šŸŒ My 4.0 Supportmetra Concept, we need more Supports!

Man, how come is it when I make a massive essay on rebalancing Symm, itā€™s met with animosity and derision, but when other people do, thereā€™s actual discussion going on?

Venting aside, I really like the amount of thought you put into this. I especially like the idea of Teleporter and Turrets using the same resource as each other, and that you try to make her more focused on preventing one-shots than mitigating focus fire.

Just the teleporter change to make it require special ammo and have multiples up at the same time alongside shield gen seems like itā€™d be a great idea, because even with the nerfed turrets youā€™d actually be able to peel for it.

Still, I wouldnā€™t trade my teleporting/flying turrets for the world. I miss when you could teleport all three of them behind an enemy and usually guarantee a kill on anyone that didnā€™t know how to melee.

I donā€™t really care how Symm is categorized, but I always felt like the extra health provided by shield generator/photon barrier should still count as support in some way. After all, the shields push your HP farther from 0 just like every other form of healing.

I must revive this thread. And no, Iā€™m not going for a quality necro. I actually like this idea.

For anyone who wanted to see the photon shield, the code is

I donā€™t support most necros, but this is a post I donā€™t want to see fade into obscurity.

This Sym concept is gold! What I personally want from the hero. That may be selfish, but itā€™s my opinion, and Iā€™m excited to know that the devs are working on stuff behind the scenes.

I hope they keep Symmetra as dps. And instead make another Vishkar support for you guys. Or the option for the same hero to pick a role like Symmetra being able to pick dps or support with different weapon and ability builds.

Still working on my own take, but used this same one (albeit on the Defensive example of the Suppmetra vs. Symfence). I especially liked that you could have the orbs sort of ā€œcomboā€ against unwary enemies, with the earlier, slower one arriving at the same time as a later, faster one.