <500 and boycott their ranks.

The amount of games you threw to get there must have really screwed with your hidden mmr, especially since throwing implies you arent healing or doing damage so you lose. So blizzard probably thinks you suck because the data they have on you so far suggests you are pretty bad.


Fun fact:
Supports are not DPS.
You belong in bronze if your DPSing as support.

Try playing to support your team, you are damaging your own SR gains and the gains of your enemies.

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That’s what happens when the devs try to control FAR more than they ever need to.

Turn all that MMR crap off. Make random games by SR. That’s what i say.

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Are there still players who think the most important thing in matchmaking is skillrating?

The matchmaker has classified your account as untrustworthy and creates games in which there are also mostly untrustworthy players.
In Bronze there are quite a few of these players with whom you are now being compared.

How well you perform compared to other players with the same attributes determines how much SR you receive.


I placed in Bronze so I’m just a bad supp apparently

One-tricking Baptiste, and hard pocketing your tanks is the best thing you can do to climb out of low ranks.
Because his grenades can heal more than one tank per shot, and because he can stack his AOE heal on top of that, Baptiste can consistently heal 130+ in the tank line. On top of that, his immortality field can save both tanks, so he can heal even more over the course of the fight. His ult DOUBLES his primary fire healing per shot, so you really can enable a feed-to-win team.

Even if the enemy team gets wise, and tries to focus you down, you can use your gun to defend yourself.

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you gain really low sr when you get games that are pretty much a guatenteed win. Once you get games with other alt accounts/dbag smurfs u should theoretically gain more

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in extremely low elo (500-700 SR) performance based SR is very very strong. Win with good stats (for support the relevant stats are healing/10, deaths/10 and assists) and I’ve had accounts in the past get 50 SR per win.

I assume if you don’t bump the righr stats in contrast you can get as little as 10 SR or even less like in your case bwcause I assume they do a weighted average of the stats, healing and assists counting a ton and damage and elims also counting but relatively little.

this is the most stupid thing I’ve read all day. Literally it’s wrong on so many levels and you are admitting that support’s only role is healing. Ever wondered why they’re called SUPPORTS and not healers? With this mentality, you will plateau in mid plat and be hard stuck there forever.

Your job as support is:

  • heal
  • facilitate DPS (either with pocket, or with Nano-Boost, or with Discord Orb etc.)
  • pocket tanks when they are making a play
  • fend off flankers or at least stall them until help arrives
  • DPS in the idle time when everyone has a high amount of HP (id your Rein has full shield and 400 HP and the enemy is regrouping still, you should prioritize a few shots on the enemy over immediately healing your Rein for example.

Not doing DPS with support makes you rather useless as support as well. Supports in OW is built on the concept of balancing heal versus damage. You can’t simply just go with just heal OR damage.

The more damage you do or more specifically, the more effective damage you do the less you have to heal. For example, hitting a pharah flying around with Ana will make her deal much much less damage in that game and deny her quite a bit of space and force her into more passive positions rather than flanking ones which obviously makes it much easier for the rest of your team to deal with her.
You don’t have to kill her, just hit her once if no mercy is around whenever she is in LoS or hit the mercy once if it’s a pharmercy to force them back behind cover.

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GET GUD!!! Or quit playing rambone with support.

This guy has multiple accounts and throws on all of them. Anything he says should be taken with a grain of salt. Yes, I have played in games with him in the less than 500 bracket, but it was over 4 years ago and I just hit 2800!


I get that Supports are able to counter some heroes and finish or tidy up after a fight.

But OP is talking like they are playing as a main DPS with “gold dmg”

Like wut?

Wait do you are a high plat dps and just a r e a l l y bad support then wtf

OP or the guy you replied to?

Are you high or blind? im curious as to which.

I never refered to supports as healers and i never said a supports only role is to heal, are you delusional?

Im already aware of how to support a team, I have even summerised the key fundimentals in great detail on the forums.

Your assumptions are very toxic and i hope you find help. :slight_smile: