My BRONZE support only gains 6 SR per WIN

From what I’ve seen what he said describes the guy he replied too pretty accurately.

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you’re in bronze because you constantly throw matches. end of.


The guy I replied too. Why else reply to him?

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Flagged because you can’t join into threads to make untrue and unverifiable personal attacks. It’s trashy and needs to go. I didn’t play 4 years ago, and I certainly wasn’t <500 when I started in 2017. I did beta test OW but skipped the lauch years.

More personal attacks. More thread derailing. Flagged for trolling. You need to go also. No one is throwing in my games.

Post a replay code with evidence of this <500 “throwing” to back up your statements. No surpise coming from the no-math schill mafia who demand evidence of bad matchmaking but slap character attacks around like it’s a job.

I’m in bronze because it’s the best rank and I never have to throw to stay there. I get hard matches vs. people way better than me, and they’re also <500. No one throws, we’re just bad.

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You say that like none of us ever watched you stream back when you linked it


Let this be the only food this troll consumes! Do not bother replying to a guy who threw his way to bottom 500. If you read my post and weren’t just trolling you could tell I can’t do that. I’m in high plat now.


My stream from over a year ago still has like 6 views. And those were vods of griefed/blown matches with leavers and go-next ideas.

Post a replay code with me throwing or we’re done, thanks.

It’s always funny to me how people like him who actively try to make everyone the enemy act so shocked when they’re called out. Could it possibly be that outward hostility can make it easy to notice who the real problem is? I’d say so. Gotta love the groups who complain about throwers yet throw in their games too.

Indeed let us create a famine for the trolls until they exist no longer!

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Right so you know what I’m talking about. Stop doing that.


There are three kinds of people ruining overwatch right now. The people who are abusive outwardly (throwers are in this category). The people who falsely report the abused. The people who maintain the customer support/enable this behavior.

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And that lovely troll is somehow managing to fit all three at the same time.

Check this guys posts out. Hes been “falsely accused of hacking” “falsely accused of throwing” and “falsely accused of being toxic/falsely muted”

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Idk maybe you were telling that guy not to listen to OP

Oh I’ve seen plenty from him. For someone who acts so toxic on the forums, I doubt he’s been falsely reported for anything. If anything he likely falsely reports people for not agreeing with him just as much as anyone.

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I think you may be right.

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You didn’t break the game thats normal. It’s because you were hard throwing your past X games that your internal MMR is in the dirt. I’m about to massively oversimplify and before anyone gives me the “well akshually” speech I know this isn’t how it works from a technical standpoint but it is how you can think about it in practice.

If you think of it as an average performance, 100 being a performance worthy of gaining 100 SR because you smurfed so hard, and 0 being hard throwing, your past 50 games were 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0…100 100 100. If you average that together you get 6. That’s why you aren’t getting any SR. if you keep giving those 100 SR performances then each time one of your old 0 performances will be replaced with the 100s, so basically every game you play you will get higher SR gains. 6 this game, 8 the next, 15 after that, 30 after that, soon enough you will be getting like 80 SR a game (assuming you are smurfing from rather high up)

TL;DR if you give it some time the system will figure it out


too much throwing? try more games and MMR will kick up

Performance based SR is a thing. If your healing stats on support is lower than average, you gain less SR, even if you DPS on support and kill everyone. Unfortunately you’re going to have to do both to get out.

Thanks for the comments everyone. It looks like I’m gaining the normal amount of SR again. It was super interesting to figure out why it was happening. :smiley:


If you are gaining less SR per win that means you are not doing what you are supposed to. As a support player, your primary focus should be to keep your team alive instead of doing damage yourself. Do damage only when someone is focusing you or you see that the team is doing very well. Try that and see what difference it makes to your SR gain.