Murdered Mercy, now D.Va?

The point was to make her weaker. And she is. But she is still very viable. Rumors of her death are greatly exaggerated.

I did bother me that the one nerf wasn’t announced earlier, but as Jeff explained it was a mistake.

lol, so now Dva can’t just look at you and kill you if you are 200 hp. please go be in the shoes of mccree or hanzo or ana when a dva charge though 2 tanks and just sit on you and kill you.

Dva has been murdered like 5 times already, I’d be genuinely surprised if she stopped being meta, after dominating the dame since like season 2.

Where did I say she shouldn’t have been nerfed?

tldr version of my last post: different dps being good incentivize diffrent play styles a lot more than tanks do so making dps all on a level playing field is the key to making the meta so no one strategy is the most common. It doesn’t get as much credit as it should.

Edit: and when I mean being good I mean in comparison to there dps counterparts. If one is doing good and another isn’t than of course the one that struggles playstyle is going to be harder to play thus making the strategy imbalance bigger.

D.Va megathread incoming.

She really needed the tuning down to make her less of a must-pick given her mobility and damage.

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you want her to be able to create space, which she still can. but now she just can’t go flat out go behind enemy lines to murder people w/o any punishment. D’va will still do her job, but she will have to exercise more caution because she can’t just kill someone immediately making the fights 6 vs 5 in 1 second.

Sorry but I have a lot of hours on Mercy, she was OP no doubt, sure, she doesn’t feel to good to play but that doesn’t mean that she is trash
Also, if you think that others supports are better than her, why are you still playing her? The true is that she is still powerful despite being the most easy character of the game, and this comes from a Mercy main too

If a character doesn’t feel good to play there’s an issue. But everyone’s just on about pick and win rates as if that’s the only thing that matters. It’s a game, it should be fun, everything else is secondary, or at least should be.

I stopped playing Mercy after they added slow to res, she’s dead as far as I’m concerned.

I think you can acknowledge however that there is a difference between dead because you don’t want to play the character and dead because the character is factually underpowered(very hard to play).

Like Ana is still my second favorite character but to me she’s “dead” not only because she has unfun mechanics but these unfun mechanics actually make her a terrible character and make me lose in a lot of situations. There are many characters in the game that would kill to be in Mercy’s “death” state.

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If you’re actually going to use that argument why not at least make sure you’re correct? OWL Stage 1 Mercy’s pickrate was 96%. D.Va’s in the entirety of OWL has been 95%. Tracer hasn’t really gone above 80%, while Genji hasn’t even reached 40% at any point. Also, Mercy is still the second most picked healer in OWL since the nerfs, because she is still bloody good. While this D.Va nerf is practically meaningless and will not change a thing about her pro pick rate. D.Va should absolutely not be left alone. She has been broken OP for like a year and a half now (with like a two week period where she was actually balanced about a year ago) and it’s about bloody time Blizzard does something about it instead of being afraid of backlash from the weirdos that D.Va attracts into maining so much.

Yeah certainly, I just find there’s too much focus on repeating numbers as if that’s all there is to a game. I mean for competitive that’s more relevant but competitive is not the only thing that should matter, just give is more options to play the game and have fun.

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Yeah I think after the next few reworks they should definitely work on the “fun” factor for certain characters. Like I think Mercy could do with an instant res during Valk or just giving her another E ability.

There are certain characters like Brigitte who by nature are “unfun” to play against due to her cooldowns being so low. Idk if Blizz will tackle these issues though because they relate directly to balance. I definitely agree that characters being fun should be the primary goal even over them being meta.

Oh my word, the drama is so insane😂

Mercy is not trash, and neither is Dva. Your acting as if she is ruined when she clearly isn’t.

Man, the nerve of some people.

I hope this is a joke, Dva is still one of the best heroes in the game, don’t you worry your pretty little head off you’ll still see plenty of her in comp and the owl

I definitely think they could have handled nerfs it a better way that would have been more fun, there were lots of threads about it in late October. But also, I think part of it is that you can never have the same balance for everyone, at all skill levels, and giving people more choices how they want to play is good. People have different ideas of fun, and outside of competitive it doesn’t really matter if balance is perfect, but rather that people can choose what they prefer.

Ana’s ultimate does not support herself and her team.

Furthermore, the effectiveness of Nano Boost is wholly reliant on whether or not the person being boosted can actually get value from it or not.

You don’t get a self-sustain buff when you use Nano Boost.

Your shots can still be blocked by allies & barriers.

You will still die to the war of attrition due to Ana not having a passive or reliable self-sustain mechanic outside of using the strongest ability in her arsenal.

Regardless, as a Support Ultimate, Nano Boost is a glorified Fortify + Damage Boost to a target.

Nano Boost doesn’t actually kill the targets, it’s usually the ultimate or primary fire it’s partnered up with that actually eliminates the enemy.

Sure, Valkyrie might not feel as impactful, but at least Mercy can support her entire team vs. one person.

An ult…on a 30 cd
No, no no no
It is not an ult, it’s not like an ult, it will never be an ult again

How are either of them dead when they’re still highly used? So privileged.

because they’re not Mega God SS+ Tier, clearly