Mtchmaking is still rigged

I will add -

What in heck is the point of placement matches, the system clearly lets the stink remain season to season. A full on MMR/SR reset should happen each season.

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MMR and SR resets are most likely (99.999999% probability) not going to happen, as they are riddled with issues and wouldn’t make anything better at all. This was basically confirmed recently by Geoff Goodman in an interview with Seagull (who agreed, by the way).

As for what placement matches are for; placement matches essentially exist as a jumping off point. They’re there for new or returning players to get back into competitive without having say a stigma of being a ‘no ranker’ or some such. They also serve to distribute competitive points and sprays for playing at any given time and to just mark the passage of time and game balance as it changes.

It’s a fact, as witnessed by the entire community who’s been saying this for two years now. It’s so obvious when your fake streak kicks in, whether it’s win or loss.

I think the FTC needs to take a look at this “Comp” system.

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Those all sound frankly like weak reasons tbh, no offense. If this is truly about SR, then either reset it, or just do away with placement matches. They just don’t serve any concrete purpose.

Actually they don’t put you against higher teams they group you with people who keep losing thinking that YOU can push their rank. It’s not rewarding you by putting you against better skilled teams its punishing you by putting you with bad players the system thinks needs help pushing

Please let this thread die already.
The title is a lie from a misinformed player.
Also it’s almost half a year old.

You sound like a salty blizzard fanboi

Nope, far from salty, nor am I a fanboy.

Just seeing what is reality unlike you.

It’s probability. The more you win, the higher chances you will lose. The more you lose, the more likely you are to win.

It’s just reality. You won’t always win, and you won’t always lose. You should just be trying to win more than you lose.

Hmmm… what people mainly get upset about is that it doesn’t feel like a smooth progression in the least. The abrupt changes in team skill and abilities points to some kind of deficits in the MMR/SR system. Its a little too easy to just dismiss as salty, bad players all the time, or not a basic grasp of statistics.


Blizzard “matchmaking” is designed to do one thing and one thing only – ensure a complete and utter stomp by always putting the best six players together on one side and the worst six on the other. Every. Single. Game.

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True. It doesn’t. You can have massive upswings and downswings and it can all feel… jolting.

There is a definite Human element to this game. The game does put people together with similar skill levels, but what skill these people have is randomized. In a team of 6 Gold players, they will likely play whomever they main at the level required, but what they main is a major factor. A team of 6 with a balanced skillset of different roles will have a major advantage over a team of 6 with 4 support mains and 2 others who can sorta “play anything”. Technically they are the same skill, but team feasibility is another issue. You then have the Human element of personalities, attitudes, and intent.

Role Queue is seen to fix a lot of the issue of what players you’ll get as far as what roles they play. The Human Element will always be there however.

I do believe that in most cases people do things that cause them to be in the rank that they are in. Smurfs, Throwers, Leavers, and Trolls exist in every part of this game. There is no way that these instances occur in such a degree of regularity to consistently deny someone their actual rank. More often than not, whom these people claim is a smurf or a troll could be subjective and in error. A good player may just be having a good match, not a smurf. Someone who only plays Symmetra, may be someone who really only plays Symmetra, not a troll. The Human Element of “intent” is what I’m talking about here. These players I described above are not necessarily part of this “Smurf/Troll” issue, but may very well be perceived to be and thus distorts a players perception of their games overall.

I climbed from Low Plat to Master’s. There were toxic people, leavers, throwers, and trolls who’d jump off the map all along the way. I still made it because I grew as a player. My consistency outmatched those occurrences to such a degree I climbed over time. I sit in 3400-3600. I never go higher or lower. I don’t claim to be “stuck” and certainly no troll/leaver keeps me there. It’s just where I belong as a player.

It’s… not about SR. that was my entire point.

And… no they’re not going to do that, because even if the reasons are weak, they are still reasons, things that are solved by having placement matches, and it isn’t as if placement matches create any problems themselves except for making people beg for seasonal SR resets that are never going to happen.

Proof? And no, stating “just look for yourself” doesn’t count. I see no reason to believe that what you suggest happens on purpose. Not to say you won’t accidentally get put with players worse than the system thinks (I’ll never claim it’s perfect) but there is no reason they’d do it purposefully.

Happens all the time and it’s so obvious. Something seriously F’d with this game.

I might just come back if they launch OW 2.0 and finally fix this trash heap of a Comp system.

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I tried looking for the blue post but it’s hard to find now but there was a post explaining this. Not only are 50/50 w/l ratios a part of the game but so is putting you with teams that need help gaining rating because you’re winning a lot and they’re losing a lot means you have a 50/50 chance of winning the next game for them. I’m not just arbitrarily making it up, I know you don’t want to take my work for it but there are multiple algorithms in place that determine a lot of factors. My point is with so many algorithms it’s become less about skill and more about chance.

This blue post from Scott Mercer contradicts that. The problem in this forum is that there are so many toxic players that believe the whole “rigged” nonsense because they aren’t mature enough to handle playing team-reliant games.

Just look at these two players try to prove “rigged matchmaking” on video:

(This player even had the gall to name his videos “Near-Perfect Ana/Mercy/Moira gameplay”, he ended up changing the video names later)

You can imagine that the topic creator here, and a certain other poster in this topic who has been spamming “rigged” and how he always gets “potato teammates” when he’s winning intentionally to drop his rank are both like the two players shown in video above: a quick tilter and unable to focus, and a bad teammate.


You misunderstood the developers’ comments on this.

They didn’t say they were trying to make your win/loss ratio a 50/50. They said they’re trying to make your individual games a statistically 50/50 chance of winning (or at least as close as they can get) so it is as competitive as possible and comes down to who plays better in that specific game.

Something they did explicitly say, however, was that Forced 50/50 is NOT a thing, and the fact that many players have a win ratio around 50% is something they are proud of because it means that their matchmaking is determining their skill accurately enough for the games to be generally evenly matched.

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People keep saying this…but the only time a losing streak of 5+, and not just a loss or two after winning too much, has happened to me was when I paired with a freshly graduated 25 to comp. Maybe it’s because it’s just gold and I only played for 24 hrs worth of season matches, but outside of those 10 placements from the level 25, I haven’t been able to replicate this complaint at all.

Is this happening in solo-queue/PUG or are you stacking via LFG?

You can say whatever you want,i came here to win games in competitive , not to deal with the 50-50 sht , i am not your cup of tea where i always perform my optimal gameplay to my teammates to lose.

If you want to win more games, grow up, clear your mind, and learn to actually trust people. A lot of the time, just doing that goes a very long way.