Murdered Mercy, now D.Va?

Thank you, there are a lot more things influencing pick rates and win rates.
It is a team game after all.


From perspective of a non-dva player… I don’t think she needed a nerf. She seemed pretty balanced even though I hated the flying into me with rockets and matrix kills

There are tons of female heroes.

Aka she’s really strong

The number of people out there with disabilities is I’m sure tiny

So she’s really strong, what’s the problem again? She’s picked because she’s an S tier hero along with DVa and Moira.

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2 damage a problem? …

yes they did, so what?! you’re gonna report em?! or tell the police?!

You and I completely agree with each other! You feel they murdered Dva exactly as much as they murdered Mercy!

That is to say, both are very much still alive and kicking. And enjoying their high pick rates.

Explain her constantly being subbed in for lucio in OWL and her decent pickrate in OWL then?

Her ultimate is not strong, that is the problem. She has an ult that any support could do better. Being a good single target healer does not mean strong, it’s just much easier to do that than be an aoe or have to aim like ana.
Ton of female heroes, I agree, but it is a well known fact that Mercy is mostly played by women. Please c’mon, don’t ignore things that legit have statistics behind them and are basically a stereotype because of how often they happen

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Yeah then she has something that’s like an ult on a 30 second cd to make up for it.

The only stat I’ve referred to is how often she’s played because of how strong she is. I don’t know what other stat I’m ignoring.

i sure hope there were roadhog topics like this when he was actually murdered

Can you be any more dramatic? Maybe write a play about Jeff the Ripper who goes on a killing spree after he drew first blood from his first victim, simple townsgirl Mercy.

Were you not around in those days? The forum was completely flooded with hog posts. Most laughing at someone elses main getting nerfed, and some claiming just how dead hog was. Kind of like whenever Dva gets nerffed to be honest (minus this latest one. Don’t see too many laughing, just downplaying)

I wasn’t which is why I asked, moreover shocked of the massive overreactions on characters that actually arent dead

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Honestly, this is why we need downvotes.

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What can’t Mercy do now that she could before? Spam rez? Yeah, sounds about right.

You don’t pick as a “real Tank” she is picked because her burst potential that now got nerfed by 30% two straight nerfs and one of them didn’t got announced.

It’s not doomsday but the damage drop is significant. All your damage never hit a target to begin with so reducing the flat damage is like a double dip in damage reduction. Also the boop nerf is big because that extra bit of damage is what would have put the burst over the top to get the kill. The burst really is neutered. Denying that is just saying you don’t really play dva. As people start to realize that she really is needed in most situations and other tanks bring more to the table her pick rate will drop more. Right now she is still looked at as filler or a safe pick. She will still be but she won’t be the best pick for every comp which is the purpose of the nerf.

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Genji got 3 big harsh nerfs when he was D tier.

Despite having 20-30% pick rate and several no skill counter heroes, low rank support mains still want nerfs to hitbox of SS, Deflect, Dragonblade, and some other nerfs to double jump and crap.

D.Va mains and support mains are oblivious to how powerful their heroes are and always blame dps for them getting nerfed from 80%+ pick rates.

Yeah people don’t understand this burst let her create space. It let her dive on turrets. Make a key pick. Dva was a play maker. Now that she isn’t she is left with a pretty mediocre tanking kit. It wasn’t just a nerfing if burst. It’s a nerfing of her ability to make plays. It will take some adjusting but as time goes on I feel like her value will be lower and lower. There are better tanking kits and roadhog provides better burst and play making potential. So unless you comp needs the mobility I’m not seeing her being a default pick which is what is supposed to happen

And why are they powerful over there other tank counterparts? One word synergy. Why does the dive synergy do better than one focused around Rein? Simple the dps that make up dive comps are in a better state than the dps outside it. Make picking Genji and Bastion a real debate and than you also make all the tanks equally as pickable without touching the tanks in the slightest. Make the dps canablizing its own role less would be the single best change they could make to the game as it would open so much more than any tank change would.